

:warning: Deprecated

This workflow is no longer maintained.

If you're looking for a similar workflow, highly recommend using alfred-chromium-workflow instead, which reimplemented this workflow's most features.

<h1 align="center"> <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/alfred-chrome-workflow"> Alfred-chrome-workflow<br> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Alfred-4-blueviolet"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/alfred-chrome-workflow" alt="NPM Release"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/jopemachine/alfred-chrome-workflow.svg" alt="License"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/code_style-XO-5ed9c7.svg"> </a> </h1>

Alfred workflow to search Chrome kernel based browser's queries, bookmarks, history and download logs, and other data

🌈 Features

📌 Prerequisite

The prerequisites below are required to use that package.

🔨 How to install

  1. Install package by npm
$ npm install --global alfred-chrome-workflow

If you have problem with installation with above command,

Please refer these installaion issues.

  1. Check your chrome_profile on /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/<chrome_profile>/. default value is set by Default.

If chrome_profile is not proper, you could encounter below error.

  1. If your chrome_profile is not default, change chrome_profile of conf.json to your profile name.

  2. (Optional, Recommended) You can cache favicon images in advance by executing ch > cache

By proceeding with the above process, you can assign favicon to the items of chb and increase search speed.

📗 How to use

chb { Argument }

Argument: {Term to search}

Search chrome bookmark

(Could be sorted by visit counts, alphabet)

chf { Argument }

Argument: {Term to search}

Search chrome bookmark folders

chh { Argument }

Argument: {Term to search}

Search chrome visit history

You can append # to search word to search only the logs in that url.


chh #youtube [some_word_to_search]

chd { Argument }

Argument: {Term to search}

Search chrome download history

chs { Argument }

Argument: {Term to search}

Search your query based on visit history

You can append # to search word to search only the logs in that url.


chs #github [some_word_to_search]

chm { Argument }

Argument: {Term to search}

Search chrome media history (like youtube watching history)

You can append # to search word to search only the logs in that url.

And you can append @ to search word to search only the logs in that artist.


chs #youtube @some_artist [some_word_to_search]

cha { Argument }

Argument: {Term to search}

Search chrome autofill data

chid { Argument }

Argument: {Term to search}

Search chrome's login data (including email)

ch > conf

Open config file (conf.json)

ch > cache

Cache favicon images from your visit history in advance

ch > clearcache

Clear favicon cache

🔖 Search Options


Type: string

Your chrome profile name.

Type: string (enum)

Determines whether to display some string values in Korean or English.

Possible values: ko or en

Type: string (enum)

Select the browser to which you want the workflow to the workflow.

Possible values: Chrome or Chrome Canary or Edge or Chromium or Brave

Type: string | undefined

If your browser is based on chromium, you can manually specify browser_dir for your browser path.

This could be useful when you use unsupported browsers (Note that the browser should be based on chromium).

browser option is ignored if browser_dir is specified.

Type: string[]

You can exclude specific domain's url in your search result.

This is applied to chs, chh, chm. (Not chb)


Type: number

Displays as many search results in chh search as result_limit.

Type: string

Determine what to sort the search results in chh.

Recommended Value:

last_visit_time DESC Or visit_count DESC, typed_count DESC, last_visit_time DESC

Type: boolean

Removes items with duplicate title names.


Type: string (enum)

Sort by DESC or ASC


Type: string (enum)



Type: number

Displays as many search results in chs search as result_limit.

Type: boolean

Removes items with duplicate title names.


Type: string (enum)

Sort item.

Possible Value: artist, source_title, position_ms, last_updated_time_s

position_ms sorts by watching time you played on the video.

last_updated_time_s sorts by recently viewed videos descending.

Type: number

Displays as many search results in chm search as result_limit.

Type: boolean

Removes items with duplicate title names.


Type: string (enum)

Sort item.

Possible Value: name, value, count, date_created, date_last_used

name sorts by the form's name.

value sorts by the autofill data value.

count sorts by the numbers of the data is used.

date_created sorts by the dates of the data is created.

date_last_used sorts by the dates of the data is used last.

Type: number

Displays as many search results in cha search as result_limit.

Type: boolean

Removes duplicated items.


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