

WWDC16 Color Scheme for Vim

WWDC16 Color Scheme

A colorful dark theme for Vim inspired by the colors of 2016's WWDC event.

Looking for a companion light theme? Check out vim-wwdc17-theme!

This color scheme works out of the box everywhere. For the best experience, you need:

WWDC16 also works in MacVim, gVim, etc…: no configuration is needed.

For terminals not supporting true colors, WWDC16 will fall back to use a (not so bad) approximate palette based on xterm's 256 colors. If you want exact colors in such terminals, you must set your terminal's 16 ANSI color to the WWDC16 palette (a terminal profile for macOS's Terminal.app is included in the plugin) and set t_Co=16.


The color palette is available through g:terminal_ansi_colors.


Do you want to hack the theme? Install the Colortemplate ftplugin and modify wwdc16.colortemplate, then rebuild the colorscheme.

If you extend or improve WWDC16, please consider submitting a pull request!