




<!-- ![soaked_soy_seed](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54159711/84125111-0b8f6b00-aa77-11ea-9f79-1acfe37e2b8f.png) -->


<!-- ![image931](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54159711/84130533-5eb8ec00-aa7e-11ea-92c9-08a49ccc3674.png) -->


[New!] plantFEM 22.04(LTS) is released!


DeveloperHaruka Tomobe & plantFEM.org
Working statecurrent
Written inFortran 2003, Python 3.x, C89
Source modelOpen-source
Initial release21.10 (20 October 2021)
First Long-Term Surpport (LTS) release22.04 (23 April 2022)
UsageAgricultural CAE, Digital Twins for Agricultural/Civil Engineering
TargetPersonal computers, HPC-Clusters, Servers
Package Managersoja (experimental)
Default user interfaceCLI
CommunitySlack (private channel)
Official WebsiteplantFEM.org
ObjectsSimulationSimulation (experimental)
Elementary entitiesPseudo-static Deformation, DiffusionContact, Dynamic deformation, Reaction-diffusion
SoybeanCreation, Measure size, Measure massDeformation, Contact, Photosynthesis
GrapeCreation, Measure size, Measure massDeformation, Contact, Photosynthesis
MaizeCreation, Measure size, Measure massDeformation, Contact, Photosynthesis
Library structure
stdExtention of Fortran 2003. Contains fundamental classes for file-IOs and Mathematical operations.
femLibrary for implementing Finite Element Method. You can create meshes (FEMDomain), shape-functions, boundary conditions, initial conditions and some elemental matrices.
simA set of simulators for FEMDomain. Contains deformation, diffusion, and some experimental implementations.
objA set of classes for realistic agricultural high-/low-level objects. High-level objects: Soil, Soybean, Maize, Grape...etc. Low-level objects: stem, leaf, air, light ...etc.
IO formats
Inputjson, vtk, msh, ASCII-text
Outputjson, vtk, msh, stl, ply, ASCII-text
plantfem searchSearch sample codes by a keyword
plantfem installBuild library and setting PATH
plantfem buildBuild server.f90 and creates executable file server.out
plantfem run= plantfem build && mpirun ./server.out
plantfem manManual for plantfem command.
Finite Elements
2-node line element1D 2D 3D
4-node isoparametric element2D
8-node isoparametric element3D
System Requirements
Operation SystemLinux (Ubuntu 16.04+, ElementaryOS, LinuxMint, Debian), Windows 10/11 (with WSL-Ubuntu), macOS
CPU2 cores, 1.4 GHz
Storage1 GB
Dependancies (minimal)version
Python3.4 or later
Dependancies (Installed by setup/setup.py)version, info
gcc6.4.0 or later
gfortran4.8.0 or later (Fortran 2003 or later)
mpif90= OpenMPI compiler, 2.x or later
apt1.2.35 or later
pippip3 or later
curl7.47.0 or later

What's next plantFEM 22.10 ?

APIs for Python, C/C++, and JavaScript (Experimental).


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Click here!

For detail, you can create documentation by

ford ford.md

How to install

  1. Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/kazulagi/plantFEM.git
  1. Run python3 install.py. The default compiler is mpif90. If you want to use Intel compiler, run python3 install.py --compiler=intel instead of it.

For Windows users:

  1. Activate your WSL2 (Windows 10)

  2. Install "Ubuntu 20.04" from Microsoft Store

  3. Run command

wget https://plantfem.org/download/plantfem_22.04-ubuntu2004_amd64.deb
sudo apt install plantfem_22.04-ubuntu2004_amd64.deb
  1. You can open files by this command
explorer.exe .
  1. Enjoy!

