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# Cargo.toml
perf_monitor = "0.2"

A toolkit designed to be a foundation for applications to monitor their performance. It is:



A simple activity monitor:

    use perf_monitor::cpu::{ThreadStat, ProcessStat, processor_numbers};
    use perf_monitor::fd::fd_count_cur;
    use perf_monitor::io::get_process_io_stats;
    use perf_monitor::mem::get_process_memory_info;

    // cpu
    let core_num = processor_numbers().unwrap();
    let mut stat_p = ProcessStat::cur().unwrap();
    let mut stat_t = ThreadStat::cur().unwrap();

    let _ = (0..1_000).into_iter().sum::<i128>();

    let usage_p = stat_p.cpu().unwrap() * 100f64;
    let usage_t = stat_t.cpu().unwrap() * 100f64;

    println!("[CPU] core Number: {}, process usage: {:.2}%, current thread usage: {:.2}%", core_num, usage_p, usage_t);

    // mem
    let mem_info = get_process_memory_info().unwrap();
    println!("[Memory] memory used: {} bytes, virtural memory used: {} bytes ", mem_info.resident_set_size, mem_info.virtual_memory_size);

    // fd
    let fd_num = fd_count_cur().unwrap();
    println!("[FD] fd number: {}", fd_num);

    // io
    let io_stat = get_process_io_stats().unwrap();   
    println!("[IO] io-in: {} bytes, io-out: {} bytes", io_stat.read_bytes, io_stat.write_bytes);

The above code should have the following output:

[CPU] core Number: 12, process usage: 502.16%, current thread usage: 2.91%
[Memory] memory used: 1073152 bytes, virtural memory used: 4405747712 bytes 
[FD] fd number: 7
[IO] io-in: 0 bytes, io-out: 32768 bytes

See examples for details.


We are concerned about the overhead associated with obtaining performance information. We try to use the most efficient methods while ensuring the API usability.

For example, CPU usage and FD number cost on these devices has following result:

thread CPU usage (ms)30.4516
FD number (ms)0.150.0710

Supported Platform

FD count

See documents of each module for usage and more details.

Rust Version

To compile document require the nightly version, others should work both in stable and nightly version.

cargo build

cargo +nightly doc 

cargo +nightly test
cargo test --lib


Contributions are welcome!

Open an issue or create a PR to report bugs, add new features or improve documents and tests. If you are a new contributor, see this page for help.

Why perf-monitor-rs?

There are some crates to do similar things, such as spork, procfs, and sysinfo.

Our application needs to monitor itself at runtime to help us find out performance issues. For example, when the CPU usage rises abnormally, we want to figure out which threads cause this.

However, none of the above crates meet our needs.

If you are building a cross-platform application and facing the same problem, we hope perf_monitor_rs can be your first choice.


perf-monitor is providing under the MIT license. See LICENSE.