


A Notepad++ plugin that sends the current tab's document to a GraphViz preview window.


  1. Install Notepad++

    Notepad++ is a powerful text editor that supports plugins such as NppGraphViz. Go to the Notepad++ homepage at https://notepad-plus-plus.org. Download and install the latest version.

  2. Install Graphviz

    Graphviz is a collection of progams that make diagrams from a simple text language. Go to Graphviz's homepage at www.graphviz.org. Download and install the latest version.

  3. Install NppGraphViz

    If you installed 64-bit Notepad++, then download the 64-bit NppGraphViz.dll

    If you installed 32-bit Notepad++, then download the 32-bit NppGraphViz.dll

    Make a "NppGraphViz" folder in Notepad++'s plugins directory, and move the NppGraphViz.dll into it. On a typical install, the full path would be "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\NppGraphViz\NppGraphViz.dll" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\NppGraphViz\NppGraphViz.dll"

  4. Start Notepad++

    Start Notepad++. Click "Plugins" from the file menu, you should see "Graphviz" if the plugin successfully installed.



Suppose you have this text in Notepad++:

digraph g

The plugin sends the text to GraphViz, and displays the following preview:


Syntax highlighting

NppGraphViz does not add syntax highlighting, but that functionality is available here: https://github.com/signmotion/graphviz-syntax-highlighting