

<p align="center"><img src="logo.png" alt="datalevin logo" height="140"></img></p> <h1 align="center">Datalevin</h1> <p align="center"> 🧘 Simple, fast and versatile Datalog database for everyone 💽 </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://cljdoc.org/d/datalevin/datalevin"><img src="https://cljdoc.org/badge/datalevin/datalevin" alt="datalevin on cljdoc"></img></a> <a href="https://clojars.org/datalevin"><img src="https://img.shields.io/clojars/v/datalevin.svg?color=success" alt="datalevin on clojars"></img></a> <a href="https://github.com/juji-io/datalevin/blob/master/doc/install.md#babashka-pod"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/babashka/babashka/master/logo/badge.svg" alt="bb compatible"></img></a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/juji-io/datalevin/actions"><img src="https://github.com/juji-io/datalevin/actions/workflows/release.binaries.yml/badge.svg?branch=0.9.8" alt="datalevin linux/macos amd64 build status"></img></a> <a href="https://ci.appveyor.com/project/huahaiy/datalevin"><img src="https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/juji-io/datalevin?svg=true" alt="datalevin windows build status"></img></a> <a href="https://cirrus-ci.com/github/juji-io/datalevin"><img src="https://api.cirrus-ci.com/github/juji-io/datalevin.svg" alt="datalevin apple silicon build status"></img></a> </p>

I love Datalog, why hasn't everyone used this already?

Datalevin is a simple durable Datalog database. Here's what a Datalog query looks like in Datalevin:

(d/q '[:find  ?name ?total
       :in    $ ?year
       :where [?sales :sales/year ?year]
              [?sales :sales/total ?total]
              [?sales :sales/customer ?customer]
              [?customer :customers/name ?name]]
      (d/db conn) 2024)

:question: Why

The rationale is to have a simple, fast and open source Datalog query engine running on durable storage.

It is our observation that many developers prefer the flavor of Datalog popularized by Datomic® over any flavor of SQL, once they get to use it. Perhaps it is because Datalog is more declarative and composable than SQL, e.g. the automatic implicit joins seem to be its killer feature. In addition, the recursive rules feature of Datalog makes it suitable for graph processing and deductive reasoning.

The feature set of Datomic® may be an overkill for some use cases. One thing that may confuse casual users is its temporal features. To keep things simple and familiar, Datalevin behaves the same way as most other databases: when data are deleted, they are gone. Datalevin also follows the widely accepted principles of ACID, instead of introducing unusual semantics.

Datalevin started out as a port of Datascript in-memory Datalog database to LMDB for persistence. We then added a cost-based query optimizer to enhance query performance.

Datalevin can be used as a library, embedded in applications to manage state, e.g. used like SQLite; or it can run in a networked client/server mode (default port is 8898) with full-fledged role-based access control (RBAC) on the server, e.g. used like Postgres.

Datalevin relies on the robust ACID transactional database features of LMDB. Designed for concurrent read intensive workloads, LMDB also performs well in writing large values (> 2KB). Therefore, it is fine to store documents in Datalevin.

Datalevin can be used as a fast key-value store for EDN data. The native EDN data capability of Datalevin should be beneficial for Clojure programs.

Moreover, Datalevin has a built-in full-text search engine that has competitive search performance.


:truck: Installation

As a Clojure library, Datalevin is simple to add as a dependency to your Clojure project. There are also several other options. Please see details in Installation Documentation

:birthday: Upgrade

Please read Upgrade Documentation for information regarding upgrading your existing Datalevin database from older versions.

:tada: Usage

Datalevin is aimed to be a versatile database.

Use as a Datalog store

In addition to our API doc, since Datalevin has almost the same Datalog API as Datascript, which in turn has almost the same API as Datomic®, please consult the abundant tutorials, guides and learning sites available online to learn about the usage of Datomic® flavor of Datalog.

Here is a simple code example using Datalevin:

(require '[datalevin.core :as d])

;; Define an optional schema.
;; Note that pre-defined schema is optional, as Datalevin does schema-on-write.
;; However, attributes requiring special handling need to be defined in schema,
;; e.g. many cardinality, uniqueness constraint, reference type, and so on.
(def schema {:aka  {:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
             ;; :db/valueType is optional, if unspecified, the attribute will be
             ;; treated as EDN blobs, and may not be optimal for range queries
             :name {:db/valueType :db.type/string
                    :db/unique    :db.unique/identity}})

;; Create DB on disk and connect to it, assume write permission to create given dir
(def conn (d/get-conn "/tmp/datalevin/mydb" schema))
;; or if you have a Datalevin server running on myhost with default port 8898
;; (def conn (d/get-conn "dtlv://myname:mypasswd@myhost/mydb" schema))

;; Transact some data
;; Notice that :nation is not defined in schema, so it will be treated as an EDN blob
(d/transact! conn
             [{:name "Frege", :db/id -1, :nation "France", :aka ["foo" "fred"]}
              {:name "Peirce", :db/id -2, :nation "france"}
              {:name "De Morgan", :db/id -3, :nation "English"}])

;; Query the data
(d/q '[:find ?nation
       :in $ ?alias
       [?e :aka ?alias]
       [?e :nation ?nation]]
     (d/db conn)
;; => #{["France"]}

;; Retract the name attribute of an entity
(d/transact! conn [[:db/retract 1 :name "Frege"]])

;; Pull the entity, now the name is gone
(d/q '[:find (pull ?e [*])
       :in $ ?alias
       [?e :aka ?alias]]
     (d/db conn)
;; => ([{:db/id 1, :aka ["foo" "fred"], :nation "France"}])

;; Close DB connection
(d/close conn)

Use as a key-value store

Datalevin packages the underlying LMDB database as a convenient key-value store for EDN data.

