

<h1 align="center"> <img src="media/logo.png" width="30%"><br/>Hyper Star Wars </h1> <h4 align="center"> Super awesome, your Hyper terminal shall look. </h4> <div align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/klaussinani/hyper-star-wars"> <img src="media/example.png" alt="Hyper Star Wars" width="95%"> </a> </div> <p align="center"> <a href="https://travis-ci.org/klaussinani/hyper-star-wars"> <img alt="Build Status" src="https://travis-ci.org/klaussinani/hyper-star-wars.svg?branch=master"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/bnb/awesome-hyper"> <img alt="Awesome" src="https://awesome.re/mentioned-badge.svg"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/klaussinani/hyper-star-wars"> <img alt="May the Force be will you" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/May%20the%20Force-be%20with%20you-green.svg"> </a> </p>



24 tailor-made, full fledged Star Wars themes for your Hyper terminal.

All of the wonderful Star Wars backgrounds were created by the amazing Filipe de Carvalho and are part of his Star Wars - Long Shadow Flat Design Icons project. You can appreciate his project and the rest of his super awesome work on Behance.

Come over to Gitter or Twitter to share your thoughts on the project.

Get the backgrounds as 4K HD wallpapers here.


Using the plugin manager - hyper

Firstly, ensure you have Hyper installed in your system.

Once done with that, it's time to install the hyper-star-wars theme.

# fire up a terminal and type
$ hyper i hyper-star-wars

Manually through .hyper.js

Add hyper-star-wars to the plugins list in your ~/.hyper.js config file and restart Hyper.

plugins: ['hyper-star-wars']


Once you have installed hyper-star-wars, it's time to set your favorite theme.

Go to your ~/.hyper.js and add the StarWarsTheme settings object below the colors object, and define there your theme of choice.

Here is a quick example, where we choose the yoda theme, with the lightsaber mode activated and a colorful window header.

config: {
	colors: {
	StarWarsTheme: {
		character: 'yoda', // Define your favorite star wars character
		lightsaber: 'true', // Activate your theme's lightsaber mode
		unibody: 'false', // Define the color of the Hyper window header
		avatar: 'true'  // Activate your theme's background avatar

To get the exact same look, install Google's Roboto Mono font as well as oh-my-zsh and choose pure as your zsh prompt.



Using this option you can choose your Star Wars character theme along with it's tailor-made syntax color.

The assignable values are:


Activates your theme's lightsaber mode, making your terminal's tab bar glow.

The assignable values are:

Also, completely omitting the lightsaber option from your .hyper.js will have the same effect as defining it and setting it to false. (Default value)


Choose whether or not you want the Hyper window header color to be the same as the background Star Wars character theme.

The assignable values are:

In addition, completely omitting the unibody option from your .hyper.js will have the same effect as defining it and setting it to true. (Default value)


Choose whether or not you want the Star Wars character theme avatar to be displayed in the background.

The assignable values are:

In addition, completely omitting the avatar option from your .hyper.js will have the same effect as defining it and setting it to true. (Default value)

Available Themes

You can preview in detail all of the themes here.

<details> <summary>List of all the available themes.</summary> <br/> <br/> </details><br/>


