

Update July 2020 - latest SwiftUI now has built-in components to do this, which should be used instead.


FlowStack is a SwiftUI component for laying out content in a grid.


Xcode 11 beta on MacOS 10.14 or 10.15


In Xcode, choose File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and enter this repo's URL.


FlowStack(columns, numItems, alignment) { index, colWidth in }

<dl> <dt>columns (Int)</dt> <dd>The number of columns to display.</dd> <dt>numItems (Int)</dt> <dd>The total count of items you will be displaying.</dd> <dt>alignment (HorizontalAlignment?)</dt> <dd>Default: .leading<br>The alignment of any trailing columns in the last row.</dd> </dl>

Callback parameters

<dl> <dt>index (Int)</dt> <dd>The index of the item currently being processed.</dd> <dt>colWidth (CGFloat)</dt> <dd>The computed width of the column currently being processed.</dd> </dl>


1) Simple

The simplest possible example:

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  Text(" \(index) ").frame(width: colWidth)

You should always add .frame(width: colWidth) to the immediate child of FlowStack.

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2) Displaying Data

struct Item {
  var image: String
  var label: String

let items = [
  Item(image: "hand.thumbsup", label: "Up"),
  Item(image: "tortoise", label: "Tortoise"),
  Item(image: "forward", label: "Forward"),
  Item(image: "hand.thumbsdown", label: "Down"),
  Item(image: "hare", label: "Hare"),
  Item(image: "backward", label: "Backward")

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: items.count, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  Button(action: { print("Tap \(index)!") }) {
    Image(systemName: items[index].image)
  .frame(width: colWidth)

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Let's draw a border on our cells to visualize some concepts:

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  Text(" \(index) ").frame(width: colWidth).border(Color.gray)

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Now let's swap the .frame and .border order and note what happens. This demonstrates the order of operations is important when chaining layout modifiers.

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  Text(" \(index) ").border(Color.gray).frame(width: colWidth)

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Now let's swap the order back and add some padding:

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  Text(" \(index) ").padding().frame(width: colWidth).border(Color.gray)

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To add actions, you can of course just put buttons in your cells like example #2. But there is also a way to detect a tap on the entire cell. Note we add a background to detect taps in the empty areas outside the text.

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  Text(" \(index) ")
    .frame(width: colWidth)
    .tapAction {

Example with images

Here's an example with images. LoadableImageView is from here.

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  VStack {
    LoadableImageView(with: "https://cataas.com/cat?type=sq?foo")
      .frame(width: colWidth, height: colWidth)
      .tapAction { print("Meow!") }
    Text(" \(index) ")
  .frame(width: colWidth)
  .tapAction {

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Evenly spaced grid

FlowStack(columns: 4, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  LoadableImageView(with: "https://cataas.com/cat?type=sq?rando")
    .frame(width: colWidth, height: colWidth)

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Please file a github issue if you're having trouble or spot a bug.