

Fred, a front matter cli editor

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Fred is a cli utility for precisely editing YAML-nodes inside the front matter of a markdown file.



With Homebrew

  1. brew tap mipmip/homebrew-crystal
  2. brew install fred

From Source

  1. git clone https://github.com/linden-project/fred
  2. cd fred
  3. make



    --help                           Show this help.

  Sub Commands:

    echo                     echo display one node by key
    set_bool_val             Set boolean value for front matter key
    set_string_val           Set string value for front matter key
    unset_key                Remove key from front matter
    replace_key              Find and replace key in front matter
    replace_string_val       Find and replace a string value in front matter
    toggle_bool_val          Toggle a bool value in front matter, if true set false, if false or missing set true
    replace_1st_level_vars   replace variables found on 1st level in other levels in inside front matter
    replace_includes         replace includes inside front matter
    process_functions        replace $FORMAT and $INCLUDE inside front matter
    version                  version

Variable usage

Every scalar node as 1st level can be used as replace value inside lower of deeper scalar values. See example:

You have a file crystal-rules.md with the following contents.

title: Crystal Rules
category: Programming languages
date: "15 august 2019"
  abstract: $FORMAT This post is is written on {date} in the category {category}.
  file_name_pdf: $FORMAT /Users/mipmip/{date}-{title}.pdf

Did I tell you ...

When you run fred replace_1st_level_vars the file will look like this:

title: Crystal Rules
category: Programming languages
date: "15 august 2019"
  abstract: This post is is written on 15 august in the category Programming Languages.
  file_name_pdf: $FORMAT /Users/mipmip/15 august-Crystal Rules.pdf

Did I tell you ...

Example integration in Vim with Pandocomatic

nmap ,t :AsyncRun /usr/bin/fred replace_1st_level_vars -d % > /tmp/pandotemp.md && rvm 2.5.1 do pandocomatic -b -i /tmp/pandotemp.md<CR>


$FORMATString with vars inside {}$FORMAT written by {author1} and {author2}Replaces {author1} and {author2} with the values of the 1st level yaml keys author1: and author2:
$INCLUDEInclude path to YAML file$INCLUDE ./blog_layout_config.ymlImports external YAML at the include location. Path can be absolute or relative to the markdown file


Run Specs

make run_spec
make run_coverage


make build


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/your-github-user/fred/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
