

The LargeST Benchmark Dataset

This is the official repository of our NeurIPS 2023 DB Track paper LargeST: A Benchmark Dataset for Large-Scale Traffic Forecasting. LargeST comprises four sub-datasets, each characterized by a different number of sensors. The biggest one is California (CA), including a total number of 8,600 sensors. We also construct three subsets of CA by selecting three representative areas within CA and forming the sub-datasets of Greater Los Angeles (GLA), Greater Bay Area (GBA), and San Diego (SD). The figure here shows an illustration.

<img src='img/overview.png' width='780px'>

In LargeST we also provide comprehensive metadata for all sensors, which are listed below.

AttributeDescriptionPossible Range of Values
IDThe identifier of a sensor in PeMS6 to 9 digits number
LatThe latitude of a sensorReal number
LngThe longitude of a sensorReal number
DistrictThe district of a sensor in PeMS3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12
CountyThe county of a sensor in CaliforniaString
FwyThe highway where a sensor is locatedString starts with 'I', 'US', or 'SR'
LaneThe number of lanes where a sensor is located1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
TypeThe type of a sensorMainline
DirectionThe direction of the highwayN, S, E, W

1. Data Preparation

In this section, we will outline the procedure for preparing the CA dataset, followed by an explanation of how the GLA, GBA, and SD datasets can be derived from CA. Please follow these instructions step by step.

1.1 Download the CA Dataset

We host the CA dataset on Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/liuxu77/largest. There are a total of 7 files in this link. Among them, 5 files in .h5 format contain the traffic flow raw data from 2017 to 2021, 1 file in .csv format provides the metadata for all sensors, and 1 file in .npy format represents the adjacency matrix constructed based on road network distances.

kaggle datasets download liuxu77/largest

Note that the traffic flow raw data of the CA dataset require additional processing (described in Section 1.2 and 1.3), while the metadata and adjacency matrix are ready to be used.

1.2 Process Traffic Flow Data of CA

We provide a jupyter notebook process_ca_his.ipynb in the folder data/ca to process and generate a cleaned version of the flow data. Please go through this notebook.

1.3 Generate Traffic Flow Data for Training

Please go to the data folder, and use the command below to generate the flow data for model training in our manuscript.

python generate_data_for_training.py --dataset ca --years 2019

The processed data are stored in data/ca/2019. We also support the utilization of data from multiple years. For example, changing the years argument to 2018_2019 to generate two years of data.

1.4 Generate Other Sub-Datasets

We describe the generation of the GLA dataset as an example. Please first go through all the cells in the provided jupyter notebook generate_gla_dataset.ipynb in the folder data/gla. Then, use the command below to generate traffic flow data for model training.

python generate_data_for_training.py --dataset gla --years 2019

2. Experiments Running

We conduct experiments on an Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6140 CPU @ 2.30 GHz, 376 GB RAM computing server, equipped with an NVIDIA RTX A6000 GPU with 48 GB memory. We adopt PyTorch 1.12 as the default deep learning library. Currently, there are a total of 12 supported baselines in this repository, namely, Historical Last (HL), LSTM, DCRNN, AGCRN, STGCN, GWNET, ASTGCN, STTN, STGODE, DSTAGNN, DGCRN, and D2STGNN.

To reproduce the benchmark results in the manuscript, please go to experiments/baseline_you_want_to_run, open the provided run.sh file, and uncomment the line you would like to execute. Note that you may need to specify the GPU card number on your server. Moreover, we use the flow data from 2019 for model training in our manuscript, if you want to use multiple years of data, please change the years argument to, e.g., 2018_2019.

To run the LSTM baseline, for example, you may execute this command in the terminal:

bash experiments/lstm/run.sh

or directly execute the Python file in the terminal:

python experiments/lstm/main.py --device cuda:2 --dataset SD --years 2019 --model_name lstm --seed 2023 --bs 64

3. Evaluate Your Model in Three Steps

You may first go through the implementations of various baselines in our repository, which may serve as good references for experimenting your own model. The detailed steps are described as follows.

4. License & Acknowledgement

The LargeST benchmark dataset is released under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0. Our code implementation is released under the MIT License: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. The license of any specific baseline methods used in our codebase should be verified on their official repositories. Here we would also like to express our gratitude to the authors of baselines for releasing their code.

5. Citation

If you find our work useful in your research, please cite:

  title={LargeST: A Benchmark Dataset for Large-Scale Traffic Forecasting},
  author={Liu, Xu and Xia, Yutong and Liang, Yuxuan and Hu, Junfeng and Wang, Yiwei and Bai, Lei and Huang, Chao and Liu, Zhenguang and Hooi, Bryan and Zimmermann, Roger},
  booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},