

<a href="https://super-productivity.com/"> <img align="center" alt="Banner" src="screens/banner-bw.png" /> </a> <p align="center"> <strong>An advanced todo list app with timeboxing & time tracking capabilities that supports importing tasks from your calendar, Jira, GitHub and others</strong> <p> <p align="center">:globe_with_meridians: <a href="https://app.super-productivity.com">Open Web App</a> or :computer: <a href="https://github.com/johannesjo/super-productivity/releases">Download</a></p> <br> <p align="center"> <a href="https://youtu.be/_mvMXWLsL-8"> <img src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/15384cae-8ba3-4474-bc2c-13e7765c2dd1" alt="animated" /> </a> </p> <br> <br>

Stand With Ukraine

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:heavy_check_mark: Features

And much more!

<a href="https://youtu.be/_mvMXWLsL-8"><img alt="Work View with global links" src="screens/screen_standard.png" width="100%"></a>

:question: How to use it

If you need some help, this article on dev.to is the best place to start.

If you prefer, there is also a (long) YouTube video available.

There is another older – the app looks and feels much better now ;) – article on how I personally might use the app - and still another one on how I implement the 'eat the frog' prioritizing scheme in the app.

If you have further questions, please refer to the discussions page.

<details> <summary> <b>⌨ Keyboard shortcuts and short-syntax</b></summary>

Keyboard shortcuts (most important)


Can be used when adding a task. <strong>(Each of these can be disabled in settings->short syntax)</strong>


:globe_with_meridians: Web Version

Check out the web version even though it is a bit limited: Time tracking only works if the app is open and for idle time tracking to work, the chrome extension must be installed.

If you want the Jira integration and idle time tracking to work, you also have to download and install the Super Productivity Chrome Extension.

:computer: Downloads & Install

All Platforms

Install from the releases page.


Due to certification issues it's recommended to download the app from the Microsoft Store:

<a href='//www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9nhfvg8361tw?cid=storebadge&ocid=badge'><img src='https://developer.microsoft.com/store/badges/images/English_get-it-from-MS.png' alt='English badge' width="127" height="52"/></a>

You can also install the app using Chocolatey:

choco install super-productivity


Snap - Most distributions

Install via command-line:

# stable
sudo snap install superproductivity

# edge channel releases
sudo snap install --channel=edge superproductivity

# it is also recommended to disable updates to the app while it is running:
sudo snap set core experimental.refresh-app-awareness=true
<a href="https://snapcraft.io/superproductivity"> <img alt="Get it from the Snap Store" src="https://snapcraft.io/static/images/badges/en/snap-store-black.svg" /> </a>

Flatpak - Most distributions

Must install Flatpak first. See setup instructions for all distributions.

Install via command-line:

# install
flatpak install flathub com.super_productivity.SuperProductivity

# run
flatpak run com.super_productivity.SuperProductivity
<a href='https://flathub.org/apps/com.super_productivity.SuperProductivity'> <img width='175' alt='Get it on Flathub' src='https://flathub.org/api/badge?locale=en'/> </a>

Aur - Arch Linux

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/superproductivity-bin.git
cd superproductivity-bin
makepkg -si


Install via homebrew cask:

brew install --cask superproductivity
<a href='//apps.apple.com/de/app/super-productivity/id1482572463?l=en&mt=12' target="_blank"> <img src='./screens/app-store-badge.svg' alt='App Store Badge' height="50" /> </a>


A new version of the Android app is now available with Connectivity-Free Mode, allowing you to use the app without an internet connection.

This update offers more flexibility, supporting both fully offline usage and integration with services like WebDAV and Dropbox for syncing. Enjoy a smoother, more reliable experience whether you're online or offline.

Stay tuned for even more exciting updates!

You can find the Android app here:

<a href='//play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.superproductivity.superproductivity' target="_blank"> <img src='./screens/google-play-badge.png' align="center" alt='App Store Badge' height="50" /> </a> <a href='//f-droid.org/en/packages/com.superproductivity.superproductivity' target="_blank"> <img src='https://f-droid.org/assets/fdroid-logo-text_S0MUfk_FsnAYL7n2MQye-34IoSNm6QM6xYjDnMqkufo=.svg' align="center" alt='F-Droid Badge' height="50" /> </a>

The sources can be found here.

:hearts: Contributing

Please check out the CONTRIBUTING.md

There are several ways to help.

  1. Spread the word: More users mean more people testing and contributing to the app which in turn means better stability and possibly more and better features. You can vote for Super Productivity on Slant, Product Hunt, Softpedia or on AlternativeTo, you can tweet about it, share it on LinkedIn, reddit or any of your favorite social media platforms. Every little bit helps!

