I'll be honest and I'll say that I'm a bit lazy sometimes. I'm one of those developers which don't like to repeat same actions again and again. There are dozen of things which I have to do while working on a project. Very often I'm covering the development of several applications and have to switch between them. It's really annoying process. I hate to have many opened tabs in my browser, many consoles or several code editors. I always try to improve my productivity by automating tasks. I think that even switching between opened applications takes too much time.
Auxilio is an extension for Google Chrome which helps me to solve some of the above problems. During the development I realize that it's much more then a tool for workflow optimization. Here is what I'm using it for:
interactive shell/console
file browser
front-end testing
real-time code editing
git helper
project manager / workflow optimization
playing tetris :)
Before to give you more details about every of the items above, let me clarify how everything works. Auxilio has two parts. The first one is of course an extension of my favorite browser and the second one is a nodejs application, which I called auxilio-backend. The extension uses web sockets ( and connects to the node app. You can do a lot of stuff inside your browser. However, there are some tasks which are not permitted. For example you can't watch file for changes or execute shell commands. For these things I decided to use node, because:
- it's simply JavaScript and I'm able to write whatever I want
- it has a lot of modules, which I can use.
If I need to do something inside the browser I'm using the Google's APIs, while the back-end is taking care about the OS related stuff. The extension just sends commands and gets response.
Auxilio back-end
First of all install NodeJS. It's pretty easy. Just go to and click the big green button. The back-end is distributed as node package, so you can easily install it via the node package manager.
npm install -g auxilio-backend
Once everything completes simply run it via
You should see
info - started
Auxilio back-end started.
Auxilio Chrome extension
There are two ways to use an extension for Chrome.
- Open this url and click Add to Chrome button in the upper right corner.<br />
- Download the source code from the GitHub repo. Open chrome://extensions page and check Developer mode. After that click on Load unpacked extension and browse the /src directory.<br />
New tab page
When you open a new tab Chrome usually shows most visited pages. There are some other things like recent closed pages or installed apps, but actually I didn't use them very often. That's why I decided to customize that part of the browser. The new page shows the current date and time, good quotes made by smart developers and of course a button which points to the old page if needed.
DevTools tab
DevTools is a great instrument for programmers. Luckily there is an API which we can use to add new tabs. It is also good that you can open the panel with shortcuts like Ctrl + J or Ctrl + I. However, there is no way to associate a shortcut to your custom tab. So, what I'm doing is to open DevTools and use Ctrl + [ or Ctrl + ] to navigation between the tools.
In Google Chrome web store
Installing the extension
Follow the link above and click the green button Add to Chrome or check the steps below
Download the source code of the extension (you will use the content of the src folder)
Open Google Chrome and type the following thing in the address bar
Check the Developer mode option
Click on Load unpacked extension... and browse the src folder
Installing the node module
npm install -g auxilio-backend
An in-depth article about the extension - link
Clearing the current console's output.
- format: clear
- returns: null
<pre>clear</pre>In script
Compares values. (Have in mind that it works only with strings and numbers.)
- format: compare [title] [value1] [expression] [value2]
- returns: Boolean (true | false)
Command line
<pre>compare "Check those values" 10 == 20</pre>Command line (chaining)
<pre>date true && read monthName && compare "Is it July?" July ==</pre>In script
<pre>compare('"My title here"', 10, "==", 10, function(res) { console.log(res); })</pre>date
Gets the current date.
- format: date [true | false]
- returns: String if you use just <i>date</i> and object if use <i>data true</i><pre>6 July 2013 14:43</pre><pre>Object { day: 6 hour: 14 minutes: 41 month: 6 monthName: "July" year: 2013 } </pre>
Command line
<pre>date</pre>Command line (chaining)
<pre>date true && read monthName && info</pre>In script
<pre>date("true", function(date) { console.log(date.year); })</pre>delay
Delays the next command
- format: delay [miliseconds]
- returns: null
Command line
<pre>delay 2000</pre>Command line (chaining)
<pre>echo A && delay 2000 && echo B</pre>In script
<pre>delay(2000, function() { console.log("hello"); })</pre>diff
Comparison of files (text and json) or strings.
- format: diff<br />diff [string1] [string2]
- returns: Object containing the differences.
Opens a browse window for picking two files
<pre>diff</pre>Comparing two strings
<pre>diff "Hello world!" "Hello world, dude!"</pre>Command line (chaining)
<pre>date true && read monthName && diff "Current month is July"</pre>In script
<pre>diff('"Hello world!"', '"Hello world dude!"', function(res) { console.log(res); })</pre>exec
Executes a given command. Accepts commands separated by <i>&&</i>.
