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<div align="center"> <img height="120" src="https://registry.npmmirror.com/@lobehub/assets-logo/1.0.0/files/assets/logo-3d.webp"> <img height="120" src="https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/kitchen/qJ3l3EPsdW/split.svg"> <img height="120" src="https://registry.npmmirror.com/@lobehub/assets-emoji/1.3.0/files/assets/a-button.webp"> <h1 align="center">Lobe Theme</h1>

A modern interface framework designed for Stable Diffusion WebUI<br/>with an exquisite interface design, a highly customizable UI, and efficiency-boosting features.

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Lobe Theme v3 is compatible with SD WebUI v1.6 and is not backwards compatible. Versions below < 1.6 should be moved to the branch legacy-sd-webui-1.5

<details> <summary><kbd>Table of contents</kbd></summary>



👋🏻 Getting Started & Join Our Community

Please be aware that LobeTheme is currently under active development, and feedback is welcome for any issues encountered.

Join our Discord community! This is where you can connect with developers and other enthusiastic users of LobeHub.


Star Us, You will receive all release notifications from GitHub without any delay ~ ⭐️

<details><summary><kbd>Star History</kbd></summary> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=lobehub%2Fsd-webui-lobe-theme&theme=dark&type=Date"> <img src="https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=lobehub%2Fsd-webui-lobe-theme&type=Date"> </picture> </details> <div align="right">


📦 Extension Installation


Before installing the extension, please check the environment version of Stable Diffusion WebUI, with a minimum requirement of gradio-3.41.2 & sd-webui 1.6

A Installation via SD WebUI Extension Market

In Stable Diffusion WebUI, you can install the Lobe Theme extension through the built-in extension market.

B Clone this Repository via Git (Recommended)

If you prefer to manage extensions using Git, you can clone the repository to your extensions folder. Here are the detailed steps:

git clone "https://github.com/lobehub/sd-webui-lobe-theme" extensions/lobe-theme

Once you have completed these steps, the Lobe Theme extension will be successfully installed in Stable Diffusion WebUI.

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✨ Feature Overview

1 Light & Dark Theme

The current theme design provides two visual effects: light theme and dark theme, to meet the visual comfort needs of users in different lighting environments, which can be quickly switched in the upper right corner of the navigation bar.

If you prefer to default to the dark theme, you can achieve this by using the startup parameter --theme=dark.


To force a certain color theme in the startup file, for example, if you want to default to the dark mode in the Windows system, you can add the following content to the webui-user.bat file:

set COMMANDLINE_ARGS= --theme=dark

In addition, you can also directly switch the theme through URL parameters:


Through these simple and intuitive operations, users can quickly switch the interface theme according to their personal preferences or current environment, in order to achieve the best user experience.

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2 Personalized Theme Customization

As a design engineer, LobeChat considers the personalized experience of users in interface design, and has introduced a flexible and changeable theme mode, providing a series of color customization options, allowing users to adjust the theme color of the application according to their preferences.

Whether you want a stable deep blue, a lively peach pink, or a professional gray and white, users can find color options that match their style in LobeTheme.


By clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner of the page, you can enter the settings panel for personalized customization.

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3 Prompt Syntax Highlighting

When using the Stable Diffusion model for Prompt writing, an effective feature is the Prompt syntax highlighting.

This feature automatically adds color coding to the input Prompt text according to preset syntax rules, enhancing the user experience and the intuitiveness of operations. Prompt syntax highlighting can not only help users identify and construct syntax structures more clearly, but also improve the efficiency of text editing and debugging.

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4 Customizable Sidebar

One of the key highlights of LobeTheme is its highly customizable sidebar feature, designed to make the image generation workflow smoother, ensuring that every user can adjust and optimize their workspace according to their preferences.


By clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner of the interface, you can easily access and adjust the following settings:

<details> <summary><kbd>Recommended System Settings</kbd></summary>

Extra-Networks Extension Model Window


sd_model_checkpoint, sd_vae, CLIP_stop_at_last_layers, img2img_background_color, img2img_color_correction, samples_save, samples_format, grid_save, return_grid,  n_rows, live_previews_enable, show_progress_every_n_steps, live_preview_refresh_period
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5 Improved Image Information Display

The display of generation information has been improved, with a deep optimization of the data presentation mechanism, and the introduction of a "one-click copy" function to improve information retrieval efficiency.

Now, you can quickly obtain the required Seeds without tedious searching in long strings.

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6 Image Recipe Sharing

A brand-new image sharing feature has been launched. With a simple one-click operation, you can easily share the current image recipe, create exquisite shared images, and explore more customizable settings to make the shared images more personalized.

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7 Prompt Editor

A user-friendly prompt word editor has been added to the second tab of the quick setting menu. It includes a series of preset tags covering post-processing, style description, and other key words, simplifying your operation process and helping you edit and manage prompts more efficiently.

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8 Mobile-Friendly Adaptation

In order to improve the interactive experience of mobile users, LobeTheme has implemented an intelligent folding mechanism for breadcrumb navigation and finely adapted the sidebar. These adjustments are aimed at providing convenient and intuitive navigation experience on any device.

However, achieving the same complex functions and detailed customization as the desktop on the mobile end poses certain challenges. Especially when integrating with the Stable Diffusion WebUI interface, high complexity and precise parameter settings are required, which may result in differences in user experience between mobile and desktop.

