

Follow: CouchDB changes and db updates notifier for NodeJS


Follow (upper-case F) comes from an internal Iris Couch project used in production for over a year. It works in the browser (beta) and is available as an NPM module.

$ npm install follow


This looks much like the request API.

var follow = require('follow');
follow("https://example.iriscouch.com/boogie", function(error, change) {
  if(!error) {
    console.log("Got change number " + change.seq + ": " + change.id);

The error parameter to the callback will basically always be null.


The API must be very simple: notify me every time a change happens in the DB. Also, never fail.

If an error occurs, Follow will internally retry without notifying your code.

Specifically, this should be possible:

  1. Begin a changes feed. Get a couple of change callbacks
  2. Shut down CouchDB
  3. Go home. Have a nice weekend. Come back on Monday.
  4. Start CouchDB with a different IP address
  5. Make a couple of changes
  6. Update DNS so the domain points to the new IP
  7. Once DNS propagates, get a couple more change callbacks

Failure Mode

If CouchDB permanently crashes, there is an option of failure modes:

DB Updates

If the db url ends with /_db_updates, Follow will provide a _db_updates feed.

For each change, Follow will emit a change event containing:

Note that this feature is available as of CouchDB 1.4.

Simple API: follow(options, callback)

The first argument is an options object. The only required option is db. Instead of an object, you can use a string to indicate the db value.

follow({db:"https://example.iriscouch.com/boogie", include_docs:true}, function(error, change) {
  if(!error) {
    console.log("Change " + change.seq + " has " + Object.keys(change.doc).length + " fields");

<a name="options"></a> All of the CouchDB _changes options are allowed. See http://guide.couchdb.org/draft/notifications.html.

Besides the CouchDB options, more are available:

Object API

The main API is a thin wrapper around the EventEmitter API.

var follow = require('follow');

var opts = {}; // Same options paramters as before
var feed = new follow.Feed(opts);

// You can also set values directly.
feed.db            = "http://example.iriscouch.com/boogie";
feed.since         = 3;
feed.heartbeat     = 30    * 1000
feed.inactivity_ms = 86400 * 1000;

feed.filter = function(doc, req) {
  // req.query is the parameters from the _changes request and also feed.query_params.
  console.log('Filtering for query: ' + JSON.stringify(req.query));

  if(doc.stinky || doc.ugly)
    return false;
  return true;

feed.on('change', function(change) {
  console.log('Doc ' + change.id + ' in change ' + change.seq + ' is neither stinky nor ugly.');

feed.on('error', function(er) {
  console.error('Since Follow always retries on errors, this must be serious');
  throw er;


<a name="pause"></a>

Pause and Resume

A Follow feed is a Node.js stream. If you get lots of changes and processing them takes a while, use .pause() and .resume() as needed. Pausing guarantees that no new events will fire. Resuming guarantees you'll pick up where you left off.

follow("https://example.iriscouch.com/boogie", function(error, change) {
  var feed = this

  if(change.seq == 1) {
    console.log('Uh oh. The first change takes 30 hours to process. Better pause.')
    setTimeout(function() { feed.resume() }, 30 * 60 * 60 * 1000)

  // ... 30 hours with no events ...

    console.log('No need to pause for normal change: ' + change.id)

<a name="events"></a>


The feed object is an EventEmitter. There are a few ways to get a feed object:

Once you've got one, you can subscribe to these events:

Error conditions

Follow is happy to retry over and over, for all eternity. It will only emit an error if it thinks your whole application might be in trouble.


Follow uses node-tap. If you clone this Git repository, tap is included.

$ ./node_modules/.bin/tap test/*.js test/issues/*.js
ok test/couch.js ...................................... 11/11
ok test/follow.js ..................................... 69/69
ok test/issues.js ..................................... 44/44
ok test/stream.js ................................... 300/300
ok test/issues/10.js .................................. 11/11
total ............................................... 435/435



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