For Ubuntu users:

You can download pre-build packages for

[Click to download] Ubuntu 18.04

[Click to download] Ubuntu 20.04

In case you are using Ubuntu 18.04, execute the next one-liner.

wget https://plantfem.org/download/plantfem_22.04-ubuntu1804_amd64.deb && sudo apt install plantfem_22.04-ubuntu1804_amd64.deb

If you are using Ubuntu 20.04, execute the next one-liner.

wget https://plantfem.org/download/plantfem_22.04-ubuntu2004_amd64.deb && sudo apt install plantfem_22.04-ubuntu2004_amd64.deb

If you want to build and run as a docker container,

git clone -b 22.04 https://github.com/kazulagi/plantFEM && cd plantFEM/docker

How to Use

  1. Search sample codes

You can search sample codes by

plantfem search

and type your keywords.

  1. Open editors (e.g. VSCode) and edit&save it with extention of .f90

  2. Build your script (For example, test.f90) by

plantfem load test.f90
plantfem build
  1. Run your script.

Or you can run it with multi-core workstations or HPC-clusters.

  1. Execute
plantfem init

to initialize directory.

  1. Edit server.f90

  2. Build the project by

plantfem deploy
  1. Run it by
mpirun --hostfile [your hostfile for OpenMPI] -np [number of process] ./server.out 

Here is an example of hostfile  cpu=6  cpu=6  cpu=6

call plantfem from Python (experimental)

import plantfem as pf

soy = pf.soybean(name="hello_soy")


# path to plantfem

Try it now

Open In Colab

Plant simulator based on Finite Element Method (FEM).

<!-- ![LibraryStruct](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54159711/84358395-0e6a9700-ac02-11ea-8b11-6a428004acbb.png) ![LibraryStruct001](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54159711/84361263-58ee1280-ac06-11ea-9f67-ed017f30ecf8.png) [使い方:日本語版 >> ](https://qiita.com/soybean) https://qiita.com/soybean [ <std #1> Standard math library for plantFEM >> ](Tutorial/playon_std/ex0001_math.f90) [ <std #2> Kernel for file-IO >> ](Tutorial/playon_std/ex0002_fileIO.f90) [ <std #3> Standard array-operation library for plantFEM >> ](Tutorial/playon_std/ex0003_array.f90) [ <std #4> Linear solvers for plantFEM >> ](Tutorial/playon_std/ex0004_linearsolvers.f90) [ <std #5> Kernel for parallel computing using MPI >> ](Tutorial/playon_std/ex0005_mpi.f90) ## New! sample codes and tutorials of module "fem" [ <fem #1> domain-creation library for plantFEM >> ](Tutorial/playon_fem/ex0001_mesh.f90) ## How to use plantFEM as a blender-addon. [How to use plantFEM as a blender-addon. >>](doc/BlenderAddon.md) <!-- ## How to run your *.f90 script with plantFEM. ### Command-line mode: ``` plantfem your_script.f90 ``` ### Interactive mode ``` python3 plantfem.py >>> your_script.f90 ``` ## Environment ### Google Colab !new! This can run in Google-Colab. Installation: ``` !git clone -b 21.10 https://github.com/kazulagi/plantfem.git %cd plantfem %ls !python3 install.py !plantfem install ``` Execution: ``` !./plantfem your_script.f90 ``` ### Linux #### Ubuntu 18.04 ``` sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt install git git clone -b 21.10 https://gitlab.com/kazulagi/plantfem.git cd plantfem sudo apt install python3 python3 setup/setup.py jupyter-notebook ``` - Execute Gmsh and go to Tools>Mesh>General and check "Recombine all triangular meshes", then, click File>Save Option As Default and close window. ### macOS (Mojave) Install homebrew (https://brew.sh/index) ``` /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" ``` And, install other applications. ``` brew install git git clone -b 21.10 https://gitlab.com/kazulagi/plantfem.git cd plantfem brew install python3 python3 setup/setup.py jupyter-notebook ``` ### Windows (10.0) Please activate Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and install Ubuntu 18.04 according to the article. (Windows Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) を有効にしてください。 ) https://qiita.com/Aruneko/items/c79810b0b015bebf30bb Install following applications (その後、以下のアプリケーションをインストールします。) - VScode(https://code.visualstudio.com) and, (1) Enable WSL. (2) Install Ubuntu 20.04 from Windows store. (2) Open VScode (3) Open terminal and type ``` wsl cd ~/ sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt install git git clone -b 21.10 https://gitlab.com/kazulagi/plantfem.git cd plantfem sudo apt install python3 python3 setup/setup.py ``` (4) Open CLI mode of plantFEM ``` python3 SiCorF.py ``` (5) Install ``` install ``` (6) Set path to Home and Desktop directories. ``` >>>[Enter] Hello.f90[Enter] type your username[Enter] ``` (7) Open Hello.f90 on your Desktop of Windows by VScode and edit it! (8) To run your program (e.g. Hello.f90), type ``` Desktop/Hello.f90 ``` ## Use plantfem as a webserver Run ``` python3 server.py ``` Client API/Example: ``` curl-XPOST -d @send.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://asia-northeast2-plantfem-api.cloudfunctions.net/plantfem > soy_get3.json ``` -->

