

Magento 2 Facebook Plugin Extension

Magento 2 Facebook Plugin by Mageplaza helps stores to integrate Facebook page into the shopping sites. Facebook Plugin extension creates the convenience for customers to access stores’ information as well as contact stores easily. As a result, the number of followers to the Fan page increases significantly and the conversion rate rises accordingly.

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1. Documentation

2. FAQ

Q: I got error: Mageplaza_Core has been already defined

A: Read solution here.

Q: I would like to locate our Fanpage on any places on the sites. Is it possible?

A: Yes. Please create Facebook Widget from Block section from the backend, then embed it on any CMS page or block.

Q: Which tabs can I add to Facebook Plugin on site?

A: The tabs can be selected to display including: Timeline, Event and Messages

Q: Can our customers like or share our Fanpage?

A: Yes, absolutely. Like button will display automatically. Share is one type of Call to Action buttons which you can turn on/ turn off from the admin backend. However, please make sure that Share button is already configured in your Fanpage.

Q: I want to add comment box on Product Page so our customers to leave questions. How can I do?

A: You should enable Facebook comment from the admin backend so that Comment Tab will display on Product Page. Customers will login their Facebook account to leave their questions or feedback easily. Note that this extension is properly compatible with Social Login.

Q: Can I adjust the size of Facebook Plugin to suit my store size?

A: Yes, definitely. From the backend, please set width and height for the plugin.

3. How to install Magento 2 Facebook Plugin extension

Install via composer (recommend)

Run the following command in Magento 2 root folder:

composer require mageplaza/module-facebook-plugin
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

4. Facebook Plugin Highlight Features

Integrate Facebook information into store website

Magento 2 Facebook Plugin extension

Mageplaza Facebook Extension enables the admin to add tabs on Facebook Page on store website with 3 options: Timeline, Event and Messages. By embedding Facebook Feed on your website, the store owner can display all the latest updates on Timeline, Event, Messages to customers visiting their site.

Each of these 3 tabs takes a specific function:

Facebook Comments Widget

Magento 2 Facebook Comments Widget

Magento 2 Facebook Widget allows the customer to leave their comment with ease, right on the website’s product page. Right here customers can post their feedback, questions about the product which they are interested in, by using their own Facebook account. This extension is really supportive to the store’s admin, which allows customers who left comments to get Facebook notifications right when the admin respond.

More amazing, any other visitors can easily see already-answered questions and feedbacks to get more information about the product. It is undeniable that a product page with feedbacks and comments of many customers is likely to be trusted by new visitors. They will feel that the site is well interacting and have tendency to spend more time finding out about the product.

Additionally, the store owner can swiftly manage comments on Facebook by Facebook apps.

Enable Call-to-action button

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To optimize digital advertising, Facebook Extension allows adding Call-to-action button. The button’s name is based on the configuration on Facebook (according to particular campaigns). The possible buttons are Share, Call Now, Register Now, or Watch Video. Call-to-action button plays an indispensable role in motivating visitors to take further interaction, which can turn them into real customers. This will significantly contribute to the store revenue.

Customizable Interface

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The design of Facebook Plugin can be set from the backend. The elements which are possible to customize are: width, height, header. Admin can select to enable/disable cover photo, profile photo and call-to-action button as well.

5. More Features

Comments number limitation

Admin can limit the number of comments which are displayed by Facebook Plugin.

Insert snippet code to any CMS

Embed snippet code to any CMS block and CMS page on website easily.


Facebook Plugin can work well on both Mobile and PC version.

Extension compatibility

Customers can access Facebook Plugin with Magento 2 Social Login Extension. This plugin is compatible with almost third-party module as well

6. Full Magento 2 Facebook Widget Features

For store owners

For shoppers

7. Facebook Widget User Guide

Facebook Widget Configuration

To start the configuration, from the Admin Panel, make your way to Stores > Configuration > Mageplaza Extensions > Facebook Plugin > Configuration

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7.1 General configuration

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Facebook Plugin

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Facebook Comment

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7.2. Facebook Widget

Add Facebook Widget

Step 1: Select the Type {#select-type}

Step 2: Complete the Storefront Properties section {#storefront-properties}

In the Storefront Properties section,

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In the Layout Updates section, click on Layout Update to set the layout.

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Step 3: Configure Widget Options to display Facebook Page {#configure-widget-option-display-facebook-page}

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7.3. Frontend

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