(require '[datalevin.core :as d])
(import '[java.util Date])

;; Open a key value DB on disk and get the DB handle
(def db (d/open-kv "/tmp/datalevin/mykvdb"))
;; or if you have a Datalevin server running on myhost with default port 8898
;; (def db (d/open-kv "dtlv://myname:mypasswd@myhost/mykvdb" schema))

;; Define some table (called "dbi", or sub-databases in LMDB) names
(def misc-table "misc-test-table")
(def date-table "date-test-table")

;; Open the tables
(d/open-dbi db misc-table)
(d/open-dbi db date-table)

;; Transact some data, a transaction can put data into multiple tables
;; Optionally, data type can be specified to help with range query
  [[:put misc-table :datalevin "Hello, world!"]
   [:put misc-table 42 {:saying "So Long, and thanks for all the fish"
                        :source "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"}]
   [:put date-table #inst "1991-12-25" "USSR broke apart" :instant]
   [:put date-table #inst "1989-11-09" "The fall of the Berlin Wall" :instant]])

;; Get the value with the key
(d/get-value db misc-table :datalevin)
;; => "Hello, world!"
(d/get-value db misc-table 42)
;; => {:saying "So Long, and thanks for all the fish",
;;     :source "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"}

;; Range query, from unix epoch time to now
(d/get-range db date-table [:closed (Date. 0) (Date.)] :instant)
;; => [[#inst "1989-11-09T00:00:00.000-00:00" "The fall of the Berlin Wall"]
;;     [#inst "1991-12-25T00:00:00.000-00:00" "USSR broke apart"]]

;; This returns a PersistentVector - e.g. reads all data in JVM memory
(d/get-range db misc-table [:all])
;; => [[42 {:saying "So Long, and thanks for all the fish",
;;          :source "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"}]
;;     [:datalevin "Hello, world!"]]

;; This allows you to iterate over all DB keys inside a transaction.
;; You can perform writes inside the transaction.
;; kv is of of type https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.lmdbjava/lmdbjava/latest/org/lmdbjava/CursorIterable.KeyVal.html
;; Avoid long-lived transactions. Read transactions prevent reuse of pages freed by newer write transactions, thus the database can grow quickly.
;; Write transactions prevent other write transactions, since writes are serialized.
;; LMDB advice: http://www.lmdb.tech/doc/index.html
;; Conclusion: It's ok to have long transactions if using a single thread.
(d/visit db misc-table
            (fn [kv]
               (let [k (d/read-buffer (d/k kv) :data)]
                  (when (= k 42)
                    (d/transact-kv db [[:put misc-table 42 "Don't panic"]]))))

(d/get-range db misc-table [:all])
;; => [[42 "Don't panic"] [:datalevin "Hello, world!"]]

;; Delete some data
(d/transact-kv db [[:del misc-table 42]])

;; Now it's gone
(d/get-value db misc-table 42)
;; => nil

;; Close key value db
(d/close-kv db)

:green_book: Documentation

Please refer to the API documentation for more details. You may also consult online materials for Datascript or Datomic®, as the Datalog API is similar.

:rocket: Status

Datalevin is extensively tested with property-based testing. It is also used in production at Juji.

Running the benchmark suite adopted from Datascript, which write 100K random datoms in several conditions, and run several queries on them, on a Ubuntu Linux server with an Intel i7 3.6GHz CPU and a 1TB SSD drive, here is how it looks.

<p align="center"> <img src="benchmarks/datascript-bench/Read.png" alt="query benchmark" height="300"></img> <img src="benchmarks/datascript-bench/Write.png" alt="write benchmark" height="300"></img> </p>

In this benchmark, both Datomic and Datascript are running in in-memory mode, as they require another database for persistence. The init write condition, i.e. bulk loading prepared datoms, is not available in Datomic. Datalevin write here is configured with LMDB nosync mode to better match the in-memory conditions, i.e. the operating system is responsible for flushing data to disk.

In all benchmarked queries, Datalevin is the fastest among the three tested systems, as Datalevin has a cost based query optimizer while Datascript and Datomic do not. Datalevin also has a caching layer for index access.

Writes are slower, as expected, as Datalevin does write to disk even though sync is not explicitly called, while others are purely in memory. The bulk loading speed is good, writing 100K datoms to disk in less than 0.2 seconds; the same data can also be transacted with all the integrity checks as a whole or five datoms at a time in less than 1.5 seconds. Transacting one datom at a time, it takes longer time. Therefore, it is preferable to have batch transactions.

See here for a detailed analysis of the results.

:earth_americas: Roadmap

These are the tentative goals that we try to reach as soon as we can. We may adjust the priorities based on feedback.

:floppy_disk: Differences from Datascript

Datascript is developed by Nikita Prokopov that "is built totally from scratch and is not related by any means to" Datomic®. Datalevin started out as a port of Datascript to LMDB, but differs from Datascript in more significant ways than just the difference in data durability and running mode:

:baby: Limitations

:shopping: Alternatives

If you are interested in using the dialect of Datalog pioneered by Datomic®, here are your current options:

:arrows_clockwise: Contact

We appreciate and welcome your contributions or suggestions. Please feel free to file issues or pull requests.

If commercial support is needed for Datalevin, talk to us.

You can talk to us in the #datalevin channel on Clojurians Slack.


Copyright © 2020-2024 Juji, Inc..

Licensed under Eclipse Public License (see LICENSE).