

<br /> <p> <a href="https://itty.dev/itty-router"> <img src="https://github.com/kwhitley/itty-router/assets/865416/ed7de66a-b876-46a8-a65f-429dc6d3da20" alt="Itty Router" height="120" /> </a> <p>

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An ultra-tiny API microrouter, for use when size matters (e.g. Cloudflare Workers).



import { AutoRouter } from 'itty-router' // ~1kB

const router = AutoRouter()

  .get('/hello/:name', ({ name }) => `Hello, ${name}!`)
  .get('/json', () => [1,2,3])
  .get('/promises', () => Promise.resolve('foo'))

export default router

// that's it ^-^
<br />

Need Help?

Complete API documentation is available on itty.dev, or join our Discord channel to chat with community members for quick help!

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Have a question? Suggestion? Idea? Complaint? Want to send a gift basket? Join us on Discord!

A Special Thanks :heart:

As the community and contributor list has grown (and thus an individualized list here is no longer easily maintainable), I'd like to thank each and every one of you for making itty far greater than its humble origins. The robustness you see today, the careful consideration of every byte spent on features, the API choices, the code-golfing itself... are all thanks to the efforts and feedback from the community. I'd especially like to thank the core contributors and PR-authors, as well as the fantastic folks on the itty Discord group, for their tireless work refining this little beast and answering community questions.