


Prompt Builder is a small Python application that generates natural language prompts based on documentation and best practices from OpenAI, Google (https://ai.google.dev/docs/prompt_best_practices & https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/resources/prompt-eng), Anthropic, Cohere, and other leading AI companies. It utilizes GPT-4 to generate prompts adhering to specific rules and guidelines.


Simply past the prompt you want to optimize in the text box and click the "Optimize" button. The application will then generate a prompt that adheres to the guidelines outlined in the paper.


Either use the online version, or go to the GitHub and download the repository.

Repository installation

Install the repository's packages using

pip install -r requirements.txt

(Optional): Set your API key in a .envfile as seen in the .env.template file.

Then, run the project using

streamlit run main.py