


  1. 在windows下配对蓝牙设备
  2. 在macOS下配对蓝牙设备
  3. macOS打开终端(Terminal)运行以下脚本(3行一起复制,一起粘贴.会要求输入密码)
    cd ~/Desktop/; curl -o BT-LinkkeySync.py \
    https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lietxia/BT-LinkkeySync@1.1.0/BT-LinkkeySync.py \
    && sudo python BT-LinkkeySync.py
  4. 桌面上会产生 btkeys.reg ,把他放到 windows能访问的目录
  5. 启动windows,关掉windows的蓝牙
  6. 下载PStools 程序网站 or 直接下载 存到 C:/pstools/,保证C:/pstools/下面有psexec.exe (其他地方也行)
  7. windows键+X,弹出菜单选powershell(管理员模式),运行脚本(如果换了目录,自行把C:/pstools/改成相应的目录)
    C:/pstools/psexec.exe -s -i regedit
  8. 文件->导入btkeys.reg导入进去
  9. 重启win10
  10. 打开蓝牙,你的蓝牙设备就能在双系统愉快的玩耍了。


Script to synchronize bluetooth link keys from macOS to windows. It generates a registry file for windows on macOS, which can afterwards be imported with the tool regedit in windows.


  1. Pair all your bluetooth devices to your Windows (e.g. keyboard, mouse, headphones)
  2. Pair all your bluetooth devices to your Mac (e.g. keyboard, mouse, headphones)
  3. Open the Terminal and run the script with (you will be asked for your password)
    cd ~/Desktop/; curl -o BT-LinkkeySync.py \
    https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lietxia/BT-LinkkeySync@1.1.0/BT-LinkkeySync.py \
    && sudo python BT-LinkkeySync.py
  4. Store the generated file btkeys.reg file to a location accessible by windows.
  5. Boot windows and close your bluetooth devices
  6. Download PStools website_download or direct_download and store it to C:/pstools/
  7. Press Windows key + X and select powershell (admin). Run the command: C:/pstools/psexec.exe -s -i regedit
  8. Import the file btkeys.reg
  9. restart windows
  10. Use your keyboard on macOS and Windows


Test Environment:


BT 4.0 LE/Smart Devices (e.g. Logitech MX Master) do not work yet. If you know how to get it working feel free to contribute :)


Try the other way round (Pair on Windows and import in macOS) maybe get Bluetooth 4.0 LE Working


Related Blog Post on InsanelyMac of camoguy