How to add modules for plantFEM?

(1) Create your Fortran add-on in plantfem/addon or other places. An example is shown in addon/addon_example.f90.

module addon_example
    use plantfem
        ! Member variables
        real(real64),private :: realVal
        real(int32 ),private :: intVal
        ! methods (public_name => private_name)
        procedure :: set => setaddon_sample
        procedure :: show => showaddon_sample
    end type

! Definitions of methods

! ################################################
subroutine setaddon_sample(obj,realVal, intVal)
    class(addon_example_),intent(inout) :: obj
    real(real64),optional,intent(in) :: realVal
    integer(int32),optional,intent(in) :: intVal

    obj%realVal = input(default=0.0d0, option=realVal)
    obj%intVal  = input(default=0, option=intVal)

end subroutine
! ################################################

! ################################################
subroutine showaddon_sample(obj)
    class(addon_example_),intent(in) :: obj
    print *, "Real-64bit value is :: ", obj%realVal
    print *, "int-32bit value is  :: ", obj%intVal
end subroutine
! ################################################

end module addon_example

(2) Compile your addon by typing "addon" after


Then, type addon and tap ENTER

>>> addon
installing add-on
Directory path of your awesome addon is : (default path = addon)
> addon
installing from addon
Compiling ./addon/addon_example.f90      
 >> addon_example.o
 | ########################### | (100%)

(3) Run your script (An example is shown in Tutorial/HowToUseAddon/ex1.f90)

program main
    use addon_example
    implicit none
    type(addon_example_) :: obj
    call obj%set(realVal=8.0d0, intVal=-100)
    call obj%show()
end program

(4) Done!

>>> test.f90
 Real-64bit value is ::    8.0000000000000000     
 int-32bit value is  ::   -100.000000    

