


Gem Version test Code Climate

Rukawa = (流川)

This gem is workflow engine and this is hyper simple. Job is defined by Ruby class. Dependency of each jobs is defined by Hash.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rukawa'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rukawa


Job Definition

See sample/jobs/sample_job.rb.

JobNet Definition

See sample/job_nets/sample_job_net.rb.




% cd rukawa/sample

# load ./jobs/**/*.rb, ./job_nets/**/*.rb automatically
% bundle exec rukawa run SampleJobNet -r 10 -c 10
| Job            | Status   |
| Job1           | finished |
| Job2           | waiting  |
| Job3           | waiting  |
| Job4           | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob3    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob1    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob2    | waiting  |
| Job8           | waiting  |
| Job5           | waiting  |
| Job6           | waiting  |
| Job7           | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet2   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob4    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob5    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob6    | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet3   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob7    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob8    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob9    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob10   | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet4   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob11   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob12   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob13   | waiting  |
|   NestedJobNet | waiting  |
|     NestedJob1 | waiting  |
|     NestedJob2 | waiting  |
| Job            | Status   |
| Job1           | finished |
| Job2           | finished |
| Job3           | finished |
| Job4           | finished |
| InnerJobNet    | error    |
|   InnerJob3    | finished |
|   InnerJob1    | finished |
|   InnerJob2    | error    |
| Job8           | aborted  |
| Job5           | error    |
| Job6           | aborted  |
| Job7           | aborted  |
| InnerJobNet2   | running  |
|   InnerJob4    | running  |
|   InnerJob5    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob6    | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet3   | aborted  |
|   InnerJob7    | aborted  |
|   InnerJob8    | aborted  |
|   InnerJob9    | aborted  |
|   InnerJob10   | aborted  |
| InnerJobNet4   | aborted  |
|   InnerJob11   | aborted  |
|   InnerJob12   | aborted  |
|   InnerJob13   | aborted  |
|   NestedJobNet | aborted  |
|     NestedJob1 | aborted  |
|     NestedJob2 | aborted  |

# generate result graph image
% dot -Tpng -o result.png result.dot


aborted means that dependent job failure aborts following jobs.


Add JOB_NAME arguments to run command.

% bundle exec rukawa run SampleJobNet Job8 InnerJob4 -r 5 -c 10
| Job            | Status   |
| Job1           | bypassed |
| Job2           | bypassed |
| Job3           | bypassed |
| Job4           | bypassed |
| InnerJobNet    | bypassed |
|   InnerJob3    | bypassed |
|   InnerJob1    | bypassed |
|   InnerJob2    | bypassed |
| Job8           | waiting  |
| Job5           | bypassed |
| Job6           | bypassed |
| Job7           | bypassed |
| InnerJobNet2   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob4    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob5    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob6    | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet3   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob7    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob8    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob9    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob10   | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet4   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob11   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob12   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob13   | waiting  |
|   NestedJobNet | waiting  |
|     NestedJob1 | waiting  |
|     NestedJob2 | waiting  |
| Job            | Status   |
| Job1           | bypassed |
| Job2           | bypassed |
| Job3           | bypassed |
| Job4           | bypassed |
| InnerJobNet    | bypassed |
|   InnerJob3    | bypassed |
|   InnerJob1    | bypassed |
|   InnerJob2    | bypassed |
| Job8           | finished |
| Job5           | bypassed |
| Job6           | bypassed |
| Job7           | bypassed |
| InnerJobNet2   | skipped  |
|   InnerJob4    | finished |
|   InnerJob5    | skipped  |
|   InnerJob6    | skipped  |
| InnerJobNet3   | running  |
|   InnerJob7    | finished |
|   InnerJob8    | running  |
|   InnerJob9    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob10   | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet4   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob11   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob12   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob13   | waiting  |
|   NestedJobNet | waiting  |
|     NestedJob1 | waiting  |
|     NestedJob2 | waiting  |

In above case, All jobs except Job8 and InnerJob4 and depending them are set bypassed. bypassed means that job is not executed, and regarded as successful. For example, a job depends two other jobs. Even if either job is bypassed, and another job is finished, it is executed.

Run Specific jobs

run_job command executes specified job forcely.

% be rukawa run_job Job8 InnerJob6 NestedJob1 -c 3 -r 5
| Job        | Status  |
| Job8       | waiting |
| InnerJob6  | waiting |
| NestedJob1 | running |
| Job        | Status   |
| Job8       | finished |
| InnerJob6  | finished |
| NestedJob1 | finished |

Main usage is manual reentering.

