


Aircrack-ng for Android

This repository is a port of the Aircrack-ng 1.2-beta2 suite (except scripts) for Android. It works directly on top of Android. This port is done by KrisWebDev and is not "affiliated" with the Aircrack-ng.org team.


Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools.

Running Aircrack-ng on Android (precompiled)


  1. Device with WiFi chipset, firmware & driver that support monitor-mode
  1. Wireless extensions enabled in Android kernel
  1. Monitor-mode firmware & driver loader
  1. Android SDK platform-tools installed on your PC (for install)


    adb root
    adb remount
    adb push some-binary /system/xbin/


Check your wireless interface status (should be in "Mode: Monitor"):

adb root
adb shell iwconfig

Check Airodump is working: adb shell airodump-ng eth0

Provided your wireless interface is eth0.

If it is working, then check the Aircrack documentation for HowTo.

Building Aircrack-ng on Android

There is no need to build Aircrack-ng yourself unless you're paranoïd about the binaries I provide, or unless you want to change/upgrade the Aircrack-ng code. Android Aircrack-ng binaries should work on any Android phone. The hard part about running Aircrack-ng on Android is to load a monitor-mode WiFi firmware & driver that works for your phone or USB WiFi adapter: that's where you should focus your efforts instead.


Firmware/driver pre-requisite

Same pre-requisites applies as for Running. You still need to have a monitor-mode WiFi kernel/driver installed on your Android system prior to using Aicrack for Android.

Preparing the build environment

Instructions are made for CyanogenMod platform build system, as it includes all the necessary libraries and tools.

Warning: Compilation has not been tested on Android NDK system build alone, without all the platform tools. Building only with Android NDK instead of CyanogenMod platform build system would require you to have have at least the following sources located in an folder called "external" (check Android.mk):

Building wireless tools binaries

If you also want to build the Android wireless tools instead of using the Android wireless tools precompiled binaries, then download and put the Android wireless tools in CyanogenMod "external" folder and run from the CM source root (croot):

. build/envsetup.sh
breakfast galaxysmtd
export USE_CCACHE=1
mka iwconfig
mka iwpriv
adb root
adb remount
adb push $OUT/system/bin/iwconfig /system/xbin/
adb push $OUT/system/bin/iwpriv /system/xbin/

And so on for all tools listed in Android wireless tools Android.mk. Replace galaxysmtd by your device CyanogenMod name.

Building Aicrack-ng binaries for Android

The following commands have to be run from the CyanogenMod android source directory (croot).


Aircrack-ng official documentation

Documentation, tutorials, ... can be found on http://www.aircrack-ng.org See also manpages and the forum.

Aircrack-ng for Android

Support Aircrack-ng for Android is done on XDA PwnAir thread Q&A section or on the GitHub repo.