

<p align="center"> <img src="images/awesome-tflite.png" alt="awesome tflite" width="500"> </p> <!-- omit in toc -->

Awesome TensorFlow Lite Awesome PRs Welcome Twitter

TensorFlow Lite is a set of tools that help convert and optimize TensorFlow models to run on mobile and edge devices. It's currently running on more than 4 billion devices! With TensorFlow 2.x, you can train a model with tf.Keras, easily convert a model to .tflite and deploy it; or you can download a pretrained TensorFlow Lite model from the model zoo.

This is an awesome list of TensorFlow Lite models with sample apps, helpful tools and learning resources -

Please submit a PR if you would like to contribute and follow the guidelines here.

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Past announcements:

Here are some past feature annoucements of TensorFlow Lite:

Models with samples

Here are the TensorFlow Lite models with app / device implementations, and references. Note: pretrained TensorFlow Lite models from MediaPipe are included, which you can implement with or without MediaPipe.

Computer vision


TaskModelApp | ReferenceSource
ClassificationMobileNetV1 (download)Android | iOS | Raspberry Pi | Overviewtensorflow.org
ClassificationMobileNetV2Recognize Flowers on Android Codelab | AndroidTensorFlow team
ClassificationMobileNetV2Skin Lesion Detection AndroidCommunity
ClassificationMobileNetV2American Sign Language Detection | Colab Notebook | AndroidCommunity
ClassificationCNN + Quantisation Aware TrainingStone Paper Scissor Detection Colab Notebook | FlutterCommunity
ClassificationEfficientNet-Lite0 (download)Icon Classifier Colab & Android | tutorial 1 | tutorial 2Community


TaskModelApp | ReferenceSource
Object detectionQuantized COCO SSD MobileNet v1 (download)Android | iOS | Overviewtensorflow.org
Object detectionYOLOFlutter | PaperCommunity
Object detectionYOLOv5Yolov5 Inference Community
Object detectionMobileNetV2 SSD (download)ReferenceMediaPipe
Object detectionMobileDet (Paper)Blog post (includes the TFLite conversion process)MobileDet is from University of Wisconsin-Madison and Google and the blog post is from the Community
License Plate detectionSSD MobileNet (download)FlutterCommunity
Face detectionBlazeFace (download)PaperMediaPipe
Face AuthenticationFaceNetFlutterCommunity
Hand detection & trackingPalm detection & hand landmarks (download)Blog post | Model card | AndroidMediaPipe & Community


TaskModelApp | ReferenceSource
SegmentationDeepLab V3 (download)Android & iOS | Overview | Flutter Image | Realtime | Papertf.org & Community
SegmentationDifferent variants of DeepLab V3 modelsModels on TF Hub with Colab NotebooksCommunity
SegmentationDeepLab V3 modelAndroid | TutorialCommunity
Hair SegmentationDownloadPaperMediaPipe

Style Transfer

TaskModelApp | ReferenceSource
Style transferArbitrary image stylizationOverview | Android | Fluttertf.org & Community
Style transferBetter-quality style transfer models in .tfliteModels on TF Hub with Colab NotebooksCommunity
Video Style TransferDownload: <br> Dynamic range models)Android | TutorialCommunity
Segmentation & Style transferDeepLabV3 & Style Transfer modelsProject repo | Android | TutorialCommunity


TaskModelApp | ReferenceSource
GANsU-GAT-IT (Selfie2Anime)Project repo | Android | TutorialCommunity
GANsWhite-box CartoonGAN (download)Project repo | Android | TutorialCommunity
GANs - Image ExtrapolationBoundless on TF HubColab Notebook | Original PaperCommunity

Post estimation

TaskModelApp | ReferenceSource
Pose estimationPosenet (download)Android | iOS | Overviewtensorflow.org
Pose Classification based Video Game ControlMoveNet Lightning (download)Project RepositoryCommunity


TaskModelApp | ReferenceSource
Low-light image enhancementModels on TF HubProject repo | Original Paper | Flutter
OCRModels on TF HubProject RepositoryCommunity


TaskModelSample appsSource
Question & AnswerDistilBERTAndroidHugging Face
Text GenerationGPT-2 / DistilGPT2AndroidHugging Face
Text ClassificationDownloadAndroid |iOS | Fluttertf.org & Community
Text DetectionCRAFT Text Detector (Paper)Download | Project Repository | Blog1-Conversion to TFLite | Blog2-EAST vs CRAFT | Models on TF Hub | Android (Coming Soon)Community
Text DetectionEAST Text Detector (Paper)Models on TF Hub | Conversion and Inference NotebookCommunity


TaskModelApp | ReferenceSource
Speech RecognitionDeepSpeechReferenceMozilla
Speech RecognitionCONFORMERInference AndroidCommunity
Speech SynthesisTacotron-2, FastSpeech2, MB-MelganAndroidTensorSpeech
Speech Synthesis(TTS)Tacotron2, FastSpeech2, MelGAN, MB-MelGAN, HiFi-GAN, Parallel WaveGANInference Notebook | Project RepositoryCommunity


TaskModelApp | ReferenceSource
On-device RecommendationDual-EncoderAndroid | iOS | Referencetf.org & Community


TaskModelApp | ReferenceSource
Game agentReinforcement learningFlutter | TutorialCommunity

Model zoo

TensorFlow Lite models

These are the TensorFlow Lite models that could be implemented in apps and things:

TensorFlow models

These are TensorFlow models that could be converted to .tflite and then implemented in apps and things:

Ideas and Inspiration

ML Kit examples

ML Kit is a mobile SDK that brings Google's ML expertise to mobile developers.

Plugins and SDKs

Helpful links

Learning resources

Interested but not sure how to get started? Here are some learning resources that will help you whether you are a beginner or a practitioner in the field for a while.

Blog posts


