

byte lite: A single-file header-only C++17-like byte type for C++98, C++11 and later

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Example usage

#include "nonstd/byte.hpp"

#include <cassert>

using namespace nonstd;

int main()
    byte b1 = to_byte( 0x5a );  // to_byte() is non-standard, needed for pre-C++17
    byte b2 = to_byte( 0xa5 );

    byte r1 = b1 ^ b2; assert( 0xff == to_integer( r1 ) );  // not (yet) standard, needs C++11
    byte r2 = b1 ^ b2; assert( 0xff == to_integer<unsigned int>( r2 ) );

Compile and run

prompt> g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -I../include -o 01-basic 01-basic.cpp && 01-basic

Or to run with Buck:

prompt> buck run example:01-basic

In a nutshell

byte lite is a single-file header-only library to provide a C++17-like distinct byte type for use with C++98 and later.

Features and properties of byte lite are are ease of installation (single header), freedom of dependencies other than the standard library.

A limitation of byte lite is that you need to use function to_byte(v) to construct a byte from an integral value v, when C++17's relaxation of the enum value construction rule is not available.


byte lite is distributed under the Boost Software License.


byte lite has no other dependencies than the C++ standard library.


byte lite is a single-file header-only library. Put byte.hpp in the include folder directly into the project source tree or somewhere reachable from your project.



Types in namespace nonstd

Distinct byte typeenum class byte>=C++17 
 struct byte< C++17 

Algorithms for byte lite

Shift-assign template< class IntegerType ><br>constexpr byte & operator<<=( byte & b, IntegerType shift ) noexceptleft-shifted b
  template< class IntegerType ><br>constexpr byte & operator>>=( byte & b, IntegerType shift ) noexceptright-shifted b
Shift template< class IntegerType ><br>constexpr byte operator<<( byte b, IntegerType shift ) noexceptleft-shifted byte
  template< class IntegerType ><br>constexpr byte operator>>( byte b, IntegerType shift ) noexceptright-shifted byte
Bitwise-op-assign template< class IntegerType ><br>constexpr byte & operator¦=( byte & l, byte r ) noexceptbitwise-or-ed b
  template< class IntegerType ><br>constexpr byte & operator&=( byte & l, byte r ) noexceptbitwise-xor-ed b
  template< class IntegerType ><br>constexpr byte & operator^=( byte & l, byte r ) noexceptbitwise-and-ed b
Bitwise-op template< class IntegerType ><br>constexpr byte & operator¦( byte l, byte r ) noexceptbitwise-or-ed byte
  template< class IntegerType ><br>constexpr byte & operator&( byte l, byte r ) noexceptbitwise-xor-ed byte
  template< class IntegerType ><br>constexpr byte & operator^( byte l, byte r ) noexceptbitwise-and-ed byte
Conversionnon-stdtemplate< class IntegerType ><br>constexpr byte to_byte( IntegerType v )byte with value v
 >=C++11template< class IntegerType = underlying-type ><br>constexpr IntegerType to_integer( byte b )byte's value, note 2, 3
 < C++11template< class IntegerType ><br>constexpr IntegerType to_integer( byte b )byte's value, note 3

Note 1: the algorithms use an extra level of casting to prevent undefined behaviour, as mentioned by Thomas Köppe on mailing list isocpp-lib, subject "std::byte operations are hard to use correctly", on 16 March 2017.

Note 2: default template parameter as suggested by Zhihao Yuan on mailing list isocpp-lib, subject "std::byte to_integer<>", on 10 March 2017.

Note 3: use to_integer() to compute a byte's hash value.

Configuration macros

Standard selection macro

Define this macro to override the auto-detection of the supported C++ standard, if your compiler does not set the __cpluplus macro correctly.

Select std::byte or nonstd::byte

At default, byte lite uses std::byte if it is available and lets you use it via namespace nonstd. You can however override this default and explicitly request to use std::byte or byte lite's nonstd::byte as nonstd::byte via the following macros.

Define this to byte_BYTE_STD to select std::byte as nonstd::byte. Define this to byte_BYTE_NONSTD to select nonstd::byte as nonstd::byte. Default is undefined, which has the same effect as defining to byte_BYTE_DEFAULT.

Reported to work with

The table below mentions the compiler versions byte lite is reported to work with.

 Visual C++<br>(Visual Studio)6 (6), 8 (2005), 9 (2008), 10 (2010),<br>11 (2012), 12 (2013), 14 (2015), 15 (2017)
GNU/LinuxClang/LLVM3.5 - 6.0
 GCC4.8 - 8
OS XClang/LLVMXcode 6, Xcode 7, Xcode 8, Xcode 9

Building the tests

To build the tests you need:

The lest test framework is included in the test folder.

The following steps assume that the byte lite source code has been cloned into a directory named c:\byte-lite.

  1. Create a directory for the build outputs for a particular architecture. Here we use c:\byte-lite\build-win-x86-vc10.

     cd c:\byte-lite
     md build-win-x86-vc10
     cd build-win-x86-vc10
  2. Configure CMake to use the compiler of your choice (run cmake --help for a list).

     cmake -G "Visual Studio 10 2010" -DBYTE_LITE_OPT_BUILD_TESTS=ON ..
  3. Build the test suite in the Debug configuration (alternatively use Release).

     cmake --build . --config Debug
  4. Run the test suite.

     ctest -V -C Debug

All tests should pass, indicating your platform is supported and you are ready to use byte lite.

Other implementations of byte

Notes and References

[1] CppReference. byte.

[2] ISO/IEC WG21. N4659, section 21.2.1, Header <cstddef> synopsis. March 2017.

[3] Neil MacIntosh. P0298: A byte type definition (Revision 3). March 2017.


A.1 Compile-time information

The version of byte lite is available via tag [.version]. The following tags are available for information on the compiler and on the C++ standard library used: [.compiler], [.stdc++], [.stdlanguage] and [.stdlibrary].

A.2 Byte lite test specification

byte: Allows to construct from integral via static cast (C++17)
byte: Allows to construct from integral via byte() (C++17)
byte: Allows to construct from integral via to_byte()
byte: Allows to convert to integral via to_integer()
byte: Allows to convert to integral via to_integer(), using default type
byte: Allows comparison operations
byte: Allows bitwise or operation
byte: Allows bitwise and operation
byte: Allows bitwise x-or operation
byte: Allows bitwise or assignment
byte: Allows bitwise and assignment
byte: Allows bitwise x-or assignment
byte: Allows shift-left operation
byte: Allows shift-right operation
byte: Allows shift-left assignment
byte: Allows shift-right assignment
byte: Allows strict aliasing
byte: Provides constexpr non-assignment operations (C++11)
byte: Provides constexpr assignment operations (C++14)