


Workspace for node-tap development.

Dev Commands

Do this at least once to get everything set up and ready to go:

npm run bootstrap

(Note: npm install will not work until you do this, because the generated TypeScript eats its own tail.)

Build the test class (required after any plugin or core changes):

npm run build

Any other builds:

npm run prepare -w src/{whatever}

After adding or removing workspaces:

npm i

Run all tests in all workspaces:

npm test

Run all tests, saving snapshots:

npm run snap

Build and serve docs:

npm start


Bootstrap and skipLibCheck

Run npm run bootstrap to build the @tapjs/test module with the default set of plugins, so that the other libraries can build properly. (This only has to be done once, unless the build script or set of default plugins are changed, of course.)

Because there's a bootstrapping cycle between @tapjs/core, @tapjs/test, and all of the plugins, they MUST use skipLibCheck: true in their tsconfigs. It should not be used in other packages.