

<a name="readme-top"></a>

<div align="center"> <img height="120" src="https://registry.npmmirror.com/@lobehub/assets-emoji/1.3.0/files/assets/puzzle-piece.webp"> <img height="120" src="https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/kitchen/qJ3l3EPsdW/split.svg"> <img height="120" src="https://registry.npmmirror.com/@lobehub/assets-emoji/1.3.0/files/assets/door.webp"> <h1>LobeChat Plugins Gateway</h1>

Plugin Gateway Service for Lobe Chat and Lobe Web


English · 简体中文 · Changelog · Report Bug · Request Feature

</div> <details> <summary><kbd>Table of contents</kbd></summary>



👋 Intro

LobeChat Plugins Gateway is a backend service that provides a gateway for LobeChat plugins. We use vercel to deploy this service. The main API POST /api/v1/runner is deployed as an Edge Function.

The gateway service fetches lobe plugins index from the LobeChat Plugins, if you want to add your plugin to the index, please submit a PR to the LobeChat Plugins repository.

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🤯 Usage

Base URLs


POST Plugin Gateway

POST /api/v1/runner
Interface to communicate with the LobeChat plugin. This interface describes how to use the LobeChat plugin gateway API to send requests and get responses

Body Request Parameters

  "arguments": "{\n  \"city\": \"杭州\"\n}",
  "name": "realtimeWeather"


    "city": "杭州市",
    "adcode": "330100",
    "province": "浙江",
    "reporttime": "2023-08-17 23:32:22",
    "casts": [
        "date": "2023-08-17",
        "week": "4",
        "dayweather": "小雨",
        "nightweather": "小雨",
        "daytemp": "33",
        "nighttemp": "24",
        "daywind": "东",
        "nightwind": "东",
        "daypower": "≤3",
        "nightpower": "≤3",
        "daytemp_float": "33.0",
        "nighttemp_float": "24.0"
        "date": "2023-08-18",
        "week": "5",
        "dayweather": "小雨",
        "nightweather": "小雨",
        "daytemp": "32",
        "nighttemp": "23",
        "daywind": "东北",
        "nightwind": "东北",
        "daypower": "4",
        "nightpower": "4",
        "daytemp_float": "32.0",
        "nighttemp_float": "23.0"
        "date": "2023-08-19",
        "week": "6",
        "dayweather": "小雨",
        "nightweather": "雷阵雨",
        "daytemp": "32",
        "nighttemp": "24",
        "daywind": "东",
        "nightwind": "东",
        "daypower": "4",
        "nightpower": "4",
        "daytemp_float": "32.0",
        "nighttemp_float": "24.0"
        "date": "2023-08-20",
        "week": "7",
        "dayweather": "雷阵雨",
        "nightweather": "多云",
        "daytemp": "33",
        "nighttemp": "25",
        "daywind": "东",
        "nightwind": "东",
        "daypower": "≤3",
        "nightpower": "≤3",
        "daytemp_float": "33.0",
        "nighttemp_float": "25.0"

See API Document for more information.

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🛳 Self Hosting

If you want to deploy this service by yourself, you can follow the steps below.

Deploy to Vercel

Click button below to deploy your private plugins' gateway.

Deploy with Vercel

If you want to make some customization, you can add environment variable:

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📦 Plugin Ecosystem

Plugins provide a means to extend the Function Calling capabilities of LobeChat. They can be used to introduce new function calls and even new ways to render message results. If you are interested in plugin development, please refer to our 📘 Plugin Development Guide in the Wiki.

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⌨️ Local Development

You can use Github Codespaces for online development:

Or clone it for local development:

$ git clone https://github.com/lobehub/chat-plugins-gateway.git
$ cd chat-plugins-gateway
$ bun install
$ bun dev
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🤝 Contributing

Contributions of all types are more than welcome, if you are interested in contributing code, feel free to check out our GitHub Issues to get stuck in to show us what you’re made of.

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🔗 Links

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📝 License

Copyright © 2023 LobeHub. <br /> This project is MIT licensed.

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