Galway Bus Kotlin Multiplatform project using Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI
Note: if you are trying this project out and aren't in Galway then hit the home icon in title bar to center in Galway so you can see meaningful data!
Kotlin Multiplatform
This project also acted as initial platform I used when starting to explore Kotlin Multiplatform
capabilities. There's a Kotlin Multiplatform ShareCode
module for example along with sample Android, iOS
and macOS apps. Also wrote a number of posts about some of my experiences using KMP in the project.
- SwiftUI meets Kotlin Multiplatform!
- Introduction to Multiplatform Persistence with SQLDelight
- Using Google Maps in a Jetpack Compose app
- Using Google Maps in a Jetpack Compose app - Part 2!
Google Maps SDK
The project depends on GOOGLE_API_KEY
environment variable to be defined for maps functionality to work. Alternatively
you can update where this is read in build.gradle
Android (Jetpack Compose)
<img width="1081" alt="Screenshot 2022-10-08 at 12 04 27" src="">iOS (SwiftUI)
<img width="673" alt="Screenshot 2022-10-08 at 10 44 05" src="">Languages, libraries and tools used
- Kotlin
- Kotlin Corooutines
- Kotlinx Serialization
- Ktor client library
- Android Architecture Components
- Koin
- Jetpack Compose
- Maps Compose
- SwiftUI
- KMP-NativeCoroutines
- Multiplatform Settings
Full set of Kotlin Multiplatform/Compose/SwiftUI samples
- PeopleInSpace (
- GalwayBus (
- Confetti (
- BikeShare (
- FantasyPremierLeague (
- ClimateTrace (
- GeminiKMP (
- MortyComposeKMM (
- StarWars (
- WordMasterKMP (
- Chip-8 (