

<h1 align="center"> <img src="media/logo.png" width="28%"><br/>Hyper Pokemon </h1> <h4 align="center"> Tailor-made Pokémon themes for your Hyper terminal </h4> <div align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/klaussinani/hyper-pokemon"> <img src="media/screen.png" alt="Hyper Pokemon" width="99%"> </a> </div> <p align="center"> <a href="https://travis-ci.org/klaussinani/hyper-pokemon"> <img alt="Build Status" src="https://travis-ci.org/klaussinani/hyper-pokemon.svg?branch=master"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/bnb/awesome-hyper"> <img alt="npm" src="https://awesome.re/mentioned-badge.svg"> </a> </p> <div align="center"> <br> <sup><b>Sponsored by:</b></sup> <br> <a href="https://betterstack.com"> <div> <img src="https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/assets/183678/7de58ce0-2fa2-45c0-b3e8-e60cebb3c4cf" width="200" alt="Better Stack"> </div> <sup> Spot, Resolve, and Prevent Downtime. </sup> </a> </div>



Made for Pokémon enthusiasts by Pokémon enthusiasts.

All of the wonderful Pokémon backgrounds were created by the amazing Teej/TopHat, MapleRose & Ferretdayo.

Come over to Gitter or Twitter to share your thoughts on the project.

Visit the contributing guidelines to learn more on how to translate this document into more languages.

Vote the next Region

Vote for the Pokémon Region you want to see themes from next.<br/> In essence, this poll will determine the creation order of all Pokémon Regions.<br/> The poll will be kept alive until the project's completion, when all 600+ themes will be available.

<sub>Poll powered by tj/gh-polls</sub>


Hyper Store

Get the theme on the official Hyper Store.

Using the plugin manager - hyper

Firstly, ensure you have Hyper installed in your system.

Once done with that, install the hyper-pokemon theme.

# fire up a terminal and type 
$ hyper i hyper-pokemon

Manually through .hyper.js

Add hyper-pokemon to the plugins list in your ~/.hyper.js config file and restart Hyper.

plugins: ['hyper-pokemon']


Once you have installed hyper-pokemon, it's time to set your favorite theme.

Go to your ~/.hyper.js and add the pokemon option below the colors object, and define your theme of choice.

Here is a quick example, where we choose the gengar theme, with a unibody color for the window header & dark terminal tabs.

config: {
    colors: {
    pokemon: 'gengar', // Choose your favorite pokemon theme
    unibody: 'true', // Choose the color of the window header
    poketab: 'false', // Deactivate your theme's poketab

Gengar Example

To get the exact same look, install Google's Roboto Mono font as well as oh-my-zsh and choose pure as your zsh prompt.



Using this option you can choose your pokémon background along with it's tailor-made syntax color.

The assignable values are:


Choose whether or not you want the Hyper windows header color to be the same as the background pokémon theme.

The assignable values are:

In addition, completely omitting the unibody option from your .hyper.js will have the same effect as defining it and setting it to true. (Default value)



Choose whether or not you want an animated .gif that matches your current pokemon theme, to accompany your active Hyper terminal tab.

The assignable values are:

Also, completely omitting the poketab option from your .hyper.js will have the same effect as defining it and setting it to false. (Default value)

<div align="center"> <br/> <a href=""> <img src="https://github.com/champloohq/hyper-pokemon/blob/master/media/poketab.gif" alt="Hyper Pokemon - Poketab" width="80%"> </a> <br/> <br/> </div>

Available Themes

You can preview in detail all of the available themes here.

Pokémon Types

<details> <summary>List of all available Pokémon Types.</summary> <br/> <br/> </details><br/>

Pokémon Trainers

<details> <summary>List of all available Pokémon Trainers.</summary> <br/> <br/> </details><br/>




A big thank you to all the people and companies supporting our Open Source work:
