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Matrix JavaScript SDK

This is the Matrix Client-Server SDK for JavaScript and TypeScript. This SDK can be run in a browser or in Node.js.

Minimum Matrix server version: v1.1

The Matrix specification is constantly evolving - while this SDK aims for maximum backwards compatibility, it only guarantees that a feature will be supported for at least 4 spec releases. For example, if a feature the js-sdk supports is removed in v1.4 then the feature is eligible for removal from the SDK when v1.8 is released. This SDK has no guarantee on implementing all features of any particular spec release, currently. This can mean that the SDK will call endpoints from before Matrix 1.1, for example.


[!IMPORTANT] Servers may require or use authenticated endpoints for media (images, files, avatars, etc). See the Authenticated Media section for information on how to enable support for this.

Using yarn instead of npm is recommended. Please see the Yarn install guide if you do not have it already.

yarn add matrix-js-sdk

import * as sdk from "matrix-js-sdk";
const client = sdk.createClient({ baseUrl: "https://matrix.org" });
client.publicRooms(function (err, data) {
    console.log("Public Rooms: %s", JSON.stringify(data));

See below for how to include libolm to enable end-to-end-encryption. Please check the Node.js terminal app for a more complex example.

To start the client:

await client.startClient({ initialSyncLimit: 10 });

You can perform a call to /sync to get the current state of the client:

client.once(ClientEvent.sync, function (state, prevState, res) {
    if (state === "PREPARED") {
    } else {

To send a message:

const content = {
    body: "message text",
    msgtype: "m.text",
client.sendEvent("roomId", "m.room.message", content, "", (err, res) => {

To listen for message events:

client.on(RoomEvent.Timeline, function (event, room, toStartOfTimeline) {
    if (event.getType() !== "m.room.message") {
        return; // only use messages

By default, the matrix-js-sdk client uses the MemoryStore to store events as they are received. For example to iterate through the currently stored timeline for a room:

Object.keys(client.store.rooms).forEach((roomId) => {
    client.getRoom(roomId).timeline.forEach((t) => {

Authenticated media

Servers supporting MSC3916 (Matrix 1.11) will require clients, like yours, to include an Authorization header when /downloading or /thumbnailing media. For NodeJS environments this may be as easy as the following code snippet, though web browsers may need to use Service Workers to append the header when using the endpoints in <img /> elements and similar.

const downloadUrl = client.mxcUrlToHttp(
    /*mxcUrl=*/ "mxc://example.org/abc123", // the MXC URI to download/thumbnail, typically from an event or profile
    /*width=*/ undefined, // part of the thumbnail API. Use as required.
    /*height=*/ undefined, // part of the thumbnail API. Use as required.
    /*resizeMethod=*/ undefined, // part of the thumbnail API. Use as required.
    /*allowDirectLinks=*/ false, // should generally be left `false`.
    /*allowRedirects=*/ true, // implied supported with authentication
    /*useAuthentication=*/ true, // the flag we're after in this example
const img = await fetch(downloadUrl, {
    headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${client.getAccessToken()}`,
// Do something with `img`.

[!WARNING] In future the js-sdk will only return authentication-required URLs, mandating population of the Authorization header.

What does this SDK do?

This SDK provides a full object model around the Matrix Client-Server API and emits events for incoming data and state changes. Aside from wrapping the HTTP API, it:


Supported platforms

matrix-js-sdk can be used in either Node.js applications (ensure you have the latest LTS version of Node.js installed), or in browser applications, via a bundler such as Webpack or Vite.

You can also use the sdk with Deno (import npm:matrix-js-sdk) but its not officialy supported.

Emitted events

The SDK raises notifications to the application using EventEmitters. The MatrixClient itself implements EventEmitter, as do many of the high-level abstractions such as Room and RoomMember.