Output jobnet graph (dot file)

% bundle exec rukawa graph -o SampleJobNet.dot SampleJobNet
% dot -Tpng -o SampleJobNet.png SampleJobNet.dot

Use variables

class Job < Rukawa::Job
  def run
    # access via `variables` method
    # return freezed Hash object
    puts variables["var1"]
    puts variables["var2"]
% bundle exec rukawa run SampleJobNet --var var1:value1 var2:value2
# or
% bundle exec rukawa run SampleJobNet --varfile variables.yml
# or
% bundle exec rukawa run SampleJobNet --varfile variables.json
# variables.yml
var1: value1
var2: value2
// variables.json
  "var1": "value1",
  "var2": "value2"


You can control concurrency consumption.

class Job < Rukawa::Job
  set_resource_count 2

  def run
    # process

This job use 2 concurrency. (this does not means that job use 2 threads) If concurrency is less than jobs's resource count, resource count is set concurrency size.

You can set 0 to resource count. If a job is set 0 resource, concurrency of the job is unlimited.


class Job < Rukawa::Job
  before_run :wait_other_resource
  after_run :notify_finish
  around_run do |job, blk|

  def run
    # process

  def wait_other_resource

  def notify_finish

Config Example

# rukawa.rb

Rukawa.configure do |c|
  c.logger = OtherLogger.new
  c.concurrency = 4
  c.graph.concentrate = true
  c.graph.nodesep = 0.8

see. Rukawa::Configuration

ActiveJob Integration

class SampleJobNet < Rukawa::JobNet
  class << self
    def dependencies
      # Generate Wrapper class
      wrapped1 = Rukawa::Wrapper::ActiveJob[ActiveJobSample1] # named Rukawa::Wrapper::ActiveJobSample1Wrapper
      wrapped2 = Rukawa::Wrapper::ActiveJob[ActiveJobSample2] # named Rukawa::Wrapper::ActiveJobSample2Wrapper
        Job1 => [],
        wrapped1 => [Job1],
        wrapped2 => [wrapped1],

And write config to define status store for tracking remote job status"

redis_host = ENV["REDIS_HOST"] || "localhost:6379"
Rukawa.configure do |c|
  c.status_store = ActiveSupport::Cache::RedisStore.new(redis_host)
  c.status_expire_duration = 72 * 60 * 60 # default is 24 hours

Caution: When rukawa runs wrapper job, base ActiveJob class includes hook modules automatically in order to track job running status.


% bundle exec rukawa help run
  rukawa run JOB_NET_NAME [JOB_NAME] [JOB_NAME] ...

      [--config=CONFIG]                     # If this options is not set, try to load ./rukawa.rb
      [--job-dirs=JOB_DIR1 JOB_DIR2]        # Load job directories
  -c, [--concurrency=N]                     # Default: cpu count
  --var, [--variables=KEY:VALUE KEY:VALUE]
      [--varfile=VARFILE]                   # variable definition file. ex (variables.yml, variables.json)
  -b, [--batch], [--no-batch]               # If batch mode, not display running status
  -l, [--log=LOG]                           # Default: ./rukawa.log
      [--stdout], [--no-stdout]             # Output log to stdout
      [--syslog], [--no-syslog]             # Output log to syslog
  -d, [--dot=DOT]                           # Output job status by dot format
  -f, [--format=FORMAT]                     # Output job status format: png, svg, pdf, ... etc
  -r, [--refresh-interval=N]                # Refresh interval for running status information
                                            # Default: 3

Run jobnet. If JOB_NET is set, resume from JOB_NAME

% bundle exec rukawa help run_job
  rukawa run_job JOB_NAME [JOB_NAME] ...

      [--config=CONFIG]                     # If this options is not set, try to load ./rukawa.rb
      [--job-dirs=JOB_DIR1 JOB_DIR2]        # Load job directories
  -c, [--concurrency=N]                     # Default: cpu count
  --var, [--variables=KEY:VALUE KEY:VALUE]
      [--varfile=VARFILE]                   # variable definition file. ex (variables.yml, variables.json)
  -b, [--batch], [--no-batch]               # If batch mode, not display running status
  -l, [--log=LOG]                           # Default: ./rukawa.log
      [--stdout], [--no-stdout]             # Output log to stdout
      [--syslog], [--no-syslog]             # Output log to syslog
  -d, [--dot=DOT]                           # Output job status by dot format
  -f, [--format=FORMAT]                     # Output job status format: png, svg, pdf, ... etc
  -r, [--refresh-interval=N]                # Refresh interval for running status information
                                            # Default: 3

Run specific jobs.

% bundle exec rukawa help graph
  rukawa graph JOB_NET_NAME [JOB_NAME] [JOB_NAME] ... -o, --output=OUTPUT

      [--config=CONFIG]           # If this options is not set, try to load ./rukawa.rb
      [--job-dirs=one two three]
  -o, --output=OUTPUT

Output jobnet graph. If JOB_NET is set, simulate resumed job sequence

Usage from Ruby program

currency = 4
job_net = YourJobNetClass.new(variables: {"var1" => "value1"})
promise = job_net.run do
  puts "Job Running"

promise.then do |futures|
  errors = futures.map(&:reason).compact
  unless errors.empty?
    puts "JobNet has errors"



After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. Run bundle exec rukawa to use the gem in this directory, ignoring other installed copies of this gem.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/joker1007/rukawa.