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What is the Vue TSX Admin?



Vue TSX Admin it is a free open source mid-end and back-end management system module template. The UI is referred to acro design pro + ant design pro. It uses the latest front-end technology stack and uses the Vue3 + TSX mode for development. It provides out-of-the-box mid-end and back-end solutions. It has built-in i18n internationalized solutions, configurable layout, theme color modification, permission verification, and refined typical business models, it can help you quickly build a middle-end and back-end project.

The main development solutions are as follows:

Preview address

access address

login username: admin

password: admin

login username: user

password: user

code address

installation and Use

# clone
git clone https://github.com/manyuemeiquqi/vue-tsx-admin.git

# cd project
cd vue-tsx-admin

# install dependency
pnpm install

# start project
pnpm run dev

Browser access: http://localhost: 5173/vue-tsx-admin/

# build project
pnpm run build
# install husky
pnpm run husky

# format code
pnpm run format

# lint and fix code
pnpm run lint

# lint and fix style
pnpm run lint-style

Browser support

About the performance of Vue JSX

For more information, see https://github.com/krausest/js-framework-benchmark/pull/1546#issuecomment-1872904990






MIT License

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