If you have any suggestions or ideas, please feel free to provide feedback through GitHub Issues or Pull Requests.

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9 PWA Progressive Web Application

In today's multi-device environment, providing a seamless experience for users is crucial. Therefore, we have adopted the Progressive Web Application PWA technology, which is a modern web technology that can elevate web applications to a near-native application experience.

Through PWA, LobeTheme can provide a highly optimized user experience on desktop and mobile devices, while maintaining lightweight and high performance characteristics. Visually and perceptually, it has been carefully designed to ensure that its interface is indistinguishable from native applications, providing smooth animations, responsive layout, and adaptation to different screen resolutions of different devices.


If you are not familiar with the installation process of PWA, you can follow these steps to add LobeChat as your desktop application (also applicable to mobile devices):

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10 Prompt Word Formatting

Click the <kbd>🪄</kbd> button below the Prompt to format the prompt words with one click.


Convert full-width punctuation to half-width, remove extra spaces, add missing commas, and move the Extra-Networks model to the end.

Before formatting

photorealistic   photo of a handsome male (wizard  :1.2), <lora:LuisapHotlineStyle:0.5> <lora:ElegantHanfuRuqunStyle:0.2>    short beard, white wizard  shirt, (with golden    trim:0.8),

After formatting

photorealistic photo of a handsome male, (wizard:1.2), short beard, white wizard shirt, (with golden trim:0.8), <lora:LuisapHotlineStyle:0.5>, <lora:ElegantHanfuRuqunStyle:0.2>
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More Features

✨ With continuous updates in product iterations, we hope to bring more exciting features!

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🖥 Environment Support

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/chrome/chrome_48x48.png" alt="Chrome" width="24px" height="24px" /><br>Chrome<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/edge/edge_48x48.png" alt="Edge" width="24px" height="24px" /><br>Edge<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/safari/safari_48x48.png" alt="Safari" width="24px" height="24px" /><br>Safari
last 2 versionslast 2 versionslast 2 versions


There is currently a known compatibility issue with styles on Firefox browser.

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📦 Ecosystem

@lobehub/uilobehub/lobe-uiLobe UI is an open-source UI component library dedicated to building AIGC web applications.
@lobehub/lintlobehub/lobe-lintLobeLint provides configurations for ESlint, Stylelint, Commitlint, Prettier, Remark, and Semantic Release for LobeHub.
@lobehub/assetslobehub/assetsLogo assets, favicons, webfonts for LobeHub.
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⌨️ Local Development

You can use Github Codespaces for online development:

Alternatively, you can clone it for local development. To enable hot-reloading mode, you need to start stable diffuison on port 7860 in advance.

$ git clone https://github.com/lobehub/sd-webui-lobe-theme.git
$ cd sd-webui-lobe-theme
$ bun install
$ bun dev
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🤝 Contributing

Contributions of all types are more than welcome, if you are interested in contributing code, feel free to check out our GitHub Issues to get stuck in to show us what you’re made of.

<a href="https://github.com/lobehub/sd-webui-lobe-theme/graphs/contributors" target="_blank"> <table> <tr> <th colspan="2"> <br><img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=lobehub/sd-webui-lobe-theme"><br><br> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://next.ossinsight.io/widgets/official/compose-org-active-contributors/thumbnail.png?activity=active&period=past_90_days&owner_id=131470832&repo_ids=606329910&image_size=2x3&color_scheme=dark"> <img src="https://next.ossinsight.io/widgets/official/compose-org-active-contributors/thumbnail.png?activity=active&period=past_90_days&owner_id=131470832&repo_ids=606329910&image_size=2x3&color_scheme=light"> </picture> </td> <td rowspan="2"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://next.ossinsight.io/widgets/official/compose-org-participants-growth/thumbnail.png?activity=active&period=past_90_days&owner_id=131470832&repo_ids=606329910&image_size=4x7&color_scheme=dark"> <img src="https://next.ossinsight.io/widgets/official/compose-org-participants-growth/thumbnail.png?activity=active&period=past_90_days&owner_id=131470832&repo_ids=606329910&image_size=4x7&color_scheme=light"> </picture> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://next.ossinsight.io/widgets/official/compose-org-active-contributors/thumbnail.png?activity=new&period=past_90_days&owner_id=131470832&repo_ids=606329910&image_size=2x3&color_scheme=dark"> <img src="https://next.ossinsight.io/widgets/official/compose-org-active-contributors/thumbnail.png?activity=new&period=past_90_days&owner_id=131470832&repo_ids=606329910&image_size=2x3&color_scheme=light"> </picture> </td> </tr> </table> </a> <div align="right">


🩷 Sponsor

Every bit counts and your one-time donation sparkles in our galaxy of support! You're a shooting star, making a swift and bright impact on our journey. Thank you for believing in us – your generosity guides us toward our mission, one brilliant flash at a time.

<a href="https://opencollective.com/lobehub" target="_blank"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://github.com/lobehub/.github/blob/main/static/sponsor-dark.png?raw=true"> <img src="https://github.com/lobehub/.github/blob/main/static/sponsor-light.png?raw=true"> </picture> </a> <div align="right">


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<details><summary><h4>📝 License</h4></summary>


Copyright © 2023 LobeHub. <br /> This project is AGPL3 licensed.

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