


License Hosted By: Cloudsmith CI Documentation

Tasks is library for real time control of robots and kinematic trees using constrained optimization. It has been used extensively to control humanoid robots such as HOAP-3, HRP-2, HRP-4 and Atlas.



To make sure that Tasks works as intended, unit tests are available for each algorithm.

The SpaceVecAlg and RBDyn tutorial is also a big resources to understand how to use Tasks by providing a lot of IPython Notebook that will present real use case.

An online documentation can be found online.


Ubuntu LTS (16.04, 18.04, 20.04)

You must first setup our package mirror:

curl -1sLf \
  'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/mc-rtc/stable/setup.deb.sh' \
  | sudo -E bash

You can also choose the head mirror which will have the latest version of this package:

curl -1sLf \
  'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/mc-rtc/head/setup.deb.sh' \
  | sudo -E bash

You can then install the package:

sudo apt install libtasks-dev python-tasks python3-tasks


Install the latest version using conan

conan remote add multi-contact https://api.bintray.com/conan/gergondet/multi-contact
# Install the latest release
conan install Tasks/latest@multi-contact/stable
# Or install the latest development version
# conan install Tasks/latest@multi-contact/dev

Manually build from source


To compile you need the following tools and libraries:

For Python bindings:


git clone --recursive https://github.com/jrl-umi3218/Tasks
cd Tasks
mkdir _build
cd _build
cmake [options] ..
make && make intall

CMake options

By default, the build will use the python and pip command to install the bindings for the default system version (this behaviour can be used to build the bindings in a given virtualenv). The following options allow to control this behaviour: