


There are some general settings for convenience in almost everyone's .vimrc file. Let's shorten your .vimrc and make the default vim better.


If new to Vim, you can install vim-better-default as a starting point, rather than copying some random vimrc you found.

If you have been a vimmer for quite a while, please see default.vim directly. In the beginning vim-better-default is intended for simplifying the tedious .vimrc file, so you may also use it to shorten your .vimrc.


This plugin can be installed with a varity of plugin managers, such as:


vim_better_default_minimumOnly add essential funationalities0
vim_better_default_backup_onSet backup0
vim_better_default_persistent_undoPersistent undo0
vim_better_default_enable_foldingEnable fold1
vim_better_default_key_mappingWhole key (re)mappings1
vim_better_default_basic_key_mappingBasic key (re)mappings1
vim_better_default_buffer_key_mappingBuffer key mappings1
vim_better_default_file_key_mappingFile key mappings1
vim_better_default_fold_key_mappingFold key mappings1
vim_better_default_window_key_mappingWindow key mappings1

If you set the vim_better_default_minumum option, then vim seemingly looks like no difference with the default vim, it only adds some essential funtionalities.

let g:vim_better_default_minimum = 1

If you want to exclude key mappings in vim-better-default, just set the value as 0.

let g:vim_better_default_key_mapping = 0

For more details, please refer to the default.vim. Don't worry. It is extremely simple and just part of your own .vimrc file alike.

You can also fork vim-better-default and modify plugin/default.vim for more customization.

How to override the existing settings?

default.vim normally loads after your .vimrc, making it a bit tricky to override. If you want to load it earlier, add the following content to your .vimrc, then follow on the settings you want to override.

For instance, if you don't like relativenumber:

runtime! plugin/default.vim
set norelativenumber


If you have any ideas or suggestions to improve vim-better-default, please open an issue, or fork it and send a pull request. Your feedback is highly appreciated.
