

Magento 2 Instagram Feed Extension

Magento 2 Instagram Feed by Mageplaza is a supportive module which allows integrating Instagram images to Magento 2 website. This trendy extension enables you to place eye-catching Instagram images block to any page of your site, which can effectively draw customers' attention and bring a modern well-updated look to online stores.

1. Instagram Feed Widget Documentation

2. FAQs

Q: I got error: Mageplaza_Core has been already defined

A: Read solution here

Q: On which page of my website can Instagram Feed is displayed?

A: On any position that you want. Basically, there is not any restriction for place to show Instagram Feed. Admins can select any specific page such as Homepage, Product Listing Page, Product Page, or any CMS pages depending on their particular purposes.

Q: How many images can be seen from the Instagram Feed on the storefront?

A: You can easily set the number of images to display on backend. The maximum number is 20 images.

Q: In which order the Instagram Feed will be displayed?

A: Store owner can quickly sort the photos from Instagram photo library, based on one of specific criteria as most recent, most liked, most commented, or random.

Q: Besides the image, is there any image information that can be seen on the Instagram Feed?

A: With Instagram Feed, it is possible to set the number of Likes and Comments be displayed. Customer can easily see the visibility and popularity of the images.

Q: What if a visitor feel interested in a single image displayed on Instagram Feed?

A: If a customer is interested in an image, they can simply click on that image on the Instagram block. A popup will automatically show up, display the big size version of that selected picture.

Q: Will Instagram Feed be responsive with mobile device?

A: This block can properly work with both mobile, tablet, and PC device.

3. How to install Instagram Feed extension for Magento 2

Install via composer (recommend): Run the following command in Magento 2 root folder:

With Social Proof (recommend):

composer require mageplaza/module-instagram-feed avada/module-proofo
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Without Social Proof:

composer require mageplaza/module-instagram-feed
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

4. Highlight Features

Display Instagram Images anywhere on site

**Instagram Feed Widget by Mageplaza **support store admin in updating trendy eye-catching Instagram images on any specific pages on your store site.

Admins can easily create Instagram Widget then embed Instagram block on the homepage, product listing page, product page or any CMS pages, based on their specific purposes.

This flexibility allows store owners to easily place the high-quality and good-looking Instagram Images to any locations on their beloved store site. Attractive images appearing on an appropriate position will probably appeal customers and accordingly contribute to your conversion rate.

Magento 2 Instagram Feed Widget

Sorting image function

One of the most noticeable functions of Instagram Feed is that the store owner can quickly sort the photos from Instagram photo library, based on specific criteria, which are:

As a result, the appropriate images can easily be sorted out then displayed quickly on the store site.

Sorting Instagram image function

Various available photo layouts

Instagram images can be flexibly featured, thanks to the various options of layouts. This can help store admin design Instagram block to be suitable with the other blocks, page dimensions, and content display. The three main options can be set as follows:

Various available photo layouts

Show the number of Likes and Comments

To effectively convince customers, Instagram Feed enable displaying the number of Likes and Comments on every image.

The customers tend to feel more interested in the images which can gain more social visibility and concern. Showing numbers of likes and comments is a good way to present your Instagram Photos' social interaction and make the store site become more interactive than ever.

Show the number of Likes and Comments

Instagram Popup

Popup can also be enabled, with Magento 2 Instagram Feed module, to feature the more beautiful look of your store site. It can be done easily and quickly only after a one-click setting from the backend.

On the storefront, customers can take a more detailed look to any Instagram image after they click on, the image will appear bigger on the displaying popup after. It makes stores look professional and is possible to considerably enhance customer experience.

Instagram Popup

5. More features

Description for the Instagram Block

Easily set the title and description for the Instagram Block

Image Resolution

3 options for view resolution: Standard, Low, Thumbnail

Set the number of photos

Set the limitation for the number of displayed images

Multi-devices responsiveness

Be well responsive with both desktop and mobile devices.

6. Full Magento 2 Instagram Feed Features

For store admins



Instagram Widget

For customers

7. Instagram Feed User guide

From the Admin Panel, go to Store > Settings > Configuration > MAGEPLAZA EXTENSIONS > Instagram Feed

Instagram Feed User guide

Instagram Widget Configuration

1.1 General

Instagram Widget Configuration

1.2 Display

Instagram Widget Display Configuration

Instagram Widget Configuration

Notice: The pictures displayed on your site are selected according to your configuration in the Total number of photos field firstly, before being sorted by one of the orders such as Most recent, Most liked, Most commented, Random. For instance, if you insert 8 for the Total number of photos, 8 latest pictures will be taken out first, then that 8 latest ones be respectively shown on Instagram Feed based on your Sort by setting.

Instagram feed Layout Configuration

Instagram feed Image resolutions Configuration

2. Instagram Widget

How to add Widget in Instagram Feed?

Step 1: Select the Type

Magento 2 Instagram Widget

Step 2: Configure the Storefront Properties section

Instagram Widget Configure the Storefront Properties section

Instagram Widget Configure

Step 3: Configure Widget Options to display images of the Instagram Feed

Configure Widget Options to display images of the Instagram Feed

Configure Widget Options to display images of the Instagram Feed

![Magento 2 Instagram Configure Layout)

Magento 2 Instagram Image resolutions

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