

Native Octree

An Octree Native Collection for Unity DOTS. It's ported from https://github.com/marijnz/NativeQuadtree with very few changes.



There's some very rudimentary performance tests included. With 20k elements on a 2000x2000x2000m map, a max depth of 6 and 16 max elements per leaf. Burst enabled, ran on main thread on my i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz:</br>

With Burst disabled the tests are about 10x slower.


The only tests test for performance so there's no real test coverage. I'm sure there's edge cases that are not caught. I would highly recommend writing more tests if you're planning to use the code in production.

Query debug view

There's a very simple debug drawer that visualizes nodes and query hits. Example below is of a 200x1000x200m AABB.

<p align="center"> <img src="media/verticalquery.gif" width="500"/></br </p>

Potential future work / missing features