

<div align="center"> <img src="docs/kungfu-logo.png" width="50%" height="30%"/> </div>


Making adaptive distributed machine learning easy and efficient.

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KungFu aims to help users achieve fast and adaptive distributed machine learning with minimal efforts. This is important because a machine learning system must cope with growing complex models and increasingly complicated deployment environments, making it difficult to constantly deliver high performance with an empirical configuration. To address this, KungFu provides the following unique features:

We have been using KungFu for scaling out different deep learning models such as ResNet, DenseNet, OpenPose, BERT, CycleGAN and Alpha Zero. Check out their examples.


KungFu currently support TensorFlow and Keras. To scale out your TensorFlow program, for example, you need to make two changes:

  1. Wrap your tf.train.optimizer in KungFu's SynchronousSGDOptimizer, SynchronousAveragingOptimizer, or PairAveragingOptimizer.

  2. Ensure all workers start with consistent states by broadcasting a worker's initial global variables.

import tensorflow as tf

# Build model...
loss = ...
opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.01)

# KungFu Step 1: Wrap tf.optimizer in KungFu optimizers
from kungfu.tensorflow.optimizers import SynchronousSGDOptimizer
opt = SynchronousSGDOptimizer(opt)

# Make training operation
train_op = opt.minimize(loss)

# Train your model
with tf.Session() as sess:

    # KungFu Step 2: ensure distributed workers start with consistent states
    from kungfu.tensorflow.initializer import BroadcastGlobalVariablesOp

    for step in range(10):

You can find more details in the Documentation, for example, for how to use KungFu with Session, TensorFlow Keras, Estimator, and GradientTape in TensorFlow 1 and 2. For KungFu with Keras, check out here.


KungFu is implemented in Go and C++. Currently, it has a Python binding for TensorFlow (including v1 and v2) and Keras (assuming you use TensorFlow as the backend).

KungFu for TensorFlow requires Python 3, CMake 3.5+, and Golang 1.13+. KungFu has been tested with TensorFlow 1.12, 1.13, 1.15 and 2.0.0. KungFu has a known installation issue with TensorFlow 1.14. Assuming you have the above pre-requites, you can install KungFu as follows:

git clone https://github.com/lsds/KungFu.git
cd KungFu
pip3 install --no-index -U --user .
<!-- If you get `permission denied errors`, try install `kungfu-run` separately ```bash # or download golang during install if golang is missing # KUNGFU_DOWNLOAD_GO=1 pip3 install --no-index -U --user . KUNGFU_BUILD_TOOLS=OFF pip3 install --no-index -U --user . # disable install kungfu-run with pip GOBIN=<PATH> go install -v ./srcs/go/cmd/kungfu-run # install kungfu-run to <PATH> ``` -->

KungFu provides kungfu-run to launch a KungFu process on a multi-GPU server. In a cluster, we need to launch kungfu-run on each node.

# Show the help of kungfu-run
kungfu-run -help

You can use KungFu with Docker. Check out the docker files for GPU and CPU machines.


We show how to run a KungFu program using a MNIST example. Download the MNIST dataset (script) first and then run the following training script:

# Train a Single Layer Perception (SLP) model for the MNIST dataset using 4 CPUs for 10 data epochs.
kungfu-run -np 4 python3 examples/tf1_mnist_session.py --data-dir=./mnist

You can run this example on two machines (assuming each with 8 GPUs) using the below command (NOTE: this command must be called on each machine):

# Assume the machines have NIC eth0 and their IPs are and
kungfu-run -np $NUM_GPUS \
    -H$NUM_GPU_SLOTS,$NUM_GPU_SLOTS -nic eth0 \
    python3 examples/tf1_mnist_session.py  --data-dir=./mnist

kungfu-run use the nic option to infer its IP and thus its role in the cluster.


We have been using KungFu in training different kinds of AI models. The following are representative examples:

Choosing the right optimizer

KungFu aims to help users decrease the time to reach a desired accuracy (time-to-accuracy) through scaling. There are two major ways to improve time-to-accuracy in KungFu:

Synchronous SGD: Synchronous SGD (S-SGD) is implemented as SynchronousSGDOptimizer in KungFu, equivalent to the DistributedOptimizer in Horovod. The use of S-SGD, however, poses scalability and accuracy challenges. Scalability-wise, all S-SGD workers must exchange all gradients per iteration, making them hard to deal with limited bandwidth and stragglers; (ii) accuracy-wise, S-SGD couples training batch size with the number of workers, enforcing users to use large batch sizes, which can adversely affect the generality of a trained model (see paper). To compensate the loss in generality, users must explore various methods for tuning hyper-parameters.

Model averaging: Model averaging is implemented as SynchronousAveragingOptimizer and PairAveragingOptimizer in KungFu. The former realizes the hyper-parameter-robust SMA algorithm; while the latter implements the AD-PSGD algorithm which reduces bandwidth consumption and tolerates stragglers. In model averaging, each worker trains its local model using SGD, and average its model with peers to speed up the search for minima. Model averaging algorithms have a convergence guarantee (see EA-SGD paper) and can converge fast with DL models (see Lookahead paper). A useful property of model averaging is: it decouples batch size with system parallelism, often making it hyper-parameter robust. We find this property valuable as DL users often find it hard and expensive to tune synchronous SGD at scale.

Convergence evaluation: We have tested KungFu optimizers using ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 for ImageNet. When using 8 V100, all KungFu optimizers can reach the target 75% accuracy, the same as the baseline Horovod. When using 16 V100, Horovod and SynchronousSGDOptimizer suffer from the increased batch size and their accuracy drop to 59% while SynchronousAveragingOptimizer and PairAveragingOptimizer still reach the target 75%. All these tests use a per-GPU batch size as 64 and hyper-parameters suggested by the TensorFlow benchmark authors.


We benchmark KungFu in a cluster that has 16 V100 GPUs hosted by 2 DGX-1 machines. The machines are interconnected by a 100 Gbps network. We measure the training throughput of ResNet-50, VGG16 and InceptionV3. These models represent different kinds of training workloads.

In the synchronous training case, we compare KungFu (SynchronousSGDOptimizer) with Horovod (0.16.1). Horovod uses OpenMPI 4.0.0. We evaluate the spectrum of batch size (from 256 to 4096) commonly used by S-SGD users. This batch size is evenly shared by the 16 GPUs. KungFu outperforms Horovod on all tested models, in particular with small batch sizes which significantly raise the frequency of synchronization.


In the asynchronous training case, we compare KungFu (PairAveragingOptimizer) with TensorFlow parameter servers (1.13.1). We uses the same range of batch sizes as above. KungFu exhibits better scalability as well.


We have also run the same benchmark in a 16-server cluster (each has a P100). KungFu exhibits better scalability in this communication-challenging environment, and we thus only report the 16 V100 result here. You can find the benchmark scripts here.


KungFu is designed with extensibility in mind. It has a low-level API and a modular architecture, making it suitable for implementing new distributed training algorithms. Check out the developer guideline for more information.