


<p align="center" > <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malcommac/Flow/master/Assets/logo.png" width=300px height=230px alt="Flow" title="Flow"> </p> <p align="center" > <h1>THE ENTIRE PROJECT WAS MOVED TO THE NEW HOME AND IT'S NOW CALLED OWL.</h1> <h2><a href="https://github.com/malcommac/Owl">https://github.com/malcommac/Owl</a></br> This repository will be removed in few months. </p>

Version License Platform CocoaPods Compatible Carthage Compatible Twitter

<p align="center" >★★ <b>Star Flow to help the project! </b> ★★</p> <p align="center" ><a href="http://paypal.me/danielemargutti">Support the project. <b>Donate now.</b></a></p> <p align="center" >Created by <a href="http://www.danielemargutti.com">Daniele Margutti</a> (<a href="http://www.twitter.com/danielemargutti">@danielemargutti</a>)</p>

Flow is a Swift lightweight library which help you to better manage content in UITableViews. It's easy and fast, perfectly fits the type-safe nature of Swift.

Say goodbye to UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate : just declare and set your data, let Flow take care of the rest!


The following code is the only required to create a complete TableView which shows a list of some country flags. Each flag is represented by a class (the model) called CountryModel; the instance is represented into the tableview by the CountryCell UITableViewCell subclass.

let countries: [CountryModel] = ... // your array of countries
let rows = Row<CountryCell>.create(countries, { row in // create rows
row.onTap = { _, path in // reponds to tap on cells
  print("Tap on '\(row.item.name)'")
  return nil
tableManager.add(rows: rows) // just add them to the table

A complete table in few lines of code; feel amazing uh? Yeah it is, and there's more: You can handle tap events, customize editing, easy create custom footer and headers and manage the entire content simply as like it was an array!.

A complete article about this topic can be found here: "Forget DataSource and Delegates: a new approach for UITableView"


Main features of Flow includes:


I'm also working on several other projects you may like. Take a look below:

<p align="center" >
SwiftDateThe best way to manage date/timezones in Swift
HydraWrite better async code: async/await & promises
FlowA new declarative approach to table managment. Forget datasource & delegates.
SwiftRichStringElegant & Painless NSAttributedString in Swift
SwiftLocationEfficient location manager
SwiftMsgPackFast/efficient msgPack encoder/decoder


<a name="architecture" />

Main Architecture

Flow is composed by four different entities:

<a name="example" />

Demo Application

A live working example can be found in FlowDemoApp directory. It demostrates how to use Flow in a simple Login screen for a fake social network app. Check it out to see how Flow can really help you to simplify UITableView management.

<a name="create_tablemanager" />

Create the TableManager

In order to use Flow you must set the ownership of a UITableView instance to an instance of TableManager:

self.tableManager = TableManager(table: self.table!)

From now the UITableView instance is backed by Flow; every change (add/remove/move rows or sections) must be done by calling appropriate methods of the TableManager itself or any child Section/Row.

<a name="prepare_cell" />

Prepare a Cell (for Row)

A row is resposible to manage the model and its graphical representation (the cell instance). To create a new Row instance you need to specify the model class received by the instance cell and the cell class to instantiate into the table.

While sometimes a model is not applicable (your cell maybe a simple static representation or its decorative), the cell class is mandatory. The cell must be a subclass of UITableViewCell conforms to DeclarativeCell protocol. This protocol defines at least two important properties:

This is an example of a CountryCell which is responsible to display data for a single country (class CountryModel):

import UIKit
import Flow

public class CountryCell: UITableViewCell, DeclarativeCell {
    // assign to the cell the model to be represented
    public typealias T = CountryModel
    // if your cell has a fixed height you can set it directly at class level as below
    public static var defaultHeight: CGFloat? = 157.0

    // this func is called when a new instance of the cell is dequeued
    // and you need to fill the data with a model instance.
    public func configure(_ country: CountryModel, path: IndexPath) {
      self.countryNameLabel.text = country.name.capitalized()
      self.continentLabel.image = country.continent
      // ... and so on

If your cell does not need of a model you can assign public typealias T = Void.

User interface of the cell can be made in two ways:

Height of a cell can be set in differen ways:

<a name="prepare_row" />

Prepare a Row

You can now create a new row to add into the table; a Row instance is created by passing the DeclarativeCell type and an instance of the model represented.

let italy = CountryModel("Italy","Europe","http://...")
let rowItaly = Row<CountryCell>(model: italy, { row in
	// ... configuration

If model is not applicable just pass Void() as model param.

Inside the callback you can configure the various aspect of the row behaviour and appearance. All standard UITableView events can be overriden; a common event is onDequeue, called when Row's linked cell instance is dequeued and displayed. Anoter one (onTap) allows you to perform an action on cell's tap event. So, for example:

let rowItaly = Row<CountryCell>(model: italy, { row in
	row.onDequeue = { _ in
		self.countryNameLabel.text = country.name.capitalized()
		return nil // when nil is returned cell will be deselected automatically
	row.onTap = { _ in
		print("Show detail for country \(row.model)")

There are lots of other events you can set into the row configuration callback (onDelete,onSelect,onDeselect,onShouldHighlit and so on).

