

WASM Computation Layer

This is the WASM Truebit Computation Layer for running generic programs that are written in wasm.

To install emscripten (this will take a while):


If they didn't already download, grab the submodules like this:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Install ocaml-offchain:

cd ocaml-offchain

Install emscripten module-wrapper:

cd emscripten-module-wrapper/
npm install


You will need to compile a LLVM language script into wasm using Emscripten.

Make sure you have emscripten commands available in your terminal session:

source ./emsdk/emsdk_env.sh

Then you can convert LLVM languages into WASM using emscripten. For example:

cd example/
EMCC_WASM_BACKEND=1 emcc -s WASM=1 ./simple.c -o ./simple.js
cd ..

This generates your wasm files

It is possible to run:

node ./example/simple.js

However it will not be able to use the filesystem.

Make sure you have files to be used:

touch example/input.data
touch example/output.data

In order to be able to use the file system you will need to prepare the runtime using emscripten-module-wrapper. Ensure you are back in the wasm-computation-layer directory.

cd example
node ../emscripten-module-wrapper/prepare.js simple.js --file input.data --file output.data