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terraform-aws-tailscale Latest Release

This is a Terraform Module to create a simple, autoscaled Tailscale Subnet Router on EC2 instance along with generated auth key, and its corresponding IAM resources. The instance should cycle itself on a schedule.

It's 100% Open Source and licensed under the APACHE2.


Here's how to invoke this example module in your projects

module "vpc" {
  source  = "cloudposse/vpc/aws"
  version = "2.1.1"

  namespace = "eg"
  stage     = "test"
  name      = "tailscale"

  ipv4_primary_cidr_block = ""

module "subnets" {
  source  = "cloudposse/dynamic-subnets/aws"
  version = "2.4.1"

  namespace = "eg"
  stage     = "test"
  name      = "tailscale"

  availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"]

  vpc_id          = module.vpc.vpc_id
  igw_id          = [module.vpc.igw_id]
  ipv4_cidr_block = [module.vpc.vpc_cidr_block]

module "tailscale" {
  source  = "masterpointio/tailscale/aws"
  version = "X.X.X"

  namespace = "eg"
  stage     = "test"
  name      = "tailscale"

  vpc_id           = module.vpc.vpc_id
  subnet_ids       = module.subnets.private_subnet_ids
  advertise_routes = [module.vpc.vpc_cidr_block]

  ephemeral = true


Here is an example of using this module:



<a name="requirement_terraform"></a> terraform>= 1.0
<a name="requirement_aws"></a> aws>= 4.0
<a name="requirement_tailscale"></a> tailscale>= 0.13.7


<a name="provider_tailscale"></a> tailscale>= 0.13.7


<a name="module_tailscale_subnet_router"></a> tailscale_subnet_routermasterpointio/ssm-agent/aws1.2.0
<a name="module_this"></a> thiscloudposse/label/null0.25.0