<a name="prepare_rows_array" />

Prepare Rows for an array of model

When you have an array of model instances to represent, one for each Row, you can use create shortcut. The following code create an array of Rows<CountryCell> where each row receive the relative item from self.countries array.

let rowAllCountries = Row<CountryCell>.create(self.countries)
<a name="add_rows" />

Add Rows into the table

Adding rows to a table is easy as call a simple add function.

self.tableManager.add(rows: rowAllCountries) // add rows (by appending a new section)
self.tableManager.reloadData() // apply changes

(Remember: when you add rows without specifing a section a new section is created automatically for you).

Please note: when you apply a change to a table (by using add, remove or move functions, both for Section or Row instances) you must call the reloadData() function in order to reflect changes in UI.

If you want to apply changes using standard table's animations just call update() function; it allows you to specify a list of actions to perform. In this case reloadData() is called automatically for you and the engine evaluate what's changed automatically (inserted/moved/removed rows/section).

The following example add a new section at the end of the table and remove the first:

self.tableManager?.update(animation: .automatic, {
	self.tableManager?.insert(section: profileDetailSection, at: profileSection!.index! + 1)
	self.tableManager?.remove(sectionAt: 0)
<a name="create_section" />

Create Section and manage header/footer

If not specified sections are created automatically when you add rows into a table. Section objects encapulate the following properties:

Creating a new section with rows is pretty simple:

let rowCountries: [RowProtocol] = ...
let sectionCountries = Section(id: SECTION_ID_COUNTRIES row: rowCountries, headerTitle: "\(rowCountries.count) COUNTRIES")"

As like for Row even Section may have custom view for header or footer; in this case your custom header/footer must be an UITableViewHeaderFooterView subclass defined in a separate XIB file (with the same name of the class) which is conform to DeclarativeView protocol. DeclarativeView protocol defines the model accepted by the custom view (as for Row you can use Void if not applicable).

For example:

import UIKit
import Flow

public class TeamSectionView: UITableViewHeaderFooterView, DeclarativeView {
 public typealias T = TeamModel // the model represented by the view, use `Void` if not applicable
 public static var defaultHeight: CGFloat? = 100
 public func configure(_ item: TeamModel, type: SectionType, section: Int) {
  self.sectionLabel?.text = item.name.uppercased()

Now you can create custom view as header for section:

let europeSection = Section(europeRows, headerView: SectionView<ContinentSectionView>(team))
self.tableManager.add(section: europeSection)
<a name="table_animations" />

UITableView animations

Flow fully supports animation for UITableView changes. As like for UICollectionView you will need to call a func which encapsulate the operations you want to apply.

In Flow it's called update(animation: UITableViewRowAnimation, block: ((Void) -> (Void))).

Inside the block you can alter the sections of the table, remove or add rows and section or move things into other locations. At the end of the block Flow will take care to collect the animations needed to reflect applied changes both to the model and the UI and execute them.

You just need to remember only two things:

For example:

self.tableManager?.update(animation: .automatic, {
	self.tableManager?.remove(sectionAt: 1) // remove section 1
	self.tableManager?.add(row: newCountry, in: self.tableManager?.section(atIndex: 0)) // add a new row in section 0
<a name="row_events" />

Observe Row/Cell Events

Flow allows you to encapsulate the logic of your UITableViewCell instances directly in your Row objects. You can listen for dequeue, tap, manage highlights or edit... pratically everything you can do with plain tables, but more confortably.

All events are available and fully described into the Row class. In this example you will see how to respond to the tap:

// Respond to tap on countrie's cells
let rows = Row<CountryCell>.create(countries, { row in
  row.onTap = { _,path in
  print("Tap on country at \(String(path.row)): '\(row.item.name.capitalized())'")
    return nil

All observable events are described in API SDK.

<a name="sdk" />

Full SDK Documentation

Full method documentation is available both in source code and in API_SDK file. Click here to read the Full SDK Documentation.

<a name="changelog" />


Current version of Flow is 0.8.1. Full changelog is available in CHANGELOG.MD file.

<a name="installation" />


<a name="cocoapods" />

Install via CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like Flow in your projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

CocoaPods 1.0.1+ is required to build Flow.

Install via Podfile

To integrate Flow into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'TargetName' do
  pod 'FlowTables'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install
<a name="carthage" />


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate Flow into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "malcommac/Flow"

Run carthage to build the framework and drag the built Flow.framework into your Xcode project.

<a name="requirements" />


Flow minimum requirements are:

We are supporting both CocoaPods and Chartage.

Flow was created and mantained by Daniele Margutti; you can contact me at hello@danielemargutti.com or on twitter at @danielemargutti.

This library is licensed under MIT License.

If you are using it in your software:

<a name="donate" />


Creating and mantaining libraries takes time and as developer you know this better than anyone else.

If you want to contribuite to the development of this project or give to me a thanks please consider to make a small donation using PayPal:

MAKE A SMALL DONATION and support the project.