- format: exec [command/s]
- returns: The result of the executed command.
Command line
<pre>exec echo "test"</pre>Command line (chaining)
<pre>readfile showing-date.aux && exec</pre>In script
<pre>exec("echo Hello world! && date true", function(res) { console.log(res); })</pre>history
Outputs the current console's history.
- format: history
- returns: null
Command line
Clearing the current console's output.
- format: l
- returns: null
Just type <i>l</i> and press Enter
Shows manual page about available commands.
- format: man<br />man [regex | name of a command]<br />man exporttomarkdown
- returns: Manual page/s
Command line
Gives you ability to place markers on the current page. <i>screenshot</i> command could be used after that.
- format: marker
- returns: null
Command line
The command simply passes the given argument to its callback
- format: middleman [resource]
- returns: The result of the previous command in the chain.
Command line (chaining)
<pre>date && middleman && echo</pre>pass
Sometimes is needed to stop passing a result from one command to another. This command simply calls its callback without any arguments.
- format: pass
- returns: null
Command line (chaining)
<pre>date true && pass && echo That's a string without date.</pre>read
Extracts a value from json object
- format: read [path] [json object]
- returns: Value of a property of the sent object
Command line (chaining)
<pre>date true && read day && success Today is </pre>If you have a complex object like this one {data: { users: [10, 11, 12] }}
<pre>read data.users[1]</pre>request
Sends ajax request and returns the result.
- format: request [url]<br />request [url] [raw (true | false)]
- returns: Response of the given url or the raw output if <i>raw</i> parameter is passed.
Command line
<pre>request && echo</pre>Getting raw html
<pre>request true && echo</pre>In script
<pre>This command is not supported in external scripts.</pre>stringify
Just bypasses the given arguments as string
- format: stringify [text or object]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>date true && stringify && info</pre>var
Define a variable.
- format: var [name] [value]
- returns: The value of the variable
Command line
<pre>var n 10 echo $$n is a great position</pre>Command line (chaining)
<pre>date && var currentDate echo Current date is $$currentDate</pre>data
Managing aliases.
- format: alias [name] [value]
- returns: Check the examples.
Showing current added aliases
<pre>alias</pre>Opening an editor for adding alias
<pre>alias my-alias-name</pre>Directly pass the content of the alias
<pre>alias my-alias-name date && echo</pre>Clearing all aliases
<pre>alias clearallplease</pre>Exporting all aliases
<pre>alias exportallplease</pre>Command line (chaining)
<pre>readfile showing-date.aux && exec</pre>In script
<pre>alias('"my-alias-name"', "date && echo", function() { console.log("Alias added."); })</pre>profile
Manages your current profile file. Every time when you start auxilio the extension reads the files of the given directory (recursively). It searches for files which start with <i>function </i> and register them as commands. If the file starts with <i>exec.</i> directly executes the function inside the file. Check <i>man run</i> for more information.
- format: profile [path]
- returns: Check examples.
Getting current profile path
<pre>profile</pre>Setting profile
<pre>profile D:/work/auxilio/profile</pre>Clearing profile
<pre>profile clear</pre>storage
Stores key-value pairs by using API.
- format: storage [operation] [key] [value]
- returns: The result of the executed command.
Storing variable
<pre>storage put username Auxilio</pre>Getting variable
<pre>storage get username</pre>Removing variable
<pre>storage remove username</pre>Get all variable
<pre>storage get</pre>develop
Opens an editor for editing files. Available shortcuts:<br /> Ctrl+S - save<br /> Esc - closing the editor<br /> Ctrl+[ - showing previous file<br /> Ctrl+] - showing next file<br />
- format: editor [file]
- returns: null
Open file for editing
<pre>editor ./styles.css</pre>jshint
Formats an output of jshint execution. The command is meant to be used together with <i>watch</i>.
- format: jshint [{filePath: [path], jshint: [jshint]}]
- returns: null
Watching a javascript file for changes and passing the result to jshint.
<pre>watch start ./code.js jshint</pre>runjasmine
Runs jasmine tests.
- format: runjasmine [path]
- returns: null
Command line
<pre>runjasmine ./tests</pre>forms
Shows a text (question) with two options - YES and NO.
- format: formconfirm [question]
- returns: Boolean (true | false)
Command line
<pre>formconfirm Are you sure?</pre>In script
<pre>formconfirm('"Are you sure?"', function(res) { console.log(res ? "yes" : "no"); });</pre>formfile
Shows a simple form with input[type="file"] and button. Use the callback of the command to get the content of the file.
