

UPDATE: This project has been moved to https://github.com/googlesamples/mlkit/tree/master/android/material-showcase as part of the ML Kit's new standalone SDK. Learn more

Build Status

ML Kit Showcase App with Material Design

This app demonstrates how to build an end-to-end user experience with Google ML Kit APIs and following the new Material for ML design guidelines.

The goal is to make it as easy as possible to integrate ML Kit into your app with an experience that has been user tested for the specific use cases that are covered:

<img src="screenshots/live_odt.gif" width="256"/> <img src="screenshots/static_odt.gif" width="256"/> <img src="screenshots/live_barcode.gif" width="256"/>


Status: Archived

This sample is no longer actively maintained and is left here for reference only.

Steps to run the app

How to use the app

This app supports two usage scenarios: Live Camera and Static Image.

Live Camera scenario

It uses the camera preview as input and contains two workflow: object detection & visual search, and barcode detection. There's also a Settings page to allow you to configure several options:

Static Image scenario

It'll prompt to select an image from the Image Picker, detect objects in the picked image, and then perform visual search on them. There're well designed UI components (overlay dots, card carousel etc.) to indicate the detected objects and search results.

Note that the visual search functionality here is mock since no real search backend has set up for this repository, but it should be easy to hook up with your own search service (e.g. Product Search) by only replacing the SearchEngine class implementation.


© Google, 2019. Licensed under an Apache-2 license.