

<img src="./docs_src/static/matbench_logo_with_text.png" alt="logo" width="300"/>

matbench is an ImageNet for materials science; a set of 13 (with more to come!) curated machine learning tasks for benchmarking and performance testing.

example workflowPyPI version

If you find matbench useful, please consider citing our paper:

Dunn, A., Wang, Q., Ganose, A., Dopp, D., Jain, A. Benchmarking Materials Property
Prediction Methods: The Matbench Test Set and Automatminer Reference Algorithm. npj 
Computational Materials 6, 138 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41524-020-00406-3

Matbench is pip installable! Install with pip install matbench or see the installation page for more details.

Python versions 3.8+ are supported.