You can set a hostfile

vi ./etc/hostfile

and a number of process by

./plantfem cpu-core


vi ./etc/cpucore
<!-- ## Photography Ex.1 :: 3-D Finite Element model of soybean seed sowed in a field. ![3-D Finite Element model of soybean seed sowed in a field by Blender.](./doc/soaked_soy_seed.png) Ex.2 :: 3-D thermal diffusion simulation of a grass leaf. ![3-D thermal diffusion simulation of a grass leaf.](./doc/grass_leaf.gif) ## import file format - [Format of .scf file](doc/InputFileFormat.md) ## Documentations * [Index](doc/index) * [ArrayOperationClass](doc/ArrayOperationClass.md) * [BoundaryConditionClass](doc/BoundaryConditionClass.md) * [ConstitutiveModelClass](doc/ConstitutiveModelClass.md) * [ContactMechanicsClass](doc/ContactMechanicsClass.md) * [ControlParameterClass](doc/ControlParameterClass.md) * [DiffusionEquationClass](doc/DiffusionEquationClass.md) * [FEMDomainClass](doc/FEMDomainClass.md) * [FEMIfaceClass](doc/FEMIfaceClass.md) * [FieldClass](doc/FieldClass.md) * [FiniteDeformationClass](doc/FiniteDeformationClass.md) * [LinearSolverClass](doc/LinearSolverClass.md) * [MPIClass](doc/MPIClass.md) * [MainClass](doc/MainClass.md) * [MaterialPropClass](doc/MaterialPropClass.md) * [MathClass](doc/MathClass.md) * [MeshOperationClass](doc/MeshOperationClass.md) * [MultiDiffDeformClass](doc/MultiDiffDeformClass.md) * [MultiPhysicsClass](doc/MultiPhysicsClass.md) * [OpenMPClass](doc/OpenMPClass.md) * [PostProcessingClass](doc/PostProcessingClass.md) * [ShapeFunctionClass](doc/ShapeFunctionClass.md) * [SimulatorClass](doc/SimulatorClass.md) * [TermClass](doc/TermClass) -->


<!-- ### On going; - ContactMechanicsClass is created for 3-D, Frictionless contact. - automatic documentation program ./doc/upgrade_readme.py - Finite-elasto-plasticity for 3D problems is being implemented. ### Requests; - For all objects 1/21 :: Rule.Style >> Class Name = {objectname_} + "Class" - For all objects 1/21 :: "Class::EditorClass" >> Edit and modify InputObjects - For .bat files 2019/3/4 :: Adopt Windows - For Diff and Deformation :: generate restartfiles - For Shape Function 2019/3/10 :: Enable Triangular elements. - Confirm that the FEMIfaceClass.f90 can work under 2D confition. - Developing Contact Mechanics Class. - Developing All shape-functions for the preparation of space-time class - Add-on for Blender - Use opencv-python as a imaging library instead of PIL. - Caution:: convertMeshType may have some bags: jacobian may be negative. ### Questions & Answers; - Does it allow interactions between two domains without using interface? : No. - Can interfaces take the forms of 1-D, 2-D and 3-D? : Yes. - Does interface include not only surface-to-surface but also domain-to-domain (element-to-element)? : Yes. - When the interfaces are to be generated? : Anytime. - Can we use multiple types of elements in a mesh? : No, we cannot. - Can we use multiple types of Strain Theory in a mesh? : No, we cannot. - Can we use multiple types of Constitutive Models in a mesh? : No, we cannot, however, it will be revised. ### Calling for someone who can create following modules. - plantFEM-API for Blender >> We would like to use Blender as a GUI. Author tried to create the API (see src/BlenderClass), however, it will take more time to understand and implement the system Blender 28.0-API and the plantFEM-API for Blender is now stopping. - Fluid solvers (by using src/FEMDomainClass) - Functional-structural model for cereals.(like src/LsystemClass) -->


This project is financially supported by the following research grants.

Relevant publications

[1] Haruka Tomobe, Kazunori Fujisawa, Akira Murakami, Experiments and FE-analysis of 2-D root-soil contact problems based on node-to-segment approach, Soils and Foundations, Volume 59, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 1860-1874.

[2] Haruka Tomobe, Kazunori Fujisawa, Akira Murakami, A Mohr-Coulomb-Vilar model for constitutive relationship in root-soil interface under changing suction, Soils and Foundations, Volume 61,2021, Pages 815–835.

[3] Haruka Tomobe, Yu Tanaka, Tomoya Watanabe, plantFEM: A Numerical Platform for Multi-physical Simulation of Plants, Third International Workshop on Machine Learning for Cyber-Agricultural Systems (MLCAS2021), Page 22.

[4] Haruka Tomobe, Vikas Sharma, Harusato Kimura, Hitoshi Morikawa, An Energy-based Overset Finite Element Method for Pseudo-static Structural Analysis. J. Sci. Comput. 2023, 94:55.

Others are under revision and/or under preparation.