  2. Provide a Pull Request: Here is a list of the most popular community requests and here some info on how to run the development build. Please make sure that you're following the angular commit guidelines and to also include the issue number in your commit message, if you're fixing a particular issue (e.g.: feat: add nice feature with the number #31).

  3. Answer questions: You know the answer to another user's problem? Share your knowledge!

  4. Provide your opinion: Some community suggestions are controversial. Your input might be helpful and if it is just an up- or down-vote.

  5. Provide a more refined UI spec for existing feature requests

  6. Report bugs

  7. Make a feature or improvement request: Something can be done better? Something essential missing? Let us know!

  8. Translations, Icons, etc.: You don't have to be programmer to help. Some of the icons really need improvement and many of the translations could use some love.

inlang status badge

You can use the Fink Localization Editor to edit, lint, and add translations for different languages. Contribute via fink Guide.

  1. Sponsor the project

Running the development server

To run the development server you need to have node installed at least in the version 14. Go to https://nodejs.org for installation instructions.

Clone repo

git clone https://github.com/johannesjo/super-productivity.git

Install dependencies

cd super-productivity
npm i -g @angular/cli
npm i

Run the dev server

ng serve

Afterwards you can open http://localhost:4200 in your browser. For most adjustments this should be enough and also enables you to use the redux dev tools.

If you want to run the app standalone do the following:

ng serve

# in a new console tab
npm start

Packaging the app

Packaging the app is done via electron-builder. To start packaging run npm run dist. If you want to add new platforms and experiment with the build options the easiest way to do so is manipulating the build property in the package.json, but you can also use the command line interface of electron builder.

Building for Android

This feature was added on October 7, 2024. See Pull Request #57.

To build the Android version of Super Productivity, please refer to the Android Build Documentation, which includes instructions on configuring Connectivity-Free Mode and Online-Only Mode (Compatibility Mode).

Ensure you follow the setup steps properly to configure the environment for building the app.

Run as Docker Container

docker run -d -p 80:80 johannesjo/super-productivity:latest

[!NOTE] The command will automatically pull the container that matches the host's platform. Use --platform to specify a different one.

Currently supported architectures: linux/amd64, linux/arm64, linux/arm/v7.

Now you can access the web app from your browser at http://localhost.

This container only serves the web app, and the user data is stored in the browser. Therefore, it does not have any persistent storage.

Integrate with WebDAV backend server

You can integrate the container with a WebDAV server container to provides WebDAV service with base url http://localhost/webdav.

Download pre-configured files

Download the pre-configured docker-compose.yaml and webdav.yaml from this repository to a local directory, say sp/.

# Alternatively, you can get them by cloning this repository
git clone https://github.com/johannesjo/super-productivity.git
mkdir -p sp
cp super-productivity/docker-compose.yaml sp/
cp super-productivity/webdav.yaml sp/
cd sp

Setup user accounts

Edit webdav.yaml to configure username and password. Remember to create and assign different directories to different users (within /data) to avoid mixing up user data.

Start the services

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

Additionally to accessing the web app from your browser at http://localhost, you can set up WebDAV synchronization with base url http://localhost/webdav/.

Custom themes (desktop only)

In addition to color coding your projects and tags and to the dark and light theme you can also load completely custom css to restyle everything. To load a custom theme you simply need put them into a new file named styles.css directly in the user data folder.

There is a great set of themes available for download in this repository as well as some info on how to create your own custom themes.

Custom WebDAV Syncing

If using the integrated WebDAV Syncing is not working out for you, you can also try to sync all app files, which are located in the user data folder.

Automatic Backups

For the desktop version automatic backups are stored per default in the backup sub folder of the user data folder. Once you located a backup you can restore it on the settings page under Sync & Export/Import/Export/Import from file.

User Data Folder

Where user data is stored differs from OS to OS. The most common locations are:

Mac OS~/Library/Application Support/superProductivity/
WindowsC:\Users\<YOUR_USER_NAME>\AppData\Roaming\superProductivity/ or %APPDATA%\superProductivity

The path should be shown when you go to the "Automatic Backups` section on the configuration page (minus the "backup" sub folder). You can also see it printed out when you start the app from the command line.

For web browsers, data is simply stored for the current user inside the browser storage.

Using a custom folder to save user data

You can specify a custom folder for saving your data by starting the application with the --user-data-dir parameter like so:

superproductivity --user-data-dir=/path/to/my/data