


As of May 2024 this project is being used in CI for existing SDKs. As such, it has a stable API exposed via a Github Action.

Complement Crypto is an end-to-end test suite for next generation Matrix clients, designed to test the full spectrum of E2EE APIs. It currently tests rust SDK FFI bindings and JS SDK, but can be expanded to support any client SDK.


Please ensure you have met Complement's Dependencies first. In practice, this means you must have go, docker and libolm installed.

Complement Crypto can be compiled and run in different modes depending on which SDK is being tested. For example, if you only want to test JS SDK then you do not need to compile rust code or run rust tests, and vice versa. Conversely, if you want to test interoperability between the two SDKs then you need to compile both SDKs.

This means you MUST compile at least 1 SDK in order for Complement-Crypto to compile and run.


Run ./rebuild_js_sdk.sh according to its help page:

Rebuild the version of JS SDK used. (requires on PATH: yarn)
Usage: ./rebuild_js_sdk.sh [version]
  [version]: the yarn/npm package to use. This is fed directly into 'yarn add' so branches/commits can be used

  Install a released version:    ./rebuild_js_sdk.sh matrix-js-sdk@29.1.0
  Install develop branch:        ./rebuild_js_sdk.sh matrix-js-sdk@https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-js-sdk#develop
  Install specific commit:       ./rebuild_js_sdk.sh matrix-js-sdk@https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-js-sdk#36c958642cda08d32bc19c2303ebdfca470d03c1
  Install from a local checkout: ./rebuild_js_sdk.sh matrix-js-sdk@file:/path/to/local/js/sdk"

Rust SDK


Run ./rebuild_rust_sdk.sh according to its help page:

Rebuild the version of rust SDK used. Execute this inside the complement-crypto directory. (requires on PATH: uniffi-bindgen-go, cargo, git)
Usage: ./rebuild_rust_sdk.sh [version|directory]
  [version]: the rust SDK git repo and branch|tag to use. Syntax: '$HTTPS_URL@$TAG|$BRANCH'
             Stores repository in $PWD/_temp_rust_sdk
  [directory]: the local rust SDK checkout to use.

  Install main branch:  ./rebuild_rust_sdk.sh https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-rust-sdk@main
  Install 0.7.1 tag:    ./rebuild_rust_sdk.sh https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-rust-sdk@0.7.1
  Install ./rust-sdk    ./rebuild_rust_sdk.sh ./rust-sdk

[directory] is determined if the first character is a '.' or '/'. If neither, it is assumed to be a [version]
The [version] is split into the URL and TAG|BRANCH then fed directly into 'git clone --depth 1 --branch <tag_name> <repo_url>'


Find a complement-compatible homeserver image. If you don't care which image is used, use ghcr.io/matrix-org/synapse-service:v1.114.0 which will Just Work out-of-the-box.

To run only rust tests:

COMPLEMENT_BASE_IMAGE=ghcr.io/matrix-org/synapse-service:v1.114.0 \
LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/matrix-rust-sdk/target/debug \
go test -v -count=1 -tags=rust -timeout 15m ./tests

To run only JS tests:

COMPLEMENT_BASE_IMAGE=ghcr.io/matrix-org/synapse-service:v1.114.0 \
go test -v -count=1 -tags=jssdk -timeout 15m ./tests

COMPLEMENT_CRYPTO_TEST_CLIENT_MATRIX controls which SDK is used to create test clients, and the -tags option controls conditional compilation so other SDKs don't need to be compiled for the tests to run.

To test interoperability between the SDKs, mitmdump the traffic, run extra multiprocess tests and more, see ENVIRONMENT.md for the full configuration options.

See FAQ.md for more information around debugging.

Test hitlist

There is an exhaustive set of tests that this repository aims to exercise. See TEST_HITLIST.md.


Tests sometimes require reverse proxy interception to let some requests pass through but not others. For this, we use mitmproxy.

     Host        |       Containers
 +----------+    |    +-----------+         +-----+
 | Go tests | <--|--> | mitmproxy | <--+--> | hs1 |
 +----------+    |    +-----------+    |    +-----+
      |          |       ^             +--> | hs2 |
  +---V--------+ |       |                  +-----+
  | RPC Client |-|-------`
  +------------+ |    


Complement-Crypto extends the existing Complement test suite to support full end-to-end testing of the Matrix Rust SDK. End-to-end testing is defined at the FFI / JS SDK layer through to a real homeserver, a real sliding sync proxy, real federation, to another rust SDK on FFI / JS SDK.




Github Action

To run tests for a single SDK, insert this action:

        name: "Run Complement Crypto tests"
        uses: matrix-org/complement-crypto/.github/workflows/single_sdk_tests.yml@main
            use_js_sdk: "." # example is for JS SDK, use the current checkout

The complete options for with: are as follows: