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ESLint rules for mocha.

Install and configure

This plugin requires ESLint 9.0.0 or later.

npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-mocha

Configuration via eslint.config.js

To use this plugin with the new eslint configuration format (flat config):

import mochaPlugin from "eslint-plugin-mocha";

export default [
    mochaPlugin.configs.flat.recommended, // or `mochaPlugin.configs.flat.all` to enable all
    // ... Your configurations here

Plugin Settings

This plugin supports the following settings, which are used by multiple rules:



This plugin exports a recommended config that enforces good practices.

Enable it with the extends option:

    "extends": ["plugin:mocha/recommended"]


There's also a configuration that enables all of our rules.

See Configuring Eslint on eslint.org for more info.


<!-- begin auto-generated rules list -->

💼 Configurations enabled in.
⚠️ Configurations set to warn in.
🚫 Configurations disabled in.
✅ Set in the recommended configuration.
🔧 Automatically fixable by the --fix CLI option.

Name                             Description💼⚠️🚫🔧
consistent-spacing-between-blocksRequire consistent spacing between blocks🔧
handle-done-callbackEnforces handling of callbacks for async tests
max-top-level-suitesEnforce the number of top-level suites in a single file
no-async-describeDisallow async functions passed to describe🔧
no-empty-descriptionDisallow empty test descriptions
no-exclusive-testsDisallow exclusive tests
no-exportsDisallow exports from test files
no-global-testsDisallow global tests
no-hooksDisallow hooks
no-hooks-for-single-caseDisallow hooks for a single test or test suite
no-identical-titleDisallow identical titles
no-mocha-arrowsDisallow arrow functions as arguments to mocha functions🔧
no-nested-testsDisallow tests to be nested within other tests
no-pending-testsDisallow pending tests
no-return-and-callbackDisallow returning in a test or hook function that uses a callback
no-return-from-asyncDisallow returning from an async test or hook
no-setup-in-describeDisallow setup in describe blocks
no-sibling-hooksDisallow duplicate uses of a hook at the same level inside a describe
no-skipped-testsDisallow skipped tests
no-synchronous-testsDisallow synchronous tests
no-top-level-hooksDisallow top-level hooks
prefer-arrow-callbackRequire using arrow functions for callbacks🔧
valid-suite-descriptionRequire suite descriptions to match a pre-configured regular expression
valid-test-descriptionRequire test descriptions to match a pre-configured regular expression
<!-- end auto-generated rules list -->