

WWDC17 Color Scheme for Vim

WWDC17 Color Scheme

A colorful light theme for Vim inspired by the colors of 2017's WWDC event.

Looking for a companion dark theme? Check out vim-wwdc16-theme!

This color scheme works out of the box everywhere. For the best experience, you need:

WWDC17 also works in MacVim, gVim, etc…: no configuration is needed.

For terminals not supporting true colors, WWDC17 will fall back to use a (pretty good) approximate palette based on xterm's 256 colors. And if you happen to stumble upon an old vt100 terminal emulator, well, WWDC17 will fall back to black&white at the blink of an eye!


Put the following options in your vimrc to customize the color scheme.

The color palette is available through g:terminal_ansi_colors.

WWDC17 Frames


Do you want to hack the theme? Install the Colortemplate ftplugin and modify wwdc17.colortemplate, then rebuild the colorscheme.

If you extend or improve WWDC17, please consider submitting a pull request!