

<h1 align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/loseys/Oblivion//"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/j1GdgLv.png" width="800" title="Oblivion"></a> </h1>

platforms version Python 3.8.6 license

Oblivion is a tool focused in real time monitoring of new data leaks, notifying if the credentials of the user has been leak out. It's possible too verify if any credential of user has been leak out before. The Oblivion have two modes:

NOTE: The Oblivion Client and the Oblivion Server are independents.

<h1 align="center"> <p style="text-align:center;">Oblivion Client</p> <a href="https://i.imgur.com/9SuF29i.png"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/uR0yHXj.png" width="800" title="Oblivion"></a> <p style="text-align:center;">Oblivion Server</p> <a href="https://i.imgur.com/uR0yHXj.png"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/9SuF29i.png" width="800" title="Oblivion"></a> </h1>

:cyclone: Oblivion Features

πŸ”΅ APIs

HaveIBeenPwnedE-mails and passwordspaid
Scylla.shCleartext passwords, hashs and salts, usernames, IPs, domainfree
IntelX.ioCleartext passwords, hashs and salts, usernames, IPs, domain, Bitcoin Wallets, IBANpaid
Circl.luChecks for new CVEsfree

πŸ”§ Usage and configuration

For configuration or usage of Oblivion please read the documentation. All the steps were careful explained with images and examples.


1 - If you want only to use the free Oblivion (without the paid API keys) make sure that the free APIs are working. Some times the free API of the Scylla.sh can be in manutence, and the Oblivion will return an error when you try to call the Scylla.sh API.

2 - Make sure that you are using the indicated OS and Python version. Some OS can be not compatible or return some types of error when you try to use Oblivion, for more information about compatibilities please read the Oblivion documentation.

πŸ’™ Thanks and credits