<a name="input_additional_security_group_ids"></a> additional_security_group_idsAdditional Security Group IDs to associate with the Tailscale Subnet Router EC2 instance.list(string)[]no
<a name="input_additional_tag_map"></a> additional_tag_mapAdditional key-value pairs to add to each map in tags_as_list_of_maps. Not added to tags or id.<br>This is for some rare cases where resources want additional configuration of tags<br>and therefore take a list of maps with tag key, value, and additional configuration.map(string){}no
<a name="input_additional_tags"></a> additional_tagsAdditional Tailscale tags to apply to the Tailscale Subnet Router machine in addition to primary_tag. These should not include the tag: prefix.list(string)[]no
<a name="input_advertise_routes"></a> advertise_routesThe routes (expressed as CIDRs) to advertise as part of the Tailscale Subnet Router.<br> Example: ["", ""]list(string)[]no
<a name="input_ami"></a> amiThe AMI to use for the Tailscale Subnet Router EC2 instance.<br> If not provided, the latest Amazon Linux 2 AMI will be used.<br> Note: This will update periodically as AWS releases updates to their AL2 AMI.<br> Pin to a specific AMI if you would like to avoid these updates.string""no
<a name="input_associate_public_ip_address"></a> associate_public_ip_addressAssociate public IP address with subnet routerboolnullno
<a name="input_attributes"></a> attributesID element. Additional attributes (e.g. workers or cluster) to add to id,<br>in the order they appear in the list. New attributes are appended to the<br>end of the list. The elements of the list are joined by the delimiter<br>and treated as a single ID element.list(string)[]no
<a name="input_context"></a> contextSingle object for setting entire context at once.<br>See description of individual variables for details.<br>Leave string and numeric variables as null to use default value.<br>Individual variable settings (non-null) override settings in context object,<br>except for attributes, tags, and additional_tag_map, which are merged.any<pre>{<br> "additional_tag_map": {},<br> "attributes": [],<br> "delimiter": null,<br> "descriptor_formats": {},<br> "enabled": true,<br> "environment": null,<br> "id_length_limit": null,<br> "label_key_case": null,<br> "label_order": [],<br> "label_value_case": null,<br> "labels_as_tags": [<br> "unset"<br> ],<br> "name": null,<br> "namespace": null,<br> "regex_replace_chars": null,<br> "stage": null,<br> "tags": {},<br> "tenant": null<br>}</pre>no
<a name="input_create_run_shell_document"></a> create_run_shell_documentWhether or not to create the SSM-SessionManagerRunShell SSM Document.booltrueno
<a name="input_delimiter"></a> delimiterDelimiter to be used between ID elements.<br>Defaults to - (hyphen). Set to "" to use no delimiter at all.stringnullno
<a name="input_descriptor_formats"></a> descriptor_formatsDescribe additional descriptors to be output in the descriptors output map.<br>Map of maps. Keys are names of descriptors. Values are maps of the form<br>{<br> format = string<br> labels = list(string)<br>}<br>(Type is any so the map values can later be enhanced to provide additional options.)<br>format is a Terraform format string to be passed to the format() function.<br>labels is a list of labels, in order, to pass to format() function.<br>Label values will be normalized before being passed to format() so they will be<br>identical to how they appear in id.<br>Default is {} (descriptors output will be empty).any{}no
<a name="input_enabled"></a> enabledSet to false to prevent the module from creating any resourcesboolnullno
<a name="input_environment"></a> environmentID element. Usually used for region e.g. 'uw2', 'us-west-2', OR role 'prod', 'staging', 'dev', 'UAT'stringnullno
<a name="input_ephemeral"></a> ephemeralIndicates if the key is ephemeral.boolfalseno
<a name="input_exit_node_enabled"></a> exit_node_enabledAdvertise Tailscale Subnet Router EC2 instance as exit node. Defaults to false.boolfalseno
<a name="input_expiry"></a> expiryThe expiry of the auth key in seconds.number7776000no
<a name="input_id_length_limit"></a> id_length_limitLimit id to this many characters (minimum 6).<br>Set to 0 for unlimited length.<br>Set to null for keep the existing setting, which defaults to 0.<br>Does not affect id_full.numbernullno
<a name="input_instance_type"></a> instance_typeThe instance type to use for the Tailscale Subnet Router EC2 instance.string"t3.nano"no
<a name="input_key_pair_name"></a> key_pair_nameThe name of the key-pair to associate with the Tailscale Subnet Router EC2 instance.stringnullno
<a name="input_label_key_case"></a> label_key_caseControls the letter case of the tags keys (label names) for tags generated by this module.<br>Does not affect keys of tags passed in via the tags input.<br>Possible values: lower, title, upper.<br>Default value: title.stringnullno
<a name="input_label_order"></a> label_orderThe order in which the labels (ID elements) appear in the id.<br>Defaults to ["namespace", "environment", "stage", "name", "attributes"].<br>You can omit any of the 6 labels ("tenant" is the 6th), but at least one must be present.list(string)nullno
