

LVG (Lion Vector Graphics)

Build Status CircleCI Build Status <a href="https://scan.coverity.com/projects/lieff-lvg"> <img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status" src="https://scan.coverity.com/projects/14454/badge.svg"/> </a>

LVG is a lightweight flash player replacement. Basic idea: we have some assets in a package and sctipts that renders them. It's designed to use a very small runtime (around 200kb without video codecs) for player and runs on android, ios, web and more.

Currently it uses C script to load and render assets. Why C script? Because C compiler is small, and runtime written in C, so no other language is needed and script can be compiled in to a save the space. Another reason is compatibility: lvg only exposes small API and opengl, with other scripting laguages we must do all from scratch, including GUI. But there are huge amount of already-written C code. Usually author prefer C++, but there also some reasons to use pure C for whole project:

Following assets currently supported:

Render can be done using following backends:

Current Status


Not works:


Basic svg demo (images clickable):

SVG Screenshot

NanoVG demo incapsulated in lvg:

NanoVG Screenshot

Nuklear GUI demo:

Nuklear Screenshot

Flash swf demo:

Flash Screenshot


For now windows executables builds only on linux host using mingw. For windows and linux install all build dependencies with the following command:

apt-get install -qq -y git cmake meson yasm libglfw3-dev libsdl2-dev libavcodec-dev mingw-w64 wget

For macos brew must be installed:

brew install meson upx glfw sdl2 ffmpeg tcc

LVG uses meson as build system. Actual building with the following commands in project directory:

mkdir build
cd build
meson ..


LVG can be configured to use different backends for platform, audio and video. You can see current configuration by executing mesonconf (or meson configure for newer meson versions) in build directory:

meson configure
Project options:
  Option        Description   Current Value Possible Values
  ------        -----------   ------------- ---------------
  AUDIO_SDL     AUDIO_SDL     true          [True, False]
  ENABLE_AUDIO  ENABLE_AUDIO  true          [True, False]
  ENABLE_SCRIPT ENABLE_SCRIPT true          [True, False]
  ENABLE_VIDEO  ENABLE_VIDEO  true          [True, False]
  PLATFORM_GLFW PLATFORM_GLFW true          [True, False]
  PLATFORM_SDL  PLATFORM_SDL  false         [True, False]
  RENDER_NANOVG RENDER_NANOVG true          [True, False]
  RENDER_NVPR   RENDER_NVPR   true          [True, False]
  SCRIPT_TCC    SCRIPT_TCC    true          [True, False]
  VIDEO_FFMPEG  VIDEO_FFMPEG  true          [True, False]

You can change configuration using meson commands. Example:

mesonconf -DENABLE_SCRIPT=False


Interesting graphics libraries

Flash related projects

LVG is developed and maintained by https://github.com/lieff