

<div align="center"><a name="readme-top"></a> <img height="120" src="https://registry.npmmirror.com/@lobehub/assets-logo/1.0.0/files/assets/logo-3d.webp"> <img height="120" src="https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/kitchen/qJ3l3EPsdW/split.svg"> <img height="120" src="https://registry.npmmirror.com/@lobehub/assets-emoji/1.3.0/files/assets/microphone.webp"> <h1>Lobe TTS</h1>

A high-quality & reliable TTS/STT library for Server and Browser

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</div> <details> <summary><kbd>Table of contents</kbd></summary>



πŸ“– Introduction

πŸ€– Lobe Chat supports Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Speech-to-Text (STT) technologies, enabling our application to convert text messages into clear voice outputs, allowing users to interact with our conversational agent as if they were talking to a real person. Users can choose from a variety of voices to pair with the agent.

In the process of implementing this feature, we found that there was no satisfactory TTS (Text-to-Speech) frontend library available on the market. As a result, we invested a lot of effort, including data conversion, audio progress management, and speech visualization, among other tasks.


Therefore, we decided to refine our implementation and make it open source, hoping to assist developers who wish to implement TTS. @lobehub/tts is a high-quality TTS toolkit developed in TypeScript, which supports usage both on the server-side and in the browser.

πŸ“¦ Usage

Generate Speech on server

run the script below use Bun: bun index.js

// index.js
import { EdgeSpeechTTS } from '@lobehub/tts';
import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';

// Instantiate EdgeSpeechTTS
const tts = new EdgeSpeechTTS({ locale: 'en-US' });

// Create speech synthesis request payload
const payload = {
  input: 'This is a speech demonstration',
  options: {
    voice: 'en-US-GuyNeural',

// Call create method to synthesize speech
const response = await tts.create(payload);

// generate speech file
const mp3Buffer = Buffer.from(await response.arrayBuffer());
const speechFile = path.resolve('./speech.mp3');

fs.writeFileSync(speechFile, mp3Buffer);


Run on Node.js

As the Node.js environment lacks the WebSocket instance, we need to polyfill WebSocket. This can be done by importing the ws package.

// import at the top of the file
import WebSocket from 'ws';

global.WebSocket = WebSocket;

Use the React Component

import { AudioPlayer, AudioVisualizer, useAudioPlayer } from '@lobehub/tts/react';

export default () => {
  const { ref, isLoading, ...audio } = useAudioPlayer(url);

  return (
    <Flexbox align={'center'} gap={8}>
      <AudioPlayer audio={audio} isLoading={isLoading} style={{ width: '100%' }} />
      <AudioVisualizer audioRef={ref} isLoading={isLoading} />


πŸ“¦ Installation

This package is ESM only.

To install @lobehub/tts, run the following command:

$ pnpm i @lobehub/tts

$ bun add @lobehub/tts

Compile with Next.js

By work correct with Next.js SSR, add transpilePackages: ['@lobehub/tts'] to next.config.js. For example:

const nextConfig = {
  transpilePackages: ['@lobehub/tts'],
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⌨️ Local Development

You can use Github Codespaces for online development:

Or clone it for local development:

$ git clone https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-tts.git
$ cd lobe-tts
$ bun install
$ bun dev
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🀝 Contributing

Contributions of all types are more than welcome, if you are interested in contributing code, feel free to check out our GitHub Issues to get stuck in to show us what you’re made of.

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🩷 Sponsor

Every bit counts and your one-time donation sparkles in our galaxy of support! You're a shooting star, making a swift and bright impact on our journey. Thank you for believing in us – your generosity guides us toward our mission, one brilliant flash at a time.

<a href="https://opencollective.com/lobehub" target="_blank"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://github.com/lobehub/.github/blob/main/static/sponsor-dark.png?raw=true"> <img src="https://github.com/lobehub/.github/blob/main/static/sponsor-light.png?raw=true"> </picture> </a> <div align="right">


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πŸ“ License

Copyright Β© 2023 LobeHub. <br /> This project is MIT licensed.