- format: formfile [title]
- returns: Content of the file
Command line
<pre>formfile Please choose a file.</pre>In script
<pre>formfile('"Please choose a file."', function(fileContent) { console.log(fileContent); })</pre>forminput
Shows a simple form with input and button.
- format: forminput<br />forminput [title]<br />forminput [title] [default text]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>forminput "Please type your age." 18</pre>In script
<pre>forminput('"Please type your age."', 18, function(age) { console.log(age); });</pre>formtextarea
Shows a simple form with textarea and button. Use the callback of the command to get the text submitted by the form.
- format: formtextarea<br />formtextarea [title]<br />formtextarea [title] [text]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>formtextarea "Please type your bio." "Sample text" && echo</pre>In script
<pre>formtextarea('"Please type your bio."', '"Sample text"', function(bio) { console.log(bio); });</pre>games
Tetris game.
- format: tetris<br />tetris [level to start from]
- returns: null
Command line
Outputs message.
- format: echo [text]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>echo Hello world!</pre>In script
<pre>echo("Hello world!", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>echoraw
Outputs message in raw format. Even the html is shown as string.
- format: echoraw [text]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>echoraw Hello world!</pre>In script
<pre>echoraw("Hello world!", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>echoshell
Outputs message.
- format: echoshell [text]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>echoshell Hello world!</pre>In script
<pre>echoshell("Hello world!", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>error
Outputs message.
- format: error [text]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>error Hello world!</pre>In script
<pre>error("Hello world!", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>hidden
Outputs invisible content. I.e. useful when you have to add hidden html markup.
- format: hidden [text]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>hidden <input type="hidden" name="property" /></pre>In script
<pre>hidden("<input type="hidden" name="property" />", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>hr
Adds <hr /> tag to the console's output panel
- format: hr
- returns: null
Command line
<pre>hr</pre>In script
Outputs message.
- format: info [text]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>info Hello world!</pre>In script
<pre>info("Hello world!", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>small
Outputs message.
- format: small [text]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>small Hello world!</pre>In script
<pre>small("Hello world!", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>success
Outputs message.
- format: success [text]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>success Hello world!</pre>In script
<pre>success("Hello world!", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>title
Outputs message.
- format: title [text]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>title Hello world!</pre>In script
<pre>title("Hello world!", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>warning
Outputs message.
- format: warning [text]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>warning Hello world!</pre>In script
<pre>warning("Hello world!", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>os
Sometimes you need to execute a series of commands, but you want to keep the context, i.e. the current directory.
- format: block [operation]
- returns: null
Command line
<pre>block start && cd ../../ && echo Do some stuff here && block end</pre>In script
<pre>block("start", function() { shell("cd ../../", function() { block("end"); }); });</pre>cwd
Returns the current working directory of auxilio-backend.
- format: cwd
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>cwd</pre>In script
<pre>cwd(function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>readfile
Read content of a file.
- format: readfile [file]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>readfile ./</pre>In script
<pre>readfile("./", function(content) { console.log(content); });</pre>run
Register or execute commands stored in external files. The files should contain valid javascript which is actually a function definition in the following format:<pre>function nameOfMyFunction(args) { ...
}</pre>Normally the content of the file is registered as a command, but if the filename starts with <i>exec.</i> the function is executed immediately. For example:<pre>run ./exec.myscript.js</pre>
- format: run [path]
- returns: Result of the function.
Importing directory
<pre>run ./files</pre>Importing file
<pre>run ./files/myscript.js</pre>In script
<pre>run("./myfiles", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>shell
Executes shell command. Have in mind that once you type something in the console and it doesn't match any of the auxilio's commands it is send to the shell
- format: shell [command]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>shell ls</pre>In script
<pre>shell("ls", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>tree
Shows a directory tree.
- format: tree<br />tree [regex]<br />tree [deep]<br />tree [suppressdisplay]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>tree</pre>Showing files by type
<pre>tree \.css</pre>Showing only two levels
<pre>tree 2</pre>Suppress the output to the console
<pre>tree suppressdisplay</pre>In script
<pre>tree(2, function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>watch
Watch directory or file for changes.
- format: watch [operation] [id or path] [callback command]
- returns: string
Get the current watchers and their ids
<pre>watch</pre>Start watching
<pre>watch start ./ echo</pre>Start watching and call multiple callbacks
<pre>watch start ./ "jshint, echo"</pre>Stop watcher
<pre>watch stop 1</pre>Stop all watchers
<pre>watch stopall</pre>In script
<pre>watch("start", "./", "echo", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>writefile
Write content to a file.