// Listen for low-level MatrixEvents
client.on(ClientEvent.Event, function (event) {

// Listen for typing changes
client.on(RoomMemberEvent.Typing, function (event, member) {
    if (member.typing) {
        console.log(member.name + " is typing...");
    } else {
        console.log(member.name + " stopped typing.");

// start the client to setup the connection to the server

Entry points

As well as the primary entry point (matrix-js-sdk), there are several other entry points which may be useful:

Entry pointDescription
matrix-js-sdkPrimary entry point. High-level functionality, and lots of historical clutter in need of a cleanup.
matrix-js-sdk/lib/crypto-apiCryptography functionality.
matrix-js-sdk/lib/typesLow-level types, reflecting data structures defined in the Matrix spec.
matrix-js-sdk/lib/testingTest utilities, which may be useful in test code but should not be used in production code.


This section provides some useful code snippets which demonstrate the core functionality of the SDK. These examples assume the SDK is set up like this:

import * as sdk from "matrix-js-sdk";
const myUserId = "@example:localhost";
const myAccessToken = "QGV4YW1wbGU6bG9jYWxob3N0.qPEvLuYfNBjxikiCjP";
const matrixClient = sdk.createClient({
    baseUrl: "http://localhost:8008",
    accessToken: myAccessToken,
    userId: myUserId,

Automatically join rooms when invited

matrixClient.on(RoomEvent.MyMembership, function (room, membership, prevMembership) {
    if (membership === KnownMembership.Invite) {
        matrixClient.joinRoom(room.roomId).then(function () {
            console.log("Auto-joined %s", room.roomId);


Print out messages for all rooms

matrixClient.on(RoomEvent.Timeline, function (event, room, toStartOfTimeline) {
    if (toStartOfTimeline) {
        return; // don't print paginated results
    if (event.getType() !== "m.room.message") {
        return; // only print messages
        // the room name will update with m.room.name events automatically
        "(%s) %s :: %s",



  (My Room) @megan:localhost :: Hello world
  (My Room) @megan:localhost :: how are you?
  (My Room) @example:localhost :: I am good
  (My Room) @example:localhost :: change the room name
  (My New Room) @megan:localhost :: done

Print out membership lists whenever they are changed

matrixClient.on(RoomStateEvent.Members, function (event, state, member) {
    const room = matrixClient.getRoom(state.roomId);
    if (!room) {
    const memberList = state.getMembers();
    console.log(Array(room.name.length + 1).join("=")); // underline
    for (var i = 0; i < memberList.length; i++) {
        console.log("(%s) %s", memberList[i].membership, memberList[i].name);



  My Room
  (join) @example:localhost
  (leave) @alice:localhost
  (join) Bob
  (invite) @charlie:localhost

API Reference

A hosted reference can be found at http://matrix-org.github.io/matrix-js-sdk/index.html

This SDK uses Typedoc doc comments. You can manually build and host the API reference from the source files like this:

  $ yarn gendoc
  $ cd docs
  $ python -m http.server 8005

Then visit http://localhost:8005 to see the API docs.

End-to-end encryption support

This section is outdated. Use of libolm is deprecated and we are replacing it with support from the matrix-rust-sdk (https://github.com/element-hq/element-web/issues/21972).

The SDK supports end-to-end encryption via the Olm and Megolm protocols, using libolm. It is left up to the application to make libolm available, via the Olm global.

It is also necessary to call await matrixClient.initCrypto() after creating a new MatrixClient (but before calling matrixClient.startClient()) to initialise the crypto layer.

If the Olm global is not available, the SDK will show a warning, as shown below; initCrypto() will also fail.

Unable to load crypto module: crypto will be disabled: Error: global.Olm is not defined

If the crypto layer is not (successfully) initialised, the SDK will continue to work for unencrypted rooms, but it will not support the E2E parts of the Matrix specification.

To provide the Olm library in a browser application:

To provide the Olm library in a node.js application:

If you want to package Olm as dependency for your node.js application, you can use yarn add https://packages.matrix.org/npm/olm/olm-3.1.4.tgz. If your application also works without e2e crypto enabled, add --optional to mark it as an optional dependency.


This section is for people who want to modify the SDK. If you just want to use this SDK, skip this section.

First, you need to pull in the right build tools:

 $ yarn install


To build a browser version from scratch when developing:

 $ yarn build

To run tests (Jest):

 $ yarn test

To run linting:

 $ yarn lint