<a name="input_label_value_case"></a> label_value_caseControls the letter case of ID elements (labels) as included in id,<br>set as tag values, and output by this module individually.<br>Does not affect values of tags passed in via the tags input.<br>Possible values: lower, title, upper and none (no transformation).<br>Set this to title and set delimiter to "" to yield Pascal Case IDs.<br>Default value: lower.stringnullno
<a name="input_labels_as_tags"></a> labels_as_tagsSet of labels (ID elements) to include as tags in the tags output.<br>Default is to include all labels.<br>Tags with empty values will not be included in the tags output.<br>Set to [] to suppress all generated tags.<br>Notes:<br> The value of the name tag, if included, will be the id, not the name.<br> Unlike other null-label inputs, the initial setting of labels_as_tags cannot be<br> changed in later chained modules. Attempts to change it will be silently ignored.set(string)<pre>[<br> "default"<br>]</pre>no
<a name="input_monitoring_enabled"></a> monitoring_enabledEnable detailed monitoring of instancesbooltrueno
<a name="input_name"></a> nameID element. Usually the component or solution name, e.g. 'app' or 'jenkins'.<br>This is the only ID element not also included as a tag.<br>The "name" tag is set to the full id string. There is no tag with the value of the name input.stringnullno
<a name="input_namespace"></a> namespaceID element. Usually an abbreviation of your organization name, e.g. 'eg' or 'cp', to help ensure generated IDs are globally uniquestringnullno
<a name="input_preauthorized"></a> preauthorizedDetermines whether or not the machines authenticated by the key will be authorized for the tailnet by default.booltrueno
<a name="input_primary_tag"></a> primary_tagThe primary tag to apply to the Tailscale Subnet Router machine. Do not include the tag: prefix. This must match the OAuth client's tag. If not provided, the module will use the module's ID as the primary tag, which is configured in context.tfstringnullno
<a name="input_regex_replace_chars"></a> regex_replace_charsTerraform regular expression (regex) string.<br>Characters matching the regex will be removed from the ID elements.<br>If not set, "/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/" is used to remove all characters other than hyphens, letters and digits.stringnullno
<a name="input_reusable"></a> reusableIndicates if the key is reusable or single-use.booltrueno
<a name="input_session_logging_enabled"></a> session_logging_enabledTo enable CloudWatch and S3 session logging or not.<br> Note this does not apply to SSH sessions as AWS cannot log those sessions.booltrueno
<a name="input_session_logging_kms_key_alias"></a> session_logging_kms_key_aliasAlias name for session_logging KMS Key.<br> This is only applied if 2 conditions are met: (1) session_logging_kms_key_arn is unset,<br> (2) session_logging_encryption_enabled = true.string"alias/session_logging"no
<a name="input_session_logging_ssm_document_name"></a> session_logging_ssm_document_nameName for session_logging SSM document.<br> This is only applied if 2 conditions are met: (1) session_logging_enabled = true,<br> (2) create_run_shell_document = true.string"SSM-SessionManagerRunShell-Tailscale"no
<a name="input_ssh_enabled"></a> ssh_enabledEnable SSH access to the Tailscale Subnet Router EC2 instance. Defaults to true.booltrueno
<a name="input_stage"></a> stageID element. Usually used to indicate role, e.g. 'prod', 'staging', 'source', 'build', 'test', 'deploy', 'release'stringnullno
<a name="input_subnet_ids"></a> subnet_idsThe Subnet IDs which the Tailscale Subnet Router EC2 instance will run in. These should be private subnets.list(string)n/ayes
<a name="input_tags"></a> tagsAdditional tags (e.g. {'BusinessUnit': 'XYZ'}).<br>Neither the tag keys nor the tag values will be modified by this module.map(string){}no
<a name="input_tailscale_up_extra_flags"></a> tailscale_up_extra_flagsExtra flags to pass to tailscale up for advanced configuration.<br>See more in the docs.list(string)[]no
<a name="input_tailscaled_extra_flags"></a> tailscaled_extra_flagsExtra flags to pass to Tailscale daemon for advanced configuration. Example: ["--state=mem:"]<br>See more in the docs.list(string)[]no
<a name="input_tenant"></a> tenantID element _(Rarely used, not included by default)_. A customer identifier, indicating who this instance of a resource is forstringnullno
<a name="input_user_data"></a> user_dataThe user_data to use for the Tailscale Subnet Router EC2 instance.<br> You can use this to automate installation of all the required command line tools.string""no
<a name="input_vpc_id"></a> vpc_idThe ID of the VPC which the Tailscale Subnet Router EC2 instance will run in.stringn/ayes


<a name="output_autoscaling_group_id"></a> autoscaling_group_idThe ID of the Tailscale Subnet Router EC2 instance Autoscaling Group.
<a name="output_instance_name"></a> instance_nameThe name tag value of the Tailscale Subnet Router EC2 instance.
<a name="output_launch_template_id"></a> launch_template_idThe ID of the Tailscale Subnet Router EC2 instance Launch Template.
<a name="output_security_group_id"></a> security_group_idThe ID of the Tailscale Subnet Router EC2 instance Security Group.