

<div align="center">⚠️ PostCSS Gap Properties was moved to <a href="https://github.com/csstools/postcss-plugins/tree/main/plugins/postcss-gap-properties">@csstools/postcss-plugins</a>. ⚠️ <br> <a href="https://github.com/csstools/postcss-plugins/discussions/75">Read the announcement</a></div>

PostCSS Gap Properties <img src="https://postcss.github.io/postcss/logo.svg" alt="PostCSS Logo" width="90" height="90" align="right">

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PostCSS Gap Properties lets you use the gap, column-gap, and row-gap shorthand properties in CSS, following the CSS Grid Layout specification.

.standard-grid {
	gap: 20px;

.spaced-grid {
	column-gap: 40px;
	row-gap: 20px;

/* becomes */

.standard-grid {
	grid-gap: 20px;
	gap: 20px;

.spaced-grid {
	grid-column-gap: 40px;
	column-gap: 40px;
	grid-row-gap: 20px;
	row-gap: 20px;


Add PostCSS Gap Properties to your project:

npm install postcss postcss-gap-properties --save-dev

Use PostCSS Gap Properties to process your CSS:

import postcssGapProperties from 'postcss-gap-properties';

postcssGapProperties.process(YOUR_CSS /*, processOptions, pluginOptions */);

Or use it as a PostCSS plugin:

import postcss from 'postcss';
import postcssGapProperties from 'postcss-gap-properties';

  postcssGapProperties(/* pluginOptions */)
]).process(YOUR_CSS /*, processOptions */);

PostCSS Gap Properties runs in all Node environments, with special instructions for:

NodeWebpackCreate React AppGulpGrunt



The preserve option determines whether the original gap declaration should remain in the CSS. By default, the original declaration is preserved.