


A useful script to simultaneously pair a bluetooth device to your Mac in OS X and Boot Camp Windows

OS X Bluetooth Pairing Value To Windows Value

A script to get the Windows equivalent bluetooth adress/link key pair (little endian?)

This is useful if you would like to pair a bluetooth device to both OS X and Windows (in BootCamp).

Thanks to user pacnow (Camoguy) at discussions.apple.com for doing the leg work and figuring out the algorithm

Follow these steps to get your bluetooth device working.

What this script does

up to Sierra:
sudo defaults read /private/var/root/Library/Preferences/blued.plist LinkKeys
High Sierra and onwards:
sudo defaults read /private/var/root/Library/Preferences/com.apple.bluetoothd.plist LinkKeys

Here's an example link key. Instead of just typing that in you want to break it apart starting from the right, taking a pair of two characters at a time.

98 54 2f f9 88 e1 94 49 47 52 50 e1 39 43 25 5b (What is shown in OS X)

5B 25 43 39 E1 50 52 47 49 94 E1 88 F9 2F 54 98 (What you enter in Windows)

-Help from Camoguy-

Note, this script requires administrator privileges.

Your password is not saved anywhere and only known to you and your OS.

Possible Issues:

Windows /keys in registry is empty #8

shivangswain commented on Aug 23, 2020

You can fix that by setting the permissions of the /Keys folder/key. So,

Where is the reg file saved to? #7

It should save directly to the same folder where the script is run from.