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Phobos Checkpoint UI

Phobos Checkpoint UI is a GUI for phobos checkpoint API. It is compatible with Phobos DB Checkpoint

Events list Event overview


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'phobos_checkpoint_ui'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install phobos_checkpoint_ui


  1. Add require 'phobos_checkpoint_ui/tasks' to your Rakefile

  2. Run rake phobos_checkpoint_ui:copy_assets, this will copy the precompile assets to ./public

  3. Create/update config.ru and add:

require 'phobos_checkpoint_ui'

# ...
# < keep the previous configurations >
# ...

# run PhobosDBCheckpoint::EventsAPI
run PhobosCheckpointUI::App.new(api_app: PhobosDBCheckpoint::EventsAPI)

It is possible to configure some aspects of the app, App.new accepts a hash with options to be delivered to the front-end. The front-end is prepared to receive the following options:


run PhobosCheckpointUI::App.new(
  api_app: PhobosDBCheckpoint::EventsAPI,
  configs: {
    logo: '/assets/logo.png',
    title: 'Checkpoint',
    env_label: 'production'


If configured, Checkpoint UI will support authentication and authorisation with IDP (SAML).


session_secret: the_session_secret
  issuer: the_issuer
  idp_cert_fingerprint: the_idp_cert_fingerprint
  assertion_consumer_service_url: the_assertion_consumer_service_url
  idp_sso_target_url: the_idp_sso_target_url
  idp_logout_url: the_idp_logout_url

If saml_config is not provided the Events API will be open for anyone to access.

PhobosCheckpointUI ships with a default SamlHandler that does not handle authorization, being authenticated is enough. It also sets the same default username for all users. If you want to tweak this, you can customize it (see below)

Customizing the SAML handler

If authenticating with IDP is not enough, and you want more control over authorization, you can customize this with your own SamlHandler.


class MySamlHandler < PhobosCheckpointUI::SamlHandler
  def self.authorized?(user_json)
    # my custom check

run PhobosCheckpointUI::App.new(
  api_app: PhobosDBCheckpoint::EventsAPI,
  saml_handler: MySamlHandler

If saml_handler is not specified, PhobosCheckpointUI::SamlHandler will be used instead which returns some default values without looking at IDP payload.


Logging middleware can be injected via the logging_middleware option.


run PhobosCheckpointUI::App.new(
  api_app: PhobosDBCheckpoint::EventsAPI,
  logger_middleware: MyLoggerMiddleware

The logger middleware will inject itself as rack middleware. If not specified, Rack::NullLogger will be used (no logging).


The front-end is written with React and Redux, ensure that you have nodejs version >= 6.3 installed.

cd frontend
npm install
npm run test:unit #or npm run test:unit:watch to continuosly run the tests

Run rake spec to run the ruby tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/klarna/phobos_checkpoint_ui.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.