- format: writefile [file] [content]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>writefile ./test.txt Sample text here.</pre>In script
<pre>writefile("./test.txt", "Sample text here", function(res) { console.log("File saved successfully."); });</pre>page
Clicks an element on the page and returns the result immediately. Use <i>filter</i> parameter to filter the selected elements. Actually performs <i>indexOf</i> method agains the html markup of the selected element.
- format: pageclick [selector] [filter]
- returns: Object containing the matched elements.
Command line
<pre>pageclick "body > .my-link-class"</pre>Filter the selected elements
<pre>pageclick "body > .my-link-class" "link label"</pre>In script
<pre>pageclick("body > .my-link-class", function(res) { console.log("Element clicked."); });</pre>pageclickw
Clicks an element on the page and waits till the page is updated. Use <i>filter</i> parameter to filter the selected elements. Actually performs <i>indexOf</i> method agains the html markup of the selected element.
- format: pageclickw [selector] [filter]
- returns: Object containing the matched elements.
Command line
<pre>pageclickw "body > .my-link-class"</pre>Filter the selected elements
<pre>pageclickw "body > .my-link-class" "link label"</pre>In script
<pre>pageclickw("body > .my-link-class", function() { console.log("Element clicked."); });</pre>pagecontains
Checks if there is an element matching the provided selector and containing the provided text.
- format: pagecontains [selector] [text]
- returns: Boolean (true | false)
Command line
<pre>pagecontains "body > a" "my link"</pre>In script
<pre>pagecontains("body > a", "my link", function(res) { console.log(res ? "yes" : "no"); });</pre>pageexpect
Checks if there is an element matching the provided selector. Use <i>filter</i> parameter to filter the selected elements. Actually performs <i>indexOf</i> method agains the html markup of the selected element
- format: pageexpect [selector] [filter]
- returns: Object containing the matched elements.
Command line
<pre>pageexpect label</pre>In script
<pre>pageexpect("", "label, function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>pagehighlight
Highlights element/elements on the page. Use <i>filter</i> parameter to filter the selected elements. Actually performs <i>indexOf</i> method agains the html markup of the selected element.
- format: pagehighlight [selector] [filter]
- returns: Object containing the matched elements.
Command line
<pre>pagehighlight a</pre>In script
<pre>pagehighlight("a", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>pageinsertcss
Inserts css code in the context of the current page
- format: pageinsertcss [css code]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>pageinsertcss body { background: #F00 !important; }</pre>In script
<pre>pageinsertcss("body { background: #F00 !important; }", function() { console.log("CSS applied."); });</pre>pageinsertjs
Executes javascript code in the context of the current page
- format: pageinsertjs [js code]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>pageinsertjs "document.querySelector('body').click();"</pre>In script
<pre>pageinsertjs("document.querySelector('body').click();", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>pageinsertjsw
Executes javascript code in the context of the current page and waits till the current page is updated
- format: pageinsertjsw [js code]
- returns: string
Command line
<pre>pageinsertjsw "document.querySelector('body').click();"</pre>In script
<pre>pageinsertjsw("document.querySelector('body').click();", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>pagequery
Returns the number of matched elements and the elements in raw html string format. Use <i>filter</i> parameter to filter the selected elements. Actually performs <i>indexOf</i> method agains the html markup of the selected element.
- format: pagequery [selector] [filter]
- returns: Object containing the matched elements.
Command line
<pre>pagequery a "label of the link"</pre>In script (checks if there is links on the page)
<pre>pagequery("a", function(res) { console.log(res); });</pre>tabs
Loads another page in the current tab.
- format: load [url]
- returns: null
Command line
<pre>load</pre>In script
<pre>load("", function() { console.log("new page loaded"); });</pre>newtab
Creates a new tab.
- format: newtab<br />newtab [url] [active (true | false)]
- returns: null
Command line
<pre>newtab</pre>In script
<pre>newtab("", "false", function() { console.log("new tab loaded"); });</pre>refresh
Refreshes the current tab's page
- format: refresh
- returns: null
Command line
<pre>refresh</pre>In script
<pre>refresh(function() { console.log("The current page is refreshed."); });</pre>screenshot
Makes a screenshot of the current tab and loads it in a new tab.
- format: screenshot
- returns: null
Command line
<pre>screenshot</pre>In script
<pre>screenshot(function() { console.log("The screenshot is made."); });</pre>