


WIP PoC verification system for the Livepeer protocol using Truebit



The client requires IPFS which can be installed here.

Make sure to clone and build the Truebit off-chain WASM interpreter here.

git clone https://github.com/livepeer/verification-truebit.git
cd verification-truebit
npm install

Building a WASM Binary

This project currently uses an ffprobe WASM binary for the Truebit task.

You can use the Truebit WASM computation layer to setup all the dependencies needed to build a Truebit compatible WASM binary.

Once you have all the dependencies from the Truebit WASM Computation Layer set up, you can build a Truebit compatible ffprobe WASM binary and observe the output for the directory that the WASM binary will be stored in:

bash scripts/build_ffprobe_wasm.sh

The goal is to replace the ffprobe WASM binary with a program that wraps ffprobe such that the output of the computation can be written to an output file.


The Truffle migration scripts will update a .env file with the deployed contract addresses and an account to use.

# Compile contracts
npm run compile

# Deploy contracts
npm run migrate

Running the client

# Start IPFS daemon
ipfs daemon

# Upload video segment data to IPFS and submit for verification
npm run uploadAndVerify