

AutoIt for Visual Studio Code

Welcome to the AutoIt extension for Visual Studio Code! This has been forked and developed from Damien122's release.

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By default, this extension is set up for the default installation of AutoIt and SciTe4AutoIt on a 64-bit system. For alternate setups, you can access the user settings by navigating to File-> Preferences-> Settings or invoking the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and searching for Preferences (example), and changing the following options:

autoit.aiPathFull path to the AutoIt executable, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\ or C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\AutoIt3.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoIt3.exe"
autoit.wrapperPathFull or relative path to the AutoIt3Wrapper script, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\SciTE\\AutoIt3Wrapper\\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3. Leave blank to use default, relative to #autoit.aiPath# path.""
autoit.tidyPathFull or relative path to the AutoIt syntax Checker (Au3Check) executable, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\AU3Check.exe. Leave blank to use default, relative to #autoit.aiPath# path.""
autoit.checkPathFull or relative path to the AutoIt syntax Checker (Au3Check) executable, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\AU3Check.exe. Leave blank to use default, relative to #autoit.aiPath# path.""
autoit.helpPathFull or relative path to the AutoIt3Help executable, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\AutoIt3Help.exe. Leave blank to use default, relative to #autoit.aiPath# path.""
autoit.infoPathFull or relative path to the AutoIt Window Info executable, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\Au3Info.exe. Leave blank to use default, relative to #autoit.aiPath# path.""
autoit.kodaPathFull or relative path to the Koda FormDesigner executable, e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\SciTE\\Koda\\FD.exe. Leave blank to use default, relative to #autoit.aiPath# path.""
autoit.showVariablesInGoToSymbolDetermines whether to show or hide variables when using Ctrl+Shift+O (added in v0.1.9)true
autoit.showRegionsInGoToSymbolDetermines whether to show or hide regions when using Ctrl+Shift+O (added in v1.0.9)true
autoit.includePathsFile paths for additional include folders[""]
autoit.consoleParamsA string of parameters passed to the console when the Run Script command is launched (added in v0.2.1)""
autoit.enableDiagnosticsTells AutoIt-VSCode to provide diagnostics from Au3Check on document open, switch or savetrue
autoit.UDFCreatorThe name that will be added as Author when Insert Function Header is used"Your Name"
autoit.smartHelpDefines prefixes, paths & sources for additional help files{ "_yourUdfFuncPrefix_": { "chmPath": "", "udfPath": [""] } }
autoit.multiOutputEnable separate output panel for each running scripttrue
autoit.multiOutputMaxFinishedHow many output panels to keep after script finished2
autoit.multiOutputFinishedTimeoutHow long (in seconds) to wait until output panels of finished scripts discarded (0 = indefinitely)0
autoit.multiOutputReuseOutputReuse output for the same filefalse
autoit.clearOutputClear output panel before each run. (only applicable when autoit.multiOutput is disabled or autoit.multiOutputReuseOutput is enabled)true
autoit.terminateRunningOnCloseTerminate running script when script file is closedtrue
autoit.multiOutputShowProcessIdShow process ID in the Autoit (common) output"Single"
autoit.outputCodePageIf you see incorrect text encoding in the output, set this option to match your system code page""
autoit.outputShowTimeShow time when each output line was received"None"
autoit.outputMaxHistoryLinesNumber of output lines to keep5000
autoit.enableParenTriggerForFunctionsAdds the ability to use ( to select a function completion suggestion, which will add the function with open and closed parens, place the cursor between them and trigger signature help. Requires window reload to take full effect.true
<!-- * Access the command palette `Ctrl+Shift+P`, type Preferences: Open User Settings or Preferences: Open Workspace Settings. --> <!-- ![CtrlShiftP](img/docs/CtrlShiftP.png) --> <!-- * Configure the paths according to your AutoIt installation. --> <!-- ![AutoItConfiguration](img/docs/AutoItConfiguration.png) -->

Keyboard Shortcuts


Run, Compile and Build Script functions require the full install of SciTE4AutoIt3 alongside AutoIt.


Check out the code, leave feedback and feature requests now on GitHub/loganch

Please fork the repository and contribute using pull requests.

Features | Configuration | Keyboard Shortcuts | Contributing