



The objective of this project is to adapt YOLOv4 model to detecting oriented objects. As a result, modifying the original loss function of the model is required. I got a successful result by increasing the number of anchor boxes with different rotating angle and combining smooth-L1-IoU loss function proposed by R3Det: Refined Single-Stage Detector with Feature Refinement for Rotating Object into the original loss for bounding boxes.


Loss Function (only for x, y, w, h, theta)

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/zdA9RJj.png" alt="loss" height="90"/> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/Qi1XFXS.png" alt="angle" height="70"/>


The followings are updated to the code to improve the performance of the original setting.


  1. Clone repository
    $ git clone https://github.com/kunnnnethan/R-YOLOv4.git
    $ cd R-YOLOv4/
  2. Create Environment
  1. Download pretrained weights</br> weights

  2. Make sure your files arrangment looks like the following</br> Note that each of your dataset folder in data should split into three files, namely train, test, and detect.

    ├── train.py
    ├── test.py
    ├── detect.py
    ├── xml2txt.py
    ├── environment.xml
    ├── requirements.txt
    ├── model/
    ├── datasets/
    ├── lib/
    ├── outputs/
    ├── weights/
        ├── pretrained/ (for training)
        └── UCAS-AOD/ (for testing and detection)
    └── data/
        └── UCAS-AOD/
            ├── class.names
            ├── train/
                ├── ...png
                └── ...txt
            ├── test/
                ├── ...png
                └── ...txt
            └── detect/
                └── ...png


I have implemented methods to load and train three different datasets. They are UCAS-AOD, DOTA, and custom dataset respectively. You can check out how I loaded those dataset into the model at /datasets. The angle of each bounding box is limited in (- pi/2, pi/2], and the height of each bounding box is always longer than it's width.

Check all the setting in .yaml files that you are going to use in the /data folder.

$ python train.py --model_name DOTA_yolov7_csl_800 --config data/hyp.yaml --img_size 800 --data data/DOTA.yaml --epochs 100 --mode csl --ver yolov7

You can run display_inputs.py to visualize whether your data is loaded successfully.

UCAS-AOD dataset

Please refer to this repository to rearrange files so that it can be loaded and trained by this model.</br>

DOTA dataset

Download the official dataset from here. The original files should be able to be loaded and trained by this model.</br>

Train with custom dataset

  1. Use labelImg2 to help label your data. labelImg2 is capable of labeling rotated objects.
  2. Move your data folder into the R-YOLOv4/data folder.
  3. Run xml2txt.py
    1. generate txt files: python xml2txt.py --data_folder your-path --action gen_txt
    2. delete xml files: python xml2txt.py --data_folder your-path --action del_xml

A trash custom dataset that I made are provided for your convenience.


$ python test.py --data data/DOTA.yaml --hyp data/hyp.yaml --weight_path weights/DOTA_yolov7_csl_800/best.pth --batch_size 8 --img_size 800 --mode csl --ver yolov7


$ python detect.py --data data/UCAS_AOD.yaml --hyp data/hyp.yaml --weight_path weights/DOTA_yolov7_csl_800/best.pth --batch_size 8 --img_size 800 --conf_thres 0.3 --mode csl --ver yolov7


If you would like to use tensorboard for tracking traing process.



<img src="https://github.com/kunnnnethan/R-YOLOv4/blob/main/outputs/UCAS_AOD/P0292.png" alt="car" height="430"/> <img src="https://github.com/kunnnnethan/R-YOLOv4/blob/main/outputs/UCAS_AOD/P0769.png" alt="plane" height="413"/>


<img src="https://github.com/kunnnnethan/R-YOLOv4/blob/main/outputs/DOTA/P0006.png" alt="DOTA" height="430"/><img src="https://github.com/kunnnnethan/R-YOLOv4/blob/main/outputs/DOTA/P0031.png" alt="DOTA" height="430"/>

trash (custom dataset)

<img src="https://github.com/kunnnnethan/R-YOLOv4/blob/main/outputs/trash/480.jpg" alt="garbage1" height="410"/> <img src="https://github.com/kunnnnethan/R-YOLOv4/blob/main/outputs/trash/540.jpg" alt="garbage2" height="410"/>


WongKinYiu/yolov7</br> ultralytics/yolov5</br> Tianxiaomo/pytorch-YOLOv4</br> yangxue0827/RotationDetection</br> eriklindernoren/PyTorch-YOLOv3</br>

YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection

  title={YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection},
  author={Alexey Bochkovskiy, Chien-Yao Wang, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao},
  journal = {arXiv},

R3Det: Refined Single-Stage Detector with Feature Refinement for Rotating Object

  title={R3Det: Refined Single-Stage Detector with Feature Refinement for Rotating Object},
  author={Xue Yang, Junchi Yan, Ziming Feng, Tao He},
  